We start with the most simple point defects imaginable and consider an uncharged
vacancy in
a simple crystal with a base
consisting of only one atomic species - that means mostly metals and semiconductors. |
Some call this kind of defect "Schottky
Defect, although the original Schottky defects were introduced
for ionic crystals containing at least two different
atoms in the base. |
We call vacancies and their "opposites", the self-intersitals, intrinsic point defects for starters. Intrinsic simple
means that these point defects can be generated in the ideal world of the ideal crystal. No external or
extrinsic help or stuff is needed. |
To form one
vacancy at constant pressure (the usual situation), we have to add some free
to the crystal, or, to use the name commonly employed by the chemical community, Gibbs energy.
GF, the free enthalpy of vacancy formation, is defined as |
| |
The index F
always means "formation"; HF thus is the formation enthalpy
of one vacancy, SF the formation entropy of one vacancy, and T is always the absolute
temperature. |
The formation enthalpy
HF in solids is practically indistinguishable from the formation energy
(sometimes written UF) which has to be used if the volume and not the pressure is kept constant.
The formation entropy, which in elementary
considerations of point defects usually is omitted, must not be confused with the entropy of mixing
or configurational entropy; the entropy originating from the many possibilities of arranging many
vacancies, but is a property of a single vacancy resulting from the disorder introduced
into the crystal by changing the vibrational properties of the neighboring atoms (see ahead). |
The next step consists of minimizing the free enthalpy G
of the complete crystal with respect to the number nV of the vacancies, or the concentration cV
= nV /N, if the number of vacancies is referred to the number of atoms N comprising
the crystal. We will drop the index "V" from now now on because this consideration is valid for all kinds
of point defects, not just vacancies. |
The number or concentration of vacancies in thermal
equilibrium (which is not necessarily identical to chemical
equilibrium!) then follows from finding the minimum of G with respect to n (or c),
i.e. |
| |
¶n | = |
¶ ¶n |
æ è |
G0 + G1 + G2 |
ö ø | = 0 |
G0 = Gibbs energy of the perfect crystal, G1 = Work (or energy) needed
to generate n vacancies = n · GF, and
G2 = – T · Sconf with Sconf
= configurational entropy of n vacancies, or, to
use another expression for the same quantity, the entropy of mixing
n vacancies. |
We note that the partial derivative of G
with respect to n, which should be written as [¶G/¶n]everything
else = const. is, by definition, the chemical
µ of
the defects under consideration. This will become important if we consider chemical equilibrium of defects in, e.g., ionic crystals. |
The partial derivatives are easily done, we obtain |
| |
which finally leads to |
¶n | = |
GF – T · |
¶n | = |
0 |
| | |
| | |
| | = |
chemical potential µV in equilibrium |
We now need to calculate the entropy
of mixing or configurational entropy Sconf by using Boltzmann's famous formula |
With kB
= k = Boltzmanns constant and P = number of different configurations (= microstates)
for the same macrostate. |
The exact meaning of P is sometimes a bit confusing; activate the
link to see why. |
A macrostate for our case is any possible
combination of the number n of vacancies and the number N of atoms of the crystal. We obtain
P(n) thus by looking at the number of possibilities to arrange n vacancies on N sites.
