1.2.2 Rules for Seminar

General Rules

Two (or, as an exception), three students form a team.
The team decides on the the detailed outline of the presentation, collects the material and writes the paper.
The delivery of the presentation can be done in any way that divides the time about equally between the members of the team.
Every team has an advisor who is always available (but do call ahead).
Selection of Topics and Schedules
The relevant list of topics available for the current term will be presented and discussed at the first few weeks of the lecture class.
You may suggest your own topic.
Preparation of the Presentation
Starting material will be issued in the second week of the course, but it is the teams responsibility to find the relevant literature.
The teams should consult their advisor several weeks prior to the presentation and discuss the outline and the contents of the presentation.

Presentation and Paper

The presentation and the paper should be given in English language. Exceptions are possible upon demand; but vuegraphs must be in English without exception. Language and writing skills will not influence the grading.
Papers must be handed in at the latest one day before the presentation in an electronic format (preferably html), and as a copy-ready paper. Very good papers written in HTML will be included in the hyperscript.
Copies for the other students will be made and issued by the lecture staff
Papers that are handed in at least one week before the presentation will be corrected with respect to language (this might improve the copies you hand out!)
The presentations must not exceed 45 min. (For exceptions, ask your advisor).
Presentations will be filmed if so desired (tell your advisor well ahead of time). The video is only available to the speakers.
The presentation is followed by a discussion (10 - 15 min.) The discussion leader (usually the advisor) may ask questions to the speaker and the audience.

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© H. Föll (Defects - Script)