The elastic distortion around a straight screw dislocation of infinite length
can be represented in terms of a cylinder of elastic material deformed as defined by Volterra.
The following illustration shows the basic geometry. |
A screw dislocation produces the deformation shown in the left hand picture. This can be modeled
by the Volterra deformation mode as shown in the right hand picture - except for the core region of the dislocation, the
deformation is the same. A radial slit was cut in the cylinder parallel to the z-axis, and the free surfaces displaced
rigidly with respect to each other by the distance b, the magnitude of the Burgers vector of the screw dislocation,
in the z-direction. |
In the core region the strain is very large - atoms are displaced by about a lattice constant.
Linear elasticity theory thus is not a valid approximation there, and we must exclude
the core region. We then have no problem in using the Volterra approach; we just have to consider the core region separately
and add it to the solutions from linear elasticity theory. |
The elastic field in the dislocated cylinder can be found by direct
inspection. First, it is noted that there are no displacements
in the x and y directions, i.e. ux=uy=0 . |
In the z-direction, the displacement varies smoothly from 0
to b as the angle q goes from 0 to 2p.
This can be expressed as |
| |
uz | = |
b · q 2p
| = |
b 2p |
· tan1(y/x) |
= |
b 2p |
· arctan (y/x) |
Using the equations for the
strain we obtain the strain field of a screw
dislocation: |
| |
exx | = |
eyy = ezz =
exy = eyx = 0 |
exz | = |
ezx = – |
b 4p | ·
| y x2 + y2 |
= – | b
4p | · |
sin q r |
eyz | = |
ezy = | b
4p | · |
x x2 + y2 |
= |
b 4p |
· | cos q
r |
The corresponding stress field
is also easily obtained from the relevant equations: |
| |
sxx | = |
syy = szz =
sxy = syx = 0 |
sxz | = |
szx = – |
G · b 2p |
· | y
x2 + y2 | = – |
G · b 2p |
· |
sin q r |
syz | = |
szy = |
G · b 2p |
· | x
x2 + y2 | = |
G · b 2p |
· |
cos q r |
In cylindrical
coordinates, which are clearly better matched to the situation, the stress can be expressed via the following
relations: |
| |
srz | = |
sxy cosq
+ syz sinq |
| | |
sq z |
= |
– sxz sinq +
syz cosq |
Similar relations hold for the strain. We obtain the
simple equations: |
| |
eq z |
= |
ezq = |
b 4pr |
| | |
sq z |
= |
szq = |
G · b 2pr |
The elastic distortion contains no tensile or compressive components and consists
of pure shear. szq acts parallel to the
z axis in radial planes of constant q and sqz
acts in the fashion of a torque on planes normal to the axis. The field exhibits complete radial symmetry and the cut thus
can be made on any radial plane q= constant. For a dislocation of opposite
sign, i.e. a left-handed screw, the signs of all the field components are reversed.
There is, however, a serious problem with these equations: |
| |
| |
The stresses and strains are proportional to 1/r and therefore
diverge to infinity as r ® 0 as shown in the schematic
picture on the left. |
| |
This makes no sense and therefore the cylinder used for the calculations
must be hollow to avoid r - values that are too small, i.e. smaller than
the core radius r0. |
Real crystals, of course, do (usually) not
contain hollow dislocation cores. If we want to include the dislocation core, we must do this with a more advanced theory
of deformation, which means a non-linear atomistic theory. There are, however, ways to avoid this, provided one is willing
to accept a bit of empirical science. |
The picture simply illustrates that strain and stress are, of course, smooth functions of
r. The fact that linear elasticity theory can not cope with the core, does not mean that there is a real problem. |
| |
How large is radius r0 or the extension of the dislocation core? Since the theory used is only valid for small strains, we may equate the core region
with the region were the strain is larger than, say, 10%. From the equations above
it is seen that the strain exceeds about 0,1 or 10% whenever r
b. A reasonable value for the dislocation core radius r0
therefore lies in the range b to 4b, i.e. r0
³ 1 nm in most cases. |
| |
Edge Dislocation |
| |
The stress field of an edge dislocation is somewhat more complex than that of
a screw dislocation, but can also be represented in an isotropic cylinder by the Volterra
construction. |
Using the same methodology as in the case of a screw dislocation, we replace the
edge dislocation by the appropriate cut in a cylinder. The displacement and strains in the z-direction are
zero and the deformation is basically a "plane strain". |
It is not as easy as in the case of the screw dislocation to write down the strain field, but the reasoning follows the same line of arguments. We simply look at the results:
| |
sxx | = – |
D · y | 3x2 + y2
(x2 + y2)2 |
syy | = | D · y |
x2 – y2
(x2 + y2)2 |
sxy | = |
syx = | D · x |
x2 – y2
(x2 + y2)2 |
szz | = |
szx = syz = szy = 0 |
We used the abbreviation D=Gb /2p (1 – n) . |
The stress field has, therefore, both dilational and shear components. The largest
normal stress is sxx which acts parallel to the Burgers vector. Since the slip
plane can be defined as y=0, the maximum compressive stress (sxx
is negative) acts immediately above the slip plane and the maximum tensile stress (sxx
is positive) acts immediately below the slip plane. |
The effective pressure (given by the sum
over the normal components of the stress) is |
p | = |
2 · (1 + n) · D 3 |
· | y
x2 + y2 |
We thus have compressive stress above the slip plane and tensile stresses below - just as deduced
from the qualitative picture of an edge dislocation; graphical representation
of the stress field of an edge dislocation is shown in the link. |
For edge dislocations (and screw dislocations too), the sign of the stress- and
strain components reverses if the sign of the Burgers vector is reversed. |
Again, we have to leave out the dislocation core; the core radius
again can be taken to be about 1b - 4b |
We are left with the case of a mixed
dislocation. This is not a problem anymore. Since we have a linear isotropic theory, we can just take the solutions
for the edge- and screw component of the mixed dislocation and superimpose, i.e. add them. |
As far as "simple" elasticity theory goes, we now have everything we can obtain.
If better descriptions are needed, the matter becomes extremely complicated! But thankfully, this simple description is
sufficient for most applications. |
© H. Föll (Defects - Script)