
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,

Abbreviations; Index of [1], [2],
Absorption coefficient; measurement [1], [2],
Acceleration sensor; MEMS [1],
Accidental discoveries [1],
Accumulation [1], [2],
Actuator; MEMS [1],
Actuators; electrostatic [1],
Actuators; MEMS [1],
Actuators; thermal [1],
Adhesion [1],
Advanced [1], [2],
Affordability; of solar energy [1],
Air bags; MEMS [1],
Air mass; solar cell [1],
Alignment for steppers [1],
Alignment in lithography [1],
American president [1],
Amorphization by ion implantation [1],
Amorphous Si [1],
Amorphous thin films [1],
Anisotropic chemical etching [1],
Anisotropic eching [1],
Anodic oxidation [1],
Anti-reflection coating [1],
Applications [1],
Area; needed for solar power [1],
Arsenic; elemental semiconductor [1],
Arsine [1], [2],
Art of crystal growing [1],
Aspect ratio [1],
Atomic force microscope [1], [2],
Auger recombination [1], [2],
Average roughness [1],
Back-end; MEMS [1],
Back-surface field; solar cell [1],
Backbone I module [1], [2],
Backbone II module [1], [2],
Band gap [1],
Band gap; ternary compounds [1],
Band-band recombination [1], [2],
Bandgap engineering [1],
Bandgap type; ternary compound [1],
Bandgap; defining quality [1],
Barrel reactor [1],
Base of bipolar transistor [1],
Base; of solar cell [1], [2],
Basics modules [1], [2],
Batch process [1], [2],
Beamer [1],
Beamers; and MEMS [1],
Better; central credo [1],
Bio fuel [1],
Bipolar transistor [1],
Bipolar transistors [1],
Birds beak [1],
Black art; CIGS solar cells [1],
Black art; wet etching [1],
Blue ray disc [1],
Bold script for index words [1], [2],
Bonding techniques [1],
Books: Heuberger [1],
Books: Muench [1],
Books: Ohrring [1],
Books: Smith [1], [2],
Bosch process [1],
Bosch: and MEMS [1],
Buckling; of thin films [1],
Buffer layer; solar cell [1],
Buffer oxide [1], [2],
Bulk microdefects [1],
Bulk Si solar cell [1],
Buried layer [1],
Cantilevers; and MEMS [1],
Capacitive sensing [1],
Capacitor dielectric [1],
Capillary forces; MEMS [1],
Car; and power [1],
Carrier type and concentration; measurement [1],
Casimir Effect; and NEMS [1],
Casting; multi-crystalline Si [1],
Cavities; and MEMS [1],
Central credo; semiconductor technology [1],
Chalcogenides; semiconductor [1],
Channel in a MOS transistor [1],
Cheaper; central credo [1],
Chemical dry etching [1],
Chemical etching; anisotropic [1],
Chemical mechanical polishing [1], [2],
Chemical properties [1],
Chemical vapor deposition [1],
Chemical-mechanical polishing [1], [2],
Chemisorbtion [1],
Chip [1],
Chip area [1],
Chip power dissipation [1],
Chip size development [1],
Chip; definition [1],
Chip; factory for making [1],
Chips [1],
Chips; as components [1],
CIGS production [1],
Cleaning of equipment [1],
Cleanroom [1], [2],
cleanroom garments [1],
Cleavage planes in semiconductors [1],
Climate catastrophe [1],
Climate change; and ST [1],
Collector [1],
Columnar grains in multi-crystalline Si [1],
Columns in module matirx [1], [2],
Comparison of feature size; of ICs [1],
Compliant substrates [1],
Components; and semiconductor technology [1],
Compound semiconductors [1], [2],
Compromising; the art of making solar cells [1],
Concentrator solar cell [1],
Conductivity; measurement [1],
Conjugated bonds; org. semiconductors [1],
Constant current generator; solar cell [1],
Consumption; of energy [1],
Contact angle [1],
Contact hole [1],
Contact resistance [1],
Contacts; and solar cells [1],
Convection [1],
Copper-Indium-Gallium-Selenide; solar cell [1], [2], [3],
Coriolis force [1],
Corrosion resistance; measurements [1],
