Original "Pattern Drawing" from Bollmanns Book

This is a drawing from Bollmanns book (with some color added). It shows the pattern in O-lattice cells as defined in the backbone text.
This drawing probably had to be done by hand with a high precision - some work! Most of the other pictures in Bollmanns book are rather complicated too, and this explains why they are so poorly described in the captions and the text:
After conceiving and finishing a picture like this, you are so intimately familiar with everything it contains - you can't imagine that others are not immediately aware of everything it projects!
What exactly are the dashed lines in some of the pattern elements? It is not explained anywhere - can you figure it out?
Pattern elements in the O-lattice
This is an O-lattice belonging to a CSL lattice, i.e. a special O-lattice with a periodic structure; S = 53 in this case. One oft the pattern elements was marked yellow.
The red points are coincidence points oft the lattices (i.e. the coinciding equivalence points are lattice points), they constitue the CSL lattice.
This is shown by drawing in one more O-point on the outside of the picture with one lattice marked in blue. It is evident that there is indeed a coincidence of the lattice points.
Note that all points in the center of the cells containing patterns are O-points, too. The O-lattice thus has a much smaller lattice constant than the CSL lattice.

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go to 7.3.4 Periodic O-Lattices and Pattern Elements

© H. Föll (Defects - Script)