A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,
1st law of thermodynamics | [1], [2], |
A, | |
Activation energy | [1], |
Activity | [1], [2], |
Africa (and steel) | [1], |
Ageing by dislocation climb | [1], |
Alchemy | [1], |
Anion interstital; neglecting the | [1], |
Anion vacancy | [1], |
Anions; definition | [1], |
Annealing experiments | [1], |
Annihilation of point defects | [1], |
Anodic dissolution | [1], |
Anodic etching | [1], |
Anti particles | [1], |
Anti Schottky defect | [1], |
Anti site defects | [1], |
Anti-coherency dislocations | [1], |
Anti-Frenkel disorder | [1], |
Antisite defects | [1], |
Archeometallurgy | [1], |
Arrangement; in combinatorics | [1], |
Arrhenius plot | [1], [2], [3], |
Artifacts in defect etching | [1], |
Association entropy; of a vacany - foreign atom complex | [1], |
Atomic Jump Measurement; for diffusion | [1], |
Atomic size defects | [1], |
Austenite | [1], |
Avogadros constant | [1], |
B, | |
b-lattice | [1], |
Backbone 1 | [1], |
Backbone 2 | [1], |
Balmung | [1], |
Bandgap | [1], |
Base of a crystal | [1], |
Beatles | [1], |
Beer | [1], |
Berthollet | [1], |
Bessemer converter | [1], |
Bessemer process | [1], |
Bessemer prozess | [1], |
Bessemer steel | [1], |
Binding energy | [1], |
Binding enthalpy; of a vacancy - foreign atom complex | [1], |
Binomial coefficient | [1], [2], [3], |
Black art | [1], |
Bloom | [1], [2], [3], |
Bollmann | [1], |
Bollmann theory | [1], |
Boltzmann's constant | [1], |
Boltzmanns entropy equation | [1], [2], |
Book: Haasen | [1], |
Books: Bohm | [1], |
Books: Bollmann | [1], |
Books: Hayes and Stoneham | [1], [2], |
Books: Hirth and Lothe | [1], |
Books: Kittel | [1], |
Books: R.P. Baumann: Modrn thermodynamics with Statistical Mechanics | [1], |
Bragg-condition | [1], |
Bravais lattices | [1], |
Bright field | [1], |
Bronce | [1], |
Bronce age | [1], |
Brouwer diagram | [1], |
Building element notation | [1], |
Building elements | [1], |
Bulk micro defects in Si | [1], |
Bulk modulus | [1], |
Burgers circuit | [1], |
Burgers vector | [1], [2], |
Burgers vector analysis | [1], |
C, | |
Cast iron | [1], [2], [3], [4], |
Casting | [1], |
Cation interstitial | [1], [2], |
Cation vacancy | [1], [2], [3], |
Cations; definition | [1], |
Cementite | [1], |
Charcoal | [1], |
Charge equilibrium | [1], |
Charge neutrality condition | [1], [2], |
Charged vacancies | [1], |
Chemical equilibrium | [1], [2], [3], |
Chemical kinetics | [1], |
Chemical potential | [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], |
Chemical potentials | [1], |
China (and steel) | [1], |
China and steel | [1], |
Chip | [1], |
Chips | [1], |
Climb (of dislocations) | [1], |
Climb of dislocations | [1], |
Climb; of dislocations | [1], [2], |
Coherency dislocations | [1], |
Coherent boundaries | [1], |
Coherent interface | [1], |
Coherent ledges | [1], |
Coherent steps | [1], |
Coincidence site lattice | [1], [2], |
Coke | [1], |
Colada | [1], |
Combinations; in combinatorics | [1], |
Combinations; math of | [1], |
Combinatorics | [1], |
Complete pattern shift lattice | [1], |
Complexes | [1], |
Compliant substrate | [1], [2], |
Compressive strain; at a dislocation | [1], |
Concentration profile measurements | [1], |
Conservative movement of dislocations | [1], |
Continuity equation | [1], |
Contrast analysis | [1], |
Contrast in TEM | [1], |
Contrast transfer function. | [1], |
Copper age | [1], |
Copper smelting | [1], |
Correlation effects; in diffusion | [1], |
Correlation factor | [1], |
Covalent crystals; and multi vacancies | [1], |
Critical shear stress | [1], [2], |
Critical thickness for epitaxial layers | [1], |
Crowdion | [1], |
Crystal | [1], |
Crystal growth and ponit defects | [1], |
CsCl structure | [1], |
Cubic body centered lattice | [1], |
Cubic face centered lattice | [1], |
Cubic lattices | [1], |
