Self-Diffusion and some Related Quantities in Si

D0 and Activation Energy ESD for Self-Diffusion and for Various Impurities Including Intrinsic Point Defects in Si (fitted to D = D0 exp (–E SD/kBT))

The following table, which does not even come close to contain all relevant data, nicely illustrates how difficult it is to obtain reliable data for the point defect parameters. The situation has not yet (1999) changed, the values for formation and migration energies reported in the literature still vary from year to year.
Measured Quantity
(Type of Diffusion Mechanism)
Do [10–14 m2 s–1 ] ESD [eV] Reference
Si D Tracer 1800 4.77 Peart, 1966
1200 4.72 Ghostagore, 1966
9000 5.13 Fairfield und Masters, 1967
1460 5.02 Mayer et al., 1977
8 4.1 Hirvonen und Antilla, 1974
154 4.65 Kalinowski und Seguin, 1980
20 4.4 Demond et al.; 1983
Si DICIeq 914 4.84 Stolwijk et al.; 1984
320 4.80 Stolwijk et al.; 1988
2000 4.94 Hauber et al., 1989
1400 5.01 Mantovani et al., 1986
Si DVCVeq 0.57 4.03 Tan und Gösele, 1985
10–5 0.4 Tan und Gösele, 1985
I DI 3.75 10–9 0.13 Bronner und Plummer, 1985
8.6 10–5 4.0 Taniguchi et al.; 1983
2,42 10–5 0,937 Falster et al.98
V DV 0.1 2.0 Tan und Gösele, 1985
1,3 10–7 0,457 Falster et al.98
Ge DS 2500 4.97 Hettich et al.; 1979
Sn DS 32 4.25 Teh et al., 1968
CS DS 1.9 3.1 Newman and Wakefield, 1961
Ci Di 4.4 0.88 Tipping and Newman, 1987
O Di 0.07 2.44 Mikkelsen, 1986

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© H. Föll (Defects - Script)