This is a standard situation in combinatorics; the number we need is given by the binomial coefficient; we have |
| |
P | = |
æ è | N
n | ö ø |
= |
N! (N – n)! · n! |
If you have problems with that, look at exercise 2.1-1
below. |
The calculation of ¶S/¶n
now is straight forward in principle, but analytically only possible with two approximations: |
Mathematical Approximation: Use the Stirling
formula in its simplest version for the factorials, i.e. |
| |
Physical Approximation: There are always far fewer vacancies than atoms; this means |
| |
As a first result we obtain "approximately" |
| |
If you have any doubts about this point, you should do the following exercise. |
| | |
| |
| | |
With n/N = cV = concentration of vacancies
as defined before, we obtain the familiar formula |
or, using GF = HF – T SF
| |
cV | = exp |
SF k |
· exp – |
HF kT |
For self-interstitials, exactly the same
formula applies if we take the formation energy to be now the formation energy of a self-interstitial. |
However, the formation enthalpy of self-interstitials is usually (but not necessarily) considerably
larger than that of a vacancy. This means that their equilibrium concentration is usually substantially smaller than that
of vacancies and is mostly simply neglected. |
Some numbers are given in this link; far
more details are found here. The one number to remember is: |
| |
HF(vacancy) in simple metals |
» 1 eV |
It goes without saying (I hope) that the way you look at equations
like this is via an Arrhenius
plot. In the link you can play with
that and refresh your memory |
Instead of plotting cV(T) vs. T directly as
in the left part of the illustration below, you plot the logarithm lg[cV(T)]
vs. 1/T as shown on the right. |
In the resulting "Arrhenius plot" or "Arrhenius diagram" you will get
a straight line. The (negative) slope of this straight line is then "activation"
energy of the process you are looking at (in our case the formation energy of the vacancy), the y-axis
intercept gives directly the pre-exponential factor. |
Compared to simple formulas in elementary courses, the factor exp(SF/k)
might be new. It will be justified below. |
Obtaining this formula by shuffling all the factorials and so on is is not quite
as easy as it looks - lets do a little fun exercise |
| |
Like always, one can second-guess the assumptions and approximations: Are they
really justified? When do they break down? |
The reference enthalpy G0 of the perfect crystal may
not be constant, but dependent on the chemical environment of the crystal since it is in fact a sum over chemical potentials
including all constituents that may undergo reactions (including defects) of the system under consideration. The concentration
of oxygen vacancies in oxide crystals may, e.g., depend on the partial pressure of O2 in the atmosphere
the crystal experiences. This is one of the working principles of Ionics as used for sensors.
Chapter 2.4 has more to say to that. |
The simple equilibrium consideration does not concern itself with the kinetics of the generation
and annihilation of vacancies and thus makes no statement about the time required to reach equilibrium.
We also must keep in mind that the addition of the surplus atoms to external or internal surfaces, dislocations, or other
defects while generating vacancies, may introduce additional energy terms. |
There may be more than one possibility for
a vacancy to occupy a lattice site (for interstitials this
is more obvious). This can be seen as a degeneracy of the energy state, or as additional degrees of freedom for the combinatorics
needed to calculate the entropy. In general, an additional entropy term has to be introduced. Most generally we obtain
| |
with Zd or Z0 =
partition functions of the system with and without defects, respectively. The link (in German) gets you to a short review
of statistical thermodynamics including the partition function. |
Lets look at two examples where this may be important: |
The energy state of a vacancy might be "degenerate", because it is charged and
has trapped an electron that has a spin which could be either up or down - we have two, energetically identical "versions"
of the vacancy and Zd/Z0 = 2 in this case. |
A double vacancy in a bcc crystals has more than one way of sitting at one lattice
position. There is a preferred orientation along <111>, and Zd/Z0 =
4 in this case. |
| |
The formation entropy is associated with a single defect, it
must not be mixed up with the entropy of mixing resulting from many defects. |
It can be seen as the additional entropy
or disorder added to the crystal with every additional vacancy. There is disorder associated with every single vacancy because
the vibration modes of the atoms are disturbed by defects. |
Atoms with a vacancy as a neighbour tend to vibrate with lower frequencies because some bonds,
acting as "springs", are missing. These atoms are therefore less well localized than the others and thus more
"unorderly" than regular atoms. |
Entropy residing in lattice vibrations is nothing new, but quite important outside
of defect considerations, too: |