Cubic primitive lattice | [1], |
Cylinder coordinates for dislocations | [1], |
D, | |
D-defects in Si | [1], |
Damascene technique | [1], |
Damascene techniques | [1], [2], |
Damascus | [1], |
Damascus steel | [1], |
Dark field | [1], |
Dash etch | [1], |
Debris | [1], |
Debye | [1], |
Debye length | [1], [2], [3], |
Debye temperature | [1], |
Deep level transient spectroscopy | [1], |
Defect decoration | [1], |
Defect engineering | [1], |
Defect spinel | [1], |
Defects and steel | [1], |
Definition of partial dislocations | [1], |
Denuded zones | [1], |
Designer defects | [1], |
Determinant of a matrix | [1], |
Diamond structure | [1], |
Diamonds | [1], |
Differential thermal expansion | [1], |
Diffraction condition in TEM | [1], |
Diffraction pattern | [1], |
Diffraction vector | [1], |
Diffusion = random walk | [1], |
Diffusion and point defects | [1], |
Diffusion in Si | [1], |
Diffusion length | [1], [2], [3], |
Diffusion profile | [1], |
Direct diffusion | [1], |
direct diffusion mechanism | [1], |
Disclination | [1], |
Disclinations | [1], |
Discovery or invention? | [1], |
Dislocation climb | [1], |
Dislocation core | [1], [2], |
Dislocation core radius | [1], |
Dislocation debris | [1], |
Dislocation generation | [1], |
Dislocation knot | [1], |
Dislocation line | [1], |
Dislocation loop | [1], |
Dislocations | [1], |
Dislocations in bcc lattices | [1], |
Dislocations in the diamond lattice | [1], |
Dislocations movement, and plastic deformation | [1], |
Displacement field | [1], [2], |
dissociative mechanism | [1], |
Distortion; from dislocations | [1], |
Divacancy | [1], |
Doping with vacancies | [1], |
Doping; and defects | [1], |
DSC lattice | [1], [2], |
DSC-lattice | [1], [2], |
Dumbbell | [1], |
E, | |
Eckesachs | [1], |
Eisenbahn | [1], |
Elastic field of a dislocation | [1], |
Elasticity theory; basics for dislocations | [1], |
Electro beam induced current microscopy | [1], |
Electrochemical Equilibrium | [1], |
Electron beam induced current | [1], |
Electron spin resonance | [1], |
Electroneutrality | [1], |
Electronically active defects | [1], |
Elementary cell | [1], |
Energy levels of point defects in a band gap | [1], |
Enthalpy | [1], [2], |
Entropy | [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], |
Entropy barrier | [1], |
Entropy of association | [1], |
Entropy of configuration | [1], |
Entropy of mixing | [1], |
Equilibrium concentration of vacancy - impurity atom complexes | [1], |
Equilibrium condition and chem. potential | [1], |
Equilibrium distance; for partial dislocations | [1], |
Equivalent points | [1], |
Eskimos (and steel) | [1], |
Etch grooves | [1], |
Etch pits | [1], |
Euler relation | [1], |
Europe and steel | [1], |
Ewald sphere | [1], |
Excalibur | [1], |
Excess charge | [1], |
Excitation error | [1], |
Extended interstitial | [1], |
Extended point defect | [1], |
Extinction length | [1], |
Extrinsic grain boundary dislocations | [1], |
Extrinsic interstitials | [1], |
Extrinsic point defects | [1], [2], [3], |
Extrinsic stacking fault | [1], |
F, | |
Face centered cubic lattice | [1], |
facets in grain boundaries | [1], |
Facetting | [1], |
Facetting (of grain boundaries) | [1], |
Factorials | [1], |
Famous swords | [1], |
Fatigue | [1], |
Fermi | [1], |
Fermi energy | [1], [2], [3], |
Fermi energy; and point defects | [1], |
Ferrite | [1], |
Ficks 1. law | [1], |
Ficks 2. law | [1], |
Field ion microscopy | [1], |
Fluorite structure | [1], |
Flux-line lattice | [1], |
Force on a dislocation | [1], |
Forces on glide plane | [1], |
Forge welding | [1], |
Forging | [1], |
Formation energy of a double kink | [1], |
Formation enthalpies for Schottky defects | [1], |
Formation enthalpy | [1], |
Formation entropy | [1], |
formations enthalpies for Frenkel defects | [1], |
Fourier transform | [1], |
