This module contains brief general information about exercises and the seminar. | ||
Whatever is really happening in the running term, will be found in the links | ||
As far as exercise classes take place, the questions will be either from the Hyperscript or will be constructed along similar lines. | ||
As far as the seminar part is concerned: Which group will deal with which topic will be decided in the first week of the class. | ||
You may choose your subject from the list of topics, or suggest a subject of your interest which is not on the list. | ||
Presentation will be clustered at the second half of the term (or, if so demanded, in the semester break); the beginning date depends on the number of participants | ||
For most topics, you can sign out some materials to get you started; there is also always helpavailable from the teaching assistants. | ||
© H. Föll (Defects - Script)