Several bcc element crystals are stable only because
of the entropy inherent in their lattice vibrations. The – TS term in the free
enthalpy then tends to overcompensate the higher enthalpy associated with non close-packed lattice structures. At high
temperatures we therefore find a tendency for a phase change converting fcc lattices to bcc lattices which
have "softer springs", lower vibration frequencies and higher entropies. For details compare Chapter 6 of Haasens book. |
The calculation of the formation entropy,
however, is a bit complicated. But the result of this calculation is quite simple. Here
we give only the essential steps and approximations. |
First we describe the crystal as a sum of harmonic oscillators
- i.e. we use the well-known harmonic approximation. From quantum mechanics we know the energy E of an harmonic
oscillator; for an oscillator number i and the necessary quantum number n we have |
| |
Ei,n | = |
h wi 2p
| · (n + 1/2) |
We are going to derive the entropy from the all-encompassing
partition function of the system and thus have to find the correct expression. |
The partition function Zi of one
harmonic oscillator as defined in statistical mechanics is given by |
| |
Z i | = |
å n |
exp – |
h wi · (n + ½) 2p
· kT |
The partition function of the crystal then is given by
the product of all individual partition function of the p = 3N
oscillators forming a crystal with N atoms, each of which has three degrees of freedom for oscillations. We
have |
| |
From statistical thermodynamics we know that the free energy
F (or, for solids, in a very good approximation also the free enthalpy G) of our oscillator
ensemble which we take for the crystal is given by |
F = – kT · ln Z = kT · |
å i |
æ ç è |
4pkT |
+ | ln |
æ è |
1 – exp – |
2pkT |
ö ø |
ö ÷ ø |
Likewise, the entropy of the ensemble (for const. volume) is |
| |
Differentiating with respect to T yields for the
entropy of our - so far - ideal crystal without defects: |
S = k · |
å i |
æ ç è |
– ln |
æ è |
1 – exp |
2p · kT |
ö ø |
+ |
| exp |
æ è |
2p · kT |
ö ø |
– 1 | |
| ö ÷ ø |
Now we consider a crystal with just one
vacancy. All eigenfrequencies
of all oscillators change from wi to a new as yet undefined value w'i. The entropy of vibration now is S'. |
The formation entropy SF of our single vacancy now can be defined, it is
| |
i.e. the difference in entropy between the perfect crystal and a crystal with one
vacancy. |
It is now time to get more precise about the wi,
the frequencies of vibrations. Fortunately, we know some good approximaitons: |
At temperatures higher then the Debye
temperature, which is the interesting temperature region if one wants to consider
vacancies in reasonable concentrations, we have |
hwi 2p
| << | kT |
| | |
hw'i 2p |
<< | kT |
which means that we can expand hwi/2p
into a series of which we (as usual) consider only the first term. |
through the arithmetic, we obtain as final result, summing over all eigenfrequencies of the crystal |
| |
This now calls for a little exercise: |
| | |
| |
| |
For analytical calculations we only consider next neighbors of a vacancy as contributors
to the sum; i.e. we assume w = w' everywhere
else. In a linear approximation, we consider bonds as linear springs; missing bonds change the frequency in an easily calculated
way. As a result we obtain (for all cases where our approximations are sound): |
SF (single vacancy) » 0.5 k (Cu) to 1.3
k (Au). |
SF (double vacancy) » 1.8 k (Cu) to 2.2
k (Au). |
These values, obtained by assuming that only nearest neighbors of a vacancy contribute
to the formation entropy, are quite close to the measured ones. (How formation entropies are measured, will be covered in
chapter 4). Reversing the argumentation,
we come to a major conclusion: |
The formation entropy
measures the spatial extension of a vacancy, or, more generally, of a zero-dimensional defect. The larger SF,
the more extended the defect will be because than more atoms must have changed their vibrations frequencies. |
As a rule of thumb (that we justify with a little exercise below) we have: |
» 1k corresponds to a truly atomic defect, SF
» 10k correponds to extended defects disturbing
a volume of about 5 - 10 atoms. |
This is more easily visualized for interstitials than for vacancies. An "atomic"
interstitials can be "constructed" by taking out one atom and filling in two atoms without changing all the other atoms appreciably. An interstitial extended over the
volume of e.g. 10 atoms is formed by taking out 10 atoms and filling in
11 atoms without giving preference in any way to one of the 11 atoms -
you cannot identify a given atom with the interstitial. |
Vacancies or interstitials in elemental crystal mostly have formation entropies
around 1k, i.e. they are "point like". There is a big exception, however: Si
does not fit this picture. |
While the precise values of formation enthalpies and entropies of vacancies and interstitials
in Si are still not known with any precision, the formation entropies are
definitely large and probably temperature dependent; values around 6k - 15k at high temperatures are considered.