Fourier transform IR spectroscopy | [1], [2], |
Frank dislocation | [1], |
Frank-Read mechanism | [1], |
frank-turnbull mechanism | [1], |
Franks formula | [1], [2], |
Free energy | [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], |
Free enthalpy | [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], |
Frenkel | [1], |
Frenkel defects | [1], [2], |
Frenkel defects; formation enthalpies | [1], [2], |
Frenkel disorder | [1], [2], |
Frenkel pair | [1], |
Frozen-in defects | [1], |
Fugacity | [1], |
G, | |
Garnet structure | [1], |
Generalized coordinates | [1], |
Generalized force | [1], |
Generalized forces | [1], |
Generation of dislocations | [1], |
Generation of point defects | [1], |
Geometric kinks | [1], |
Geometry factor for diffusion | [1], |
Geometry factor; of diffusion jumps | [1], |
Gibbs energy | [1], [2], [3], [4], |
Glide (of dislocations) | [1], |
Glide cylinder | [1], |
Glide plane | [1], [2], |
Glide set dislocations | [1], |
Glide system | [1], |
Global equilibrium | [1], |
Grain boundaries | [1], |
Grain boundary dislocations | [1], |
Grain boundary energy | [1], |
Grain boundary; source / sink point defects | [1], |
Greenland (and steel) | [1], |
H, | |
Hardening mechanism | [1], |
Harmonic oscillator | [1], |
Haya (afrikanisches Volk) | [1], |
Haze | [1], [2], [3], |
Heat | [1], [2], |
Heat of formation | [1], [2], |
Helmholtz energy | [1], [2], [3], |
Hephaistos | [1], |
Hethites (and iron) | [1], |
Hexagonal close packed lattice | [1], [2], |
Hexagonal lattice | [1], |
Hittites and steel | [1], [2], |
Holes in semiconductors | [1], |
Hooke´s law | [1], |
Hypereutectoid steel | [1], |
Hyperscript | [1], |
Hypo-eutectoid steel | [1], |
I, | |
Ideal solids | [1], |
Identy matrix | [1], |
Imaging mode | [1], |
Impurity atoms | [1], [2], |
Independent reaction partners | [1], |
India (and steel) | [1], |
indirect interstitial mechanism | [1], |
Infra red | [1], |
Infra red spectroscopy | [1], |
Infrared light microscopy | [1], |
Ingersheim; sword from | [1], |
Integrated circuits | [1], |
Internal energy | [1], [2], |
Internal friction | [1], |
Internal oxidation | [1], |
Internal stress | [1], |
Interstitials | [1], |
Intrinsic gettering | [1], |
Intrinsic interstitials | [1], |
Intrinsic point defects | [1], [2], [3], |
Intrinsic stacking fault | [1], |
Invention of the Dislocation | [1], |
Invention or discovery? | [1], |
Inverse matrix | [1], |
Ionic conductors | [1], |
Ionic crystals | [1], [2], |
Ionic crystals; and multi vacancies | [1], |
Ionics | [1], [2], |
Iron bloom | [1], |
Iron precipitates in Si | [1], |
Iron; the making of | [1], |
Irradiation and point defects | [1], |
J, | |
Japan and steel | [1], |
Japanese damascene technique | [1], |
Jogs | [1], [2], |
Johnson complex | [1], |
K, | |
Kelts (and steel) | [1], |
kick-out mechanism | [1], |
Kikuchi lines | [1], |
King Tut | [1], |
Kinks | [1], |
Kinks; thermal equilibrium | [1], |
Knot (of dislocations) | [1], |
Kröger-Vink and mass action law | [1], |
Kröger-Vink diagram | [1], |
Kröger-Vink notation | [1], [2], |
L, | |
Lamé constants | [1], |
Lattice | [1], [2], |
Legendre transformation | [1], |
Lifetime | [1], |
Light beam induced current | [1], |
Light microsocope | [1], |
Line energy | [1], [2], [3], |
Line tension | [1], |
Line vector | [1], |
Local equilibrium | [1], |
Lomer-Cotrell dislocations | [1], [2], |
M, | |
Macrostate | [1], [2], [3], |
Magical swords | [1], |
Malachite | [1], |
Martensite | [1], |
Mass action law | [1], [2], [3], [4], |
Mass action law and Kröger-Vink | [1], |
Matrix | [1], |
Matrix algebra | [1], [2], |
Mechanisms for dislocation generation | [1], |
Metals; and multi acancies | [1], |
Metaphysics | [1], |
Micro twin | [1], |
Micro twins | [1], |
Microelectronics, and defects | [1], |
Microelectronics; and defects | [1], |
Microstate | [1], [2], |
Migration energy | [1], |
