Solution to Exercise 2.2-1"Properties for Johnson Complexes"

Discuss the equation for the concentration of vacancy - impurity atom complexes (Johnson complexes).
Consider an impurity atom concentration of 1 % and 1 ppm, a vacancy formation enthalpy of 1 eV (neglect the formation entropy) and several binding energies (including extremes).
Discuss the concentration of Johnson complexes as a function of temperature and in relation to the concentration of the impurity atoms and the equilibrium concentration of vacancies.
Use approximations, order-of- magnitude considerations and reasonable numbers whenever possible.
The basic equation for the concentration of Johnson complexes is
cC  =  z · cF · cV
1 – z · cF
  · exp  DSC
 · exp  HC
We first need to chose a coordination number, we take z = 12 for fcc and hcp crystals. All other coordination numbers are smaller; we thus have the maximal effect of z.
The given concentration of impurity atoms of 1 % and 1 ppm correspond to cF = 10–2 and cF = 10–6, respectively.
First we note that the factor 1 – z · cF equals 0,88 or 0,999..; i.e. we can forget it - at least for the low concentration.
Next we calculate the ratios cC / cF and cC / cV in order to get a feeling how the Johnson complex concentration relates to the (fixed) concentration of impurity atoms and the (temperature dependent) equilibrium concentration of vacancies. We have
 =  (12 ... 13,6) · cV   · exp  DSC
 · exp  HC
 =  (12 ... 13,6) · exp – (HFVGB)

 =  (12 ... 13,6) · cF   · exp  DSC
 · exp  HC
 =   (12 ... 13,6) · cF   · exp  GB
The numbers in the bracket span the range of the given cF concentrations.
Our first result thus is simple: The ratios asked for are directly proportional to the concentration of vacancies or foreign atoms, respectively. The proportionality factor is about 2 times the Boltzmann factor of the free enthalpy of complex formation. So let's look at the role of the binding energy.
Let's look at binding energies (more precisely: binding free enthalpies GB) of ¥ eV (i.e. extreme repulsion between a vacancy and the foreign atom), 0 eV (no interaction), ½ HFV (strong interaction), and HFV (extreme interaction). This gives us
GB ¥ 0   ½ HFV   HFV
  0   » 12cV   » 12 · (cV)½   » 12
  0   » 12cF   » 12 · cF · (cV)– ½   » 12 · cF

What does it mean?
First, for extreme repulsion, we simply do not form Johnson complexes as we would expect.
Second, for zero interaction, we form Johnson complexes just at random - a vacancy just does not care if it sits next to an impurity atom or not. The concentration thus is directly given by the product of the concentrations of the partners (the factor 12 just accounts for the 12 different ways to form a Johnson complex with one vacancy).
Third, for appreciable but not extreme binding energies the quotient cC / cF is always < 1, because (cv) ½ << 1; it decreases rapidly with temperature. This means that in equilibrium only a small part of the foreign atoms will form Johnson complexes.
Fourth, for appreciable but not extreme binding energies the quotient cC / cV can be >1 or <1, depending on 12cF being larger or smaller than (cV)½. Below some temperature the vacancy concentration will always be so low that the ratio is >1, we then have more Johnson complexes than free vacancies. But that does not mean we have many - just more then the extremely few vacancies.
Fifth, for extreme binding energies we have a problem. The relations given just must be wrong - we cannot for example, have 12 times as many Johnson complexes as we have foreign atoms. What went wrong?
Well, our starting formula is only valid under the assumption that cC << cF. This assumption is obviously violated for binding energies too large; we then must not use the simple formula.
If we take the correct formula, we simply find that cV times the exponential vanishes (i.e. cC /cV does not make sense anymore), and cC / cF » z /(1 + z) » 1 under all conditions, as we would expect.

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© H. Föll (Defects - Script)