Historically, this led Seeger and Chik
in 1968 to propose that in Si the self-interstitial is the dominating point defect and not the vacancy as
in all other (known) elemental crystals. This proposal kicked of a major scientific storm; the dust has not yet settled. |
| |
| |
So far, we assumed that there is no interaction between point defects, or that
their density is so low that they "never" meet. But interactions are the rule, for vacancies they are usually
attractive. This is relatively easy to see from basic considerations. |
Let's first look at metals: |
A vacancy introduces a disturbance in the otherwise perfectly periodic potential which will
be screened by the free electrons, i.e. by a rearrangement of the electron density around a vacancy. The formation enthalpy
of a vacancy is mostly the energy needed for this rearrangement; the elastic energy contained in the somewhat changed atom
positions is comparatively small. |
If you now introduce a second vacancy next to to the first one, part of the screening is already
in place; the free enthalpy needed to remove the second atom is smaller. |
In other word: There is a certain binding enthalpy (but from now on we will call it
energy, like everybody else) between vacancies in metals (order of magnitude: (0,1 - 0,2) eV). |
Covalently bonded crystals |
The formation energy of a vacancy is mostly determined by the energy needed to "break"
the bonds. Taking away a second atom means that fewer bonds need to be broken - again there is a positive binding energy. |
Ionic crystals |
Vacancies are charged, this leads to Coulomb attraction between vacancies in the cation or
anion sublattice, resp., and to repulsion between vacancies of the same nature. We may have positive and negative binding
energies, and in contrast to the other cases the interaction can be long-range. |
The decisive new parameter is the binding energy
E2V between two vacancies. It can be defined as above, but we also can write down a kind of "chemical"
reaction equation involving the binding energy E2V
(the sign is positive for attraction): |
V in this case is more than an
abbreviation, it is the "chemical symbol" for a vacancy. |
If you have some doubts about writing down chemical reaction equation for "things"
that are not atoms, you are quite right - this needs some special considerations.
But rest assured, the above equation is correct, and you can work with it exactly as with any reaction equation, i.e. apply
reaction kinetics, the mass action law, etc. |
Now we can do a calculation of the equilibrium concentration of Divacancies.
We will do this in two ways. |
First Approach: Minimize
the total free enthalpy (as before): |
First we define a few convenient quantities |
| |
GF(2V) | = |
HF(2V) – TSF(2V) |
With D
S2V = entropy of association (it is in the order of 1k
- 2k in metals), and E2V = binding energy between two vacancies. We obtain in complete analogy to single vacancies
| |
c2V | = |
z 2 | · exp |
S2V k | · |
exp – |
HF(2V) kT |
c2V | = |
c1V2 · |
z 2 | · exp |
DS2V k |
· | exp |
E2V kT |
The factor z/2 (z = coordination number = number of
(symmetrically identical) next neighbors) takes into account the different ways of aligning a divacancy on one point in
the lattice as already noticed above. We have z =
12 for fcc, 8 for bcc and 4 for diamond lattices. |
The formula tells us that the concentration of divacancies in
thermal equilibrium is always much smaller than
the concentration of single vacancies since cV << 1. "Thermal equilibrium" has
been emphasized, because in non-equilibrium things are totally different! |
Some typical values for metals close to their melting point are |
| |
c1V | = |
104 - 103 |
| | |
c2V | = |
106 - 105 |
In the second approach,
we use the mass action law. |
With the reversible reaction 1V + 1V Û V2V
+ E2V and by using the mass action law we obtain
| |
(c1V)2 c2V |
= | K(T) = |
const · exp – |
DE kT |
With DE = energy of the forward
reaction (you have to be extremely careful with sign conventions
whenever invoking mass action laws!). This leads to |
c2V | = |
(c1V)2 |
· const1 |
· exp |
DE kT |
In other words: Besides the "const.–1" we get
the same result, but in an "easier" way. |
The only (small) problem is: You have to know something additional for the determination of
reaction constants if you just use the mass action law. And that it is not necessarily easy - it involves the concept of
the chemical potential and does not easily account for factors coming
from additional freedoms of orientation. e.g. the factor z/2 in the equation above. |
The important point in this context is that the reaction equation formalism also
holds for non-equilibrium, e.g. during the cooling of a crystal when
there are too many vacancies compared to equilibrium conditions. In this case we must consider local instead of global
equilibrium, see chapter 2.2.3. |
| |
© H. Föll (Defects - Script)