Migration entropy | [1], |
Mimung | [1], |
Minimal strain (in O-lattice theory) | [1], |
Minority carrier diffusion length | [1], |
Misfit dislocations | [1], |
Mixed defects | [1], |
Mixed dislocation | [1], |
Mixed dislocations; strain field of a | [1], |
Mohammeds latter | [1], |
Moirée pattern | [1], [2], |
Moirée patterns | [1], |
Mol; definition | [1], |
Mole fraction | [1], |
Monoclinic lattice | [1], |
Multi vacancies | [1], |
Mößbauer effect | [1], |
N, | |
NaCl structure | [1], |
Nagelring | [1], |
Neutron transmutation doping | [1], |
New Schottky notation | [1], |
Nibelungen saga | [1], |
Nitridation and point defects | [1], |
Nobel prize | [1], |
Non conservative dislocation movement | [1], |
Non-equilibrium for point defects | [1], |
Non-ideal gases | [1], |
Normal strain | [1], |
Notung | [1], |
Nuclear magnetic resonance | [1], |
O, | |
O-lattice theory | [1], [2], |
O-lines | [1], |
O-points | [1], |
O2-lattice | [1], |
Octahedral sites | [1], |
Old Schottky notation | [1], |
One dimensional defects | [1], |
One-dimensional defect | [1], |
Optoelectronics; and defects | [1], |
Optoelectronis, and defects | [1], |
Orthorhombic lattice | [1], |
Oversaturation | [1], |
Oxidation and point defects | [1], |
Oxidation induced stacking fault | [1], [2], |
Oxidation inducued stacking faults | [1], |
P, | |
Pairs of point defects | [1], |
Partial dislocations | [1], [2], [3], |
Partial pressure | [1], |
Particle flux | [1], |
Partition function | [1], |
Pattern element | [1], |
Pattern elements | [1], |
Pattern welding | [1], [2], |
Pauli principle | [1], |
Peary; R.; admiral and thief | [1], |
Peierls | [1], |
Peierls potential | [1], |
Perlite | [1], |
Perovskite structure | [1], |
Perpetuum mobile | [1], |
Phase boundary | [1], |
Phase boundary dislocations | [1], |
Phase diagrams | [1], |
Phase space | [1], |
Philosophers | [1], |
Plasic deformation and point defects | [1], |
Plastic deformation; and dislocation movement | [1], |
Point defects | [1], [2], |
Point defects and sensors | [1], |
Poisson equation | [1], |
Poisson´s ratio | [1], |
Polarization microscopy | [1], |
Poly crystal | [1], |
Positron | [1], |
Positron annihilation | [1], |
Precipitates | [1], |
Precipitation and point defects | [1], |
Preferential etching | [1], |
Pressure and stress | [1], |
Primitive unit cell | [1], |
Prismatic punching | [1], |
Probability of a macrostate | [1], [2], |
Pure steps | [1], |
Q, | |
Quasicrystals | [1], |
Quenching | [1], [2], |
Quenching experiments | [1], |
Quenching; and vacancy clusters | [1], |
Qxygen sensor | [1], |
R, | |
Raction equation; for point defects | [1], |
Random walk | [1], [2], |
Rank of a matrix | [1], |
Rank of the deformation matrix | [1], |
Reaction constant | [1], |
Reaction coordinate | [1], |
Reactive Interfaces and point defecs | [1], |
Reduced O-lattice | [1], |
Residual resistivity | [1], |
Resolved shear stress | [1], |
Rhombohedral lattice | [1], |
Rigid body translation | [1], |
Roland saga | [1], |
Rutherford backscattering | [1], |
S, | |
S-curve; for positron annihiliation | [1], |
Scanning tunneling microscope | [1], |
Schleswig | [1], |
Schleswig-Holstein | [1], |
Schmalzried | [1], |
Schottky defects | [1], [2], |
Schottky defects; formation enthalpies | [1], [2], |
Schottky disorder | [1], |
Schottky notation | [1], |
Schottly notation | [1], |
Scientists; vs. philosophers | [1], |
Screw dislocation | [1], |
Screw dislocations; name | [1], |
Secco etch | [1], [2], |
Second order O-lattice | [1], |
Secondary grain boundary defects | [1], |
Secondary mass spectroscopy | [1], |
Seiter etch | [1], |
Seitz | [1], |
Self diffusion coefficient | [1], |
Self-interstitial | [1], |
Self-interstitials | [1], [2], |
Self-interstitials; in Si | [1], |
Semi-coherent interface | [1], |
Sensor; and mass action law | [1], |
Sensors | [1], |
Sensors and point defects | [1], |
Shear modulus | [1], |
Shear strain | [1], |
Shockley partial dislocation | [1], |
Shockley partials | [1], [2], [3], |
Shuffle set dislocations | [1], |
Si wafer | [1], |
Single crystal | [1], |
Sinks for point defects | [1], |
Sirtl etch | [1], [2], |
Small angle grain boundary | [1], |
Small-angle grain boundary | [1], |
Snoek effect | [1], |
Solid state diffusion | [1], |
Solubility | [1], |
Solubility energy | [1], |
Solubility enthalpy | [1], |
Solubility entropy | [1], [2], |
Sources for point defects | [1], |
Spatha from Ingersheim | [1], |
Sphalerite structure | [1], |
Spinel structure | [1], |
Split dislocation | [1], |
Stacking fault | [1], |
Stacking fault energy | [1], |
Stacking fault fringes | [1], |
Stacking fault loops | [1], |
Stacking fault tetrahedra | [1], [2], |
Stacking fault; in split dislocations | [1], |
Stacking faults | [1], |
Stacking faults in the DSC lattice | [1], |
Stair-rod dislocations | [1], [2], [3], |
Standard reaction enthalpy | [1], |
State function | [1], |
State function of a classical particle | [1], |
Steam engine, and steel production | [1], |
Steel | [1], |
Steel; brief history of | [1], |
Step in a grain boundary | [1], |
Steps in phase boundaries | [1], |
Stirling formula | [1], |
Stirlings formula | [1], |
STM image of point defects | [1], |
Stochiometric point | [1], |
Stoichiometry | [1], |
Strain | [1], |
Strain energy | [1], |
Strain field | [1], |
Strain field of a screw dislocation | [1], |
Strain field of an edge dislocation | [1], |
Strain tensor | [1], |
Strain; definition of | [1], |
Strained layer | [1], |
Stress | [1], |
Stress field | [1], |
Stress field of a screw dislocation | [1], |
Structure elements | [1], [2], |
Structure sensitive propetires | [1], |
Subdeterminant | [1], |
Superconductors | [1], |
Superplasticity of wootz steel | [1], |
Swirl defects | [1], |
Swirl defects in Si | [1], |
Sword from Ingersheim | [1], |
Swords | [1], |
Swords, magical or famous | [1], |
T, | |
Temperature (Kelvin scale) | [1], |
Tensile strain; at a dislocation | [1], |
Tensor | [1], |
Tetragonal lattice | [1], |
Tetrahedral site | [1], |
Theory of science | [1], |
Thermal equilibrium | [1], |
Thermal kinks | [1], |
Thermodynamic potential | [1], [2], [3], |
Thickness contours | [1], |
Thompson tetrahedron | [1], |
Three dimensional defects | [1], |
Tilt boundary | [1], |
Tizona | [1], |
Toledo | [1], |
Toledo and steel | [1], |
Total differential | [1], |
Tourendal | [1], |
Tracer atoms | [1], |
Transformation matrix | [1], |
Translation table Kröger-Vink to Schottky | [1], |
Transmission electron microscope | [1], [2], |
Transmogrification | [1], [2], |
Triclinic lattice | [1], |
Twin boundaries | [1], |
Twist boundary | [1], |
Two dimensional defects | [1], |
U, | |
Undersaturation | [1], |
Unfaulting of stacking faults | [1], |
Unit vectors of the O-lattice | [1], |
Uphill diffusion | [1], |
V, | |
Vacancies as building blocks of a crystal | [1], |
Vacancy | [1], [2], |
Vacancy doping | [1], |
Variations; in combinatorics | [1], |
Variations; math of | [1], |
Vector | [1], |
Vikings | [1], |
Virial equation | [1], |
Voids | [1], |
Volterra for stacking faults | [1], |
Volterra knife | [1], |
W, | |
Waferbonding | [1], |
Watered steel | [1], |
Weak beam | [1], |
Wigner | [1], |
Wigner-Seitz cell | [1], [2], |
Wigner-Seitz cells | [1], |
Wootz steel | [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], |
Work; done by moving a dislocation | [1], |
Wright etch | [1], |
Wrought iron | [1], [2], |
Wrougth iron | [1], |
Württembergisches Landesmuseum | [1], |
X, | |
x-ray diffraction | [1], |
Y, | |
Young´s modulus | [1], [2], |
Z, | |
Zero dimensional defects | [1], |
Zinc blende | [1], |
ZnS structure | [1], |
Zr-oxide structure | [1], |
© H. Föll (Defects - Script)