Cost decrease; solar cell [1],
Costs; of solar energy [1], [2], [3],
Critical current density [1], [2],
Critical siez; for nuclei [1],
Cross-sensitivity;_sensor [1], [2],
Crucible growth [1],
Crystal defects in chips [1],
Crystal detector radio [1],
Crystral structures; of most semiconductors [1],
Cu - In - Ga - Se - S compound [1],
Cu - In - Se [1],
Current matching; multi-junction solar cell [1],
Czochralski [1],
Czochralski method of crystal growth [1],
Czochralski method; crystal growth [1],
Damped driven oscillator; and MEMS [1],
Dangling bonds [1], [2], [3],
Dash process [1], [2], [3],
Deal-Grove model [1],
Deep level recombination channel [1],
Deep levels [1],
Deep ultra-violet [1],
Defect properties [1],
Defect recombination [1], [2],
Defects on chips. [1],
Deflection detection; MEMS [1],
Density and porosity; measurement [1], [2],
Depletion [1],
Depth of focus [1],
Design rules [1],
Designers [1],
Desorption [1],
Diamond structure [1],
Diamond; elemental semiconductor [1],
Dictionary English - German [1], [2],
Dielectric breakdown field strength; measurements [1],
Dielectric constant; of semiconductors [1],
Dielectric failure [1],
Dielectric function [1],
Dielectric function; measurement [1],
Diffractrometer, neutron; and Si [1],
Diffusion barrier [1], [2],
Diffusion lenght; IU characteristics [1], [2],
Diffusion limited oxidation reaction [1],
Diffusion profile [1],
Diffusion; solar cell [1],
Digital light processing [1], [2],
Digital micromirror device [1],
Digital versatile disc [1],
Direct energy consumption [1],
Direct recombination [1], [2],
Direct sun light [1],
Directionality of sunlight [1],
Discontinuity; hetero junctions [1],
Disloactions; and stress relaxation [1],
Dislocations; as device killers [1],
Display; OLED [1],
Displays; optoelectronic [1],
Doping by diffusion [1],
Doping organic semiconductors [1],
Doping; prime technical property [1],
Dose of ion implantation [1],
Drain [1],
Drain of a MOS transistor [1],
Driven damped oscillator; and MEMS [1],
Dry etching [1],
Dry etching; MEMS [1],
Dry oxidation [1],
Dynamic random access memory [1], [2],
Earth [1],
Ecercises [1], [2],
Edge coverage [1],
Edge dislocations; and steps [1],
Edge dislocations; misfit [1],
Edge Isolation; solar cell [1],
Edge rounding [1],
Efficiency increase; solar cell [1],
Efficiency; LED [1],
Efficiency; of light generation [1],
Efficiency; solar cell [1], [2],
Efficiency;_of_solar_cell [1],
Effusion cell [1],
Elastic moduli; thin films [1], [2],
Electrical break down field strength [1],
Electrical breakdown [1],
Electrical properties; thin films [1], [2],
Electrochemical etching [1],
Electrolyte; solar cell [1],
Electromigration [1],
Electron beam lithography [1], [2],
Electron microcopes; for seeing [1],
Electron microscope; scanning [1],
Electronic grade Si [1],
Electrostatic actuators [1],
Elements; and semiconductors [1],
Ellipsometer [1],
Ellipsometry [1],
Emerging technology; MEMS [1],
Emitter of a bipolar transistor [1],
Emitter; of a solar cell [1], [2],
Emitter; of solar cell [1],
Enabling device; Laser [1],
Enabling technology; MEMS [1], [2],
Energieeinspeisegesetz [1],
Energy consumption [1],
Energy crisis; and ST [1],
Energy harvesting [1],
Energy pay back time [1],
Energy pay-back time; solar cells [1],
Energy plants [1],
Energy; definition [1],
Energy; solar cell [1],
Engineer mode [1],
Epitaxial growth [1],
Epitaxy [1], [2],
Equipment [1],
Equivalent circuit diagram of a solar cell [1],
Etching structures [1],
Etching techniques [1],
Excimer lasers; for lithography [1],
Exciton; and LED [1],
Exciton; LED [1],
Expansion of Si; at crystallization [1],
Extreme UV lithography [1],
Feature size; of ICs [1],
Feed_back;_Laser [1],
Feed_back;_Laser_ [1],
Fermi level pinning [1],
Field oxide [1], [2], [3],
Field strength [1],
Fill factor, of a solar cell [1], [2],
Fill factor; solar cell [1],
First Laser condition [1],
First law of material science [1],
First silicon [1], [2],
Fitting parameters; solar cell [1],
Flat band MOS condition [1],
Flat panel display [1],
Flat panel display; OLED [1],
Flat panel displays [1],
Flats (on wafers) [1],
Flats; on wafers [1],
Float zone [1], [2],
Flow glass [1],
Focus depth [1],
Force; capacitive [1],
Format Hyperscript [1], [2],
Fracture; for stress relaxation [1],
Fracture; measurement [1],
Frank-van der Merve growth mode [1],
Fraunhofer Institute for Si Technology [1],
Friction; MEMS [1],
Front end; MEMS [1],
Fundamental absorption [1],
g-sensors; MEMS [1],
Galvanic techniques [1],
Gate dielectric [1], [2],
Gate electrode [1], [2],
Gate of a MOS transistor [1],
Gate oxide [1],
Gate_oxide [1],
Gate_oxide_ [1],
Gear wheels; and MEMS [1],
General properties of thin films; measurement [1],
Generation sequence; of chips [1],
Geometry and topology; measurement [1],
Geometry; thin film [1],
Germanium; crystal growth [1],
Germanium; elemental semiconductor [1],
Gettering [1],
Gettering; solar cell [1],
Global properties of solar cells [1],
Gold leaf [1],
Graetzel cell [1],
Graetzel solar cell [1],
Green house effect; and ST [1],
Grid parity [1],
Grid; solar cell [1],
Gyro; process integration [1],
Hall coefficent [1],
Heating with light [1],
Hetero junction; CIGS [1],
Hetero junctions [1],
Hetero-junction; CIGS solar cell [1],
Hexagonal structure [1],
High explosives; and Si [1],
High injection approximation [1],
High resolution TEM [1],
High-efficiency multi-junction solar cells [1],
High-rate plasma etching [1],
Highest occupied molecular orbital [1],
Homo junction [1],
Human hair; as thinness gauge [1],
Humans [1],
Hydrogen passivation [1], [2],
Hyperscript; format of [1], [2],
Illustration modules [1], [2],
Index grating [1],
Index of abbreviations [1], [2],
Index of key words [1], [2],
Index of names [1], [2],
Index of refraction; ternary compound [1], [2], [3], [4],
Infra red optics [1],
Injection ratio [1],
Inkjet [1],
Input; to sensor [1],
Integrated capacitor [1],
Integrated circuit [1], [2], [3], [4],
Integrated circuits; and semiconductor properties [1],
Integrated transistor [1],
Intel [1],
Interference color: thin film [1],
Intergrated circuit [1],
Intermetal dielectric [1], [2],
Internal gettering [1],
Intrinsic length scales [1],
Inversion [1], [2], [3],
Inverter; and CMOS [1],
Ion beam lithography [1],
Ion getter pumps [1],
Ion implantation [1], [2],
Island growth mode [1],
Jet engine; and power [1],
Joule; definition [1],
Junctions; and solar cells [1],
Key word index [1], [2],
Kilogram standard; and Si [1],
Knudsen effusion cell [1],
Large amounts of money: in chip production [1],
Laser [1],
Laser ablation [1],
Laser diodes [1],
Laser; and semiconductor property [1],
Lattice constant ternary compounds [1],
Lay-out of a chip [1],
Layer deposition by sputtering [1],
Layer plus island growth mode [1],
Layer-by-layer growth mode [1],
Layered semiconductors [1],
Leads; on integrated circuits [1],
Learning curve [1], [2],
Li ion batteries; and porous Si [1],
Life time; of LED's [1],
Light emission [1],
Light emitting diodes [1], [2], [3],
Light; and power [1],
Light; and solar cells [1],
Light_emitting_diodes [1], [2],
Limits of solar cell efficiency [1],
Line [1],
Liquid crystal display [1], [2], [3], [4], [5],
Liquid encapsulation technique [1], [2],
Liquid immersion lithography [1],
Lithography [1], [2],
Load management; solar cell [1],
Load resistance; solar cell [1],
Load; on solar cells [1],
Local oxidation of Silicon [1],
Local properties of solar cells [1],
Low k dielectrics [1],
Low pressure CVD [1],
Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital [1],
Lubrication; importance of [1],
Lubrication; MEMS [1],
Lumen; definition of unit [1],
Magic; and semiconductor technology [1],
Magnetic resonance tomography [1],
Magnetic sensing [1],
Maser [1],
Mask [1],
Masking; with SiO2 [1],
Masks for lithography [1],
Master Graph; for semiconductors [1],
Materials Research Society [1],
Materials Scientists [1],
Matrix of modules [1], [2],
MBE [1],
Measuring IV characteristics of solar cells [1],
Measuring thin film thickness [1],
Mechanical properties; measurement [1], [2],
Melting point density anomaly, of Si [1],
Membranes; and MEMS [1],
MEMS products [1],
MEMS specialities [1],
Metallurgical grade Si [1],
Metamaterials [1],
Micro crystalline Si solar cell [1],
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems [1],
Micro electronic and mechanical systems; and semiconductor properties [1],
Microelectronic; definition [1],
Microfluidics [1],
Micropipes; in SiC [1],
Microrelectronic and mechanical systems [1],
Minimal feature size [1],
Mirrors, x-ray; and Si [1],
Mirrors; Laser [1],
Misfit dislocations [1],
Misfit; and epitaxial growth [1],
Mismatch thermal expansion coefficient [1],
Misorientation; od substrates [1],
Mobility; measurement [1],
Module matrix [1], [2],
Modules; solar cell [1],
Molecular beam epitaxy [1], [2], [3],
Money; and semiconductor technology [1],
Money; and solar cells [1],
Money; integral part of ST [1],
Monochromatic light ; Laser [1],
Moore's law [1], [2],
Moore's law break down [1],
MOS technology [1],
MOS transistor; basics [1],
MOS transistors [1],
Movement; detection im MEMS [1],
Mulit level metallization [1],
Multi crystalline Si [1], [2],
Multi crystalline solar cell [1],
Multi junction solar cell [1],
n - channel MOS [1],
n-channel MOS [1],
Names: Indiex of [1], [2],
Nano technology [1],
Nanoparticles [1],
Nanowires [1],
Nanowires; Si [1],
Native oxide [1],
Necking process [1],
Negative resists [1],
Neutron diffractometer; and Si [1],
Newton fringes [1],
Nichia [1],
Non-linear optical properties; measurement [1],
Notch; on a wafer. [1],
Notches (on wafers) [1],
Nucleation of thin films [1],
Nuclei; for thin film growth [1],
Numerical aperture [1],
Oil resources [1],
Open circuit voltage; solar cell [1], [2],
Open circuit; solar cell [1],
Optical fibres [1],
Optical properties; thin films [1], [2],
Optical sensing [1],
Optical sensor [1],
Optical sensors [1],
Optics [1],
Optics; thin film [1],
Optimal working point; solar cell [1], [2],
Optoelectronic, and thin films [1],
Optoelectronics [1],
Optoelectronics defined [1],
Optoelectronics_ [1],
Organic conductor [1],
Organic LED's [1],
Organic light emitting diode [1], [2],
Organic semiconductors; solar cells [1], [2], [3],
Oscillator; and MEMS [1],
Osram [1],
Oxidation induced stacking faults [1],
Oxide capacitance [1],
Oxide CVD [1],
Oxide deposition [1],
Oxide Nitride-Oxide triple layer [1],
p - channel MOS [1],
Packaging MEMS [1],
Parallel plate reactor [1],
Parameter space; etching [1],
Parasitic capacity [1],
Parasitic transistors; in MOS [1],
Particles [1],
Particles_ [1],
Passivation, of dangling bonds [1],
Passivation; of Si devices [1],
Passivation; solar cