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HyperscriptDefects in Crystals© H. Föll Matrix of Modules |
Hyperscripts of AMAT: General Information Home |
This matrix contains all modules (i.e. HTML files) of the Hyperscript. Incomplete modules will be finished, and more modules will be added in due time. There are three main levels for organizing the modules: | ||
Basics Contains some reference information and on occasion longer texts on background knowledge that you should be familiar with. |
Learning (main part) Contains everything that you should know after taking the course. |
Advanced Supplies knowledge beyond the scope of the course that is of some interest. Includes, on occasion, also elaborations about historical, strange or funny stuff relating to topics of the course. |
The main part ("learning") is further subdivided in 4 (vertical) columns and the (horizontal) chapters and sub-chapters which define the matrix. The columns "backbone I" and "backbone II" constitute the hard core of the Hyperscript; the columns "illustrations" and "exercises" intend to help in understanding and to practical applications of what has been learned. | ||
The cells of the matrix contain all the modules,
identified by their filename. The first letter of a filename has a specific
meaning which is given elsewhere. The
numbers have the following meaning: 1. number=chapter 2. number=subchapter 3. number=running integer |
The color coding of the entries means: | ||
Bold and blue: Finished module | ||
Bold and red: Unfinished module. | ||
Bold and green: Module contains JAVA or animation insets. | ||
Bold and light green: "Multiple Choice" Exercises. | ||
Bold and Pink: Summaries; Essentials; Quick questions. | ||
Metafiles |
Contents | Preface | Books | Running Term | ||
Basics | Backbone I | Backbone II | Illustrations | Exercises | Advanced |
1. Introduction |
1.1 Scope of the Course | |||||
r1_1_1 Relation to other courses r1_1_2 Background r1_1_3 Organisation |
1.2 Topics for Seminar | |||||
r1_2_1 Suggested Topics |
1.3 General Classification and Properties of Defects | |||||
Lattice b1_3_2 Vacancy b1_3_3 interstitial b1_3_5 Equilibrium b1_3_6 Band gap |
Classification r1_3_2 General properties r1_3_3 Complications |
t1_3_1 Extended V t1_3_2 Dumbbell t1_3_3 Octahedral site t1_3_4 Tetrahedral site t1_3_5 Swirl defects Article "Swirls Defects" |
t1_3_1 Crowdion t1_3_2 Cerofoli questions t1_3_3 D-defects/ELYMAT |
2. Properties of Point Defects |
2.1 Intrinsic
Point Defects and Equilibrium |
Combinatorics m2_1_2 Stirling formula b2_1_3 Schottky defect b2_1_4 Frenkel defect b2_1_5 Enthalpie/Entropie b2_1_6 Ionic crystals b2_1_7 Debye length b2_1_8 Vagaries S-Definition |
r2_1_1 Simple V and i r2_1_2 Frenkel defects r2_1_3 Schottky defects r2_1_4 Mixed Point Defects r2_1_5 Essentials to 2.1 |
H for V and i m2_1_1 Math "Schottky Defects" t2_1_1 H and S Frenkel and Schottky t2_1_2 PDs in ionic crystals |
e2_1_1 Find the mistake s2_1_1 Solution to e2.1.1 e2_1_2 Math "Sform" s2_1_2 Solution to e2.1.2 e2_1_3 Calculate Sform s2_1_3 Solution to e2.1.3 e2_1_4 Math "conc. V" s2_1_4 Solution to e2.1.4 e2_1_5 Math "mixed PD" s2_1_5 Solution to e2.1.5 e2_1_6 G difference Frenkel-Schottky s2_1_6 Solution to e2.1.6 e2_1_7 Quick questions 2.2.1 e2_1_8 Quick questions 2.2.2- 2.1.4 c2_1_1 Multiple choice c2_1_2 Multiple choice c2_1_3 Multiple choice |
t2_1_1 Entropy in QM t2_1_2 Biography Frenkel t2_1_3 Biography Schottky |
2.2 Extrinsic Point Defects and Agglomerates | |||||
Phase diagrams b2_2_2 Java Arrhenius |
r2_2_1 Impurity atoms r2_2_2 Local and global equilibrium r2_2_3 Essentials to 2.2 |
e2_2_1 Properties Johnson complex s2_2_1 Solution to e2.2.2 e2_2_2 Quick questions 2.2. c2_2_1 Multiple choice c2_2_2 Multiple choice |
t2_2_1 V -Impurity equilibrium |
2.3 Point Defects in Semiconductors like Silicon | |||||
r2_3_1 General Remarks |
Articles: PD in Si - 1 PD in Si - 2 PD in Si - 3 |
2.4 Point Defects in Ionic Crystals | |||||
Potential b2_4_2 R and k - mol and c |
r2_4_1 Motivation and Basics r2_4_2 Kröger-Vink Notation r2_4_3 Schottky Notation and Generalization r2_4_4 Brouwer diagram |
t2_4_1 Chem. Potential and Equilibrium t2_4_3 Mass Action Law t2_4_4 Pitfalls of Mass Action t2_4_5 Use of Mass Action t2_4_6 Alternative Derivations of Mass Action Law |
3. Point Defects and Diffusion |
3.1 General Remarks | |||||
Microelectronics b3_1_2 Optoelectronics b3_1_3 D and atomic mechanisms |
r3_1_1 Basics r3_3_1 Essentials to 3.1 |
t3_1_1 Values HM |
e3_1_1 Calculate g s3_1_1 Solution to 3.1.1 |
3.2 Diffusion Mechanisms | |||||
r3_2_1 Anim: Atomic mechanisms r3_2_2 Self-diffusion r3_2_3 Impurity diffusion r3_2_4 Essentials to 3.2 |
t3_2_1 Values self-diff. t3_2_2 Self-diff - Arrhenius t3_2_3 More diffusion in Si t3_2_5 Imp. diff. in Si- Arrhenius t3_2_4 Imp. diff in Si - jumps |
e3_2_1 Crystal identity s3_2_1 Solution 3.2.1 |
3.3 Experimental Approaches to Diffusion Phenomena | |||||
r3_3_1 Diffusion profiles r3_3_2 Essentials to 3.3 |
i3_3_1 Denuded zones (ELYMAT) |
e3_3_1 Quick questions 3. |
4. Experimental Techniques for Studying Point Defects |
4.1 Point Defects in Equilibrium | |||||
b4_1_1 Positron |
r4_1_1 PDs in equilibrium r4_1_2 Essentials to 4.1 |
t4_1_1 HF-values g4_1_1 Positron lifetime in Ag g4_1_2 Positron lifetime Si/Ge g4_1_3 Dl example g4_1_4 Noise example |
e4_1_1 Life time of positrons s4_1_1 Solution 4.1.1 |
Article Positron Annihil. |
4.2 Point Defects in Non-Equilibrium | |||||
r4_2_1 PDs in non-equilibrium r4_2_2 Essentials to 4.2 |
g4_2_3 Simple swirls g4_2_4 High quality STM g4_2_5 Quenching calculations g4_2_6 STM of GaAs |
e4_2_1 Diffusion during cooling s4_2_1 Solution 4.2.1 e4_2_2 Quick questions 4. |
4.3 Specialities | |||||
r4_3_2 Specialities |
5. Dislocations |
5.1 Basics | |||||
r5_1_1 Burgers- and line vector r5_1_2 Volterra; consequences r5_1_3 Essentials to 5.1 |
i5_1_1 History of dislocations i5_1_2 Perspective view disl. i5_1_3 Steel and Bullshit i5_1_4 Transmogrification i5_1_5 Egyptian fire blowing i5_1_6 Merowinger damascene sword a5_1_1 Anim.: Movement of disloc. |
e5_1_1 Sign of b and t s5_1_1 Solution to e5_1_1 e5_1_2 Animation mistakes s5_1_2 Solution to e5_1_2 e5_1_1 Quick questions 3. |
t5_1_1 Damascene technique t5_1_2 Discovery or invention? t5_1_3 Voltaterras tubes t5_1_4 History steel t5_1_5 Glossary Steel t5_1_6 Most important technology l5_1_1 Literature Steel a5_1_1 Anim.: Movement mixed disl. |
5.2 Elasticity Theorie, Energy and Forces | |||||
b5_2_1 Displacement and strain |
r5_2_1 Basic elast. Theory r5_2_2 Stress field dislocation r5_2_3 Energy of dislocations r5_2_4 Forces on dislocations r5_2_5 Interactions between dislocations r5_2_6 Essentials to 5.2 |
i5_2_1 Stress graphical i5_2_2 Force between edge disl. |
e5_2_2 Forces on dislocations s5_2_2 Solution to e5_2_2 |
t5_2_1 Hollow dislocations |
5.3 Movement of Dislocations | |||||
r5_3_1 Movement, kinks, jogs, generation r5_3_2 Generation of dislocations r5_3_3 Climb of dislocations r5_3_4 Essentials to 5.3 |
i5_3_1 Jogs and vacancy trail |
e5_3_1 Dislocations and obstacles |
Article Frank and Read |
5.4 Partial Dislocations and Stacking Faults | |||||
r5_4_1 SF and close packing r5_4_2 Reactions involving partials r5_4_3 Specific crystals r5_4_4 Essentials to 5.4 |
i5_4_1 i-aggl. to dislocat. in Si i5_4_2 Stair-rod dislocation i5_4_3 SF tetrahedra formation i5_4_4 SF tetrahedra in Au i5_4_5 Thompsom tetrahedra |
6. Observing Dislocations and Other Defects |
6.1 Decoration and Conventional Microscopy | |||||
b6_1_1 Diff.- and generation currents |
r6_1_1 Preferential Etching r6_1_2 IR microscopy |
i6_1_1 Swirls (low magnification) i6_1_2 Process induced defects- overview i6_1_3 Process induced defects- large 1 i6_1_4 Process induced defects- large 2 i6_1_5 Defects in transistors i6_1_6 Anodic etching 1 i6_1_7 Principle EBIC i6_1_8 Comp. anodic etchg.-EBIC i6_1_9 IR of edge disl. in GaAs i6_1_10 Etching precipitates |
t6_1_2 Defect etching in Si t6_1_3 Dislocations in trenches |
6.2 X-Ray Topography | |||||
r6_2_1 X-ray topography |
i6_2_1 X-ray topography i6_2_2 Case study bipolar |
6.3 Transmission Electron Microscopy | |||||
r6_3_1 Basics r6_3_2 Case studies r6_3_3 Stacking faults r6_3_4 Atomic Resolution |
i6_3_1 WB different g i6_3_2 Unknown ribbon defect i6_3_3 Rad. damage in Co i6_3_4 FeSi precipitates in Si i6_3_5 Prismatic punching i6_3_6 Helix dislocations i6_3_7 Dislocations in TiAl i6_3_8 PtSi on Si i6_3_9 Comparison wb - bf i6_3_10 Dislocations in Ti-Al |
t6_3_1 TEM and Kikuchi lines t6_3_2 Micro twin t6_3_3 OSF |
7. Grain Boundaries |
7.1 Coincidence Lattices | |||||
r7_1_1 Twin boundaries r7_1_2 The CSL r7_1_3 Defects and DSC lattice |
a7_1_1 Rotating hex. lattice i7_1_1 Icrit in supercond. |
t7_1_1 Specifics to CSL theory t7_1_2 Rigid body translations |
7.2 Grain Boundary Dislocations | |||||
r7_2_1 Small angle GBs r7_2_2 Case studies Si I r7_2_3 Case studies Si II r7_2_4 Generalization |
i7_2_1 Drawing screw network i7_2_2 HRTEM of screw dislocations i7_2_3 SAGB with twist and tilt i7_2_5 Disl. reaction in GB |
t7_2_1 Franks formula t7_2_2 Complication in 111 twist boundary t7_2_3 Stacking fault in DSC |
7.3 O-Lattice Theory | |||||
b7_3_1 Matrix algebra |
r7_3_1 Concept r7_3_2 Working O-lattice r7_3_3 Significance O-lattice r7_3_4 Special O-lattices r7_3_5 DSC lattice r7_3_6 Large Angle GB's |
i7_3_1 Bollmann original i7_3_2 S=5 and O-lattice |
t7_3_1 Bollmann and Franks formula |
8. Phase Boundaries |
8.1 Using the CSL Concept and Misfit Dislocations | |||||
r8_1_1 Misfit Dislocations |
Sir Peters Paper Sir Peter annotated i8_1_1 Misfit disl. in Si |
t8_1_1 Compliant substrates |
8.2 Case Studies | |||||
r8_2_1 Ni Silicides r8_2_2 Pd Silicides |
i8_2_1 NiSi2 cross-section i8_2_2 NiSi2 overview |
8.3 Steps in Interfaces | |||||
r8_3_1 Relation steps - dislocations r8_3_2 Open questions |
i8_3_1 BaTiO3 large |
t8_3_1 Interpreting BaTiO3 |
Basics | backbone I | Backbone II | Illustrations | Exercise | Advanced |
Module Count (finished modules only) | |||||
24 | 54 | 11 | 76 | 31 | 34 |
Grand Total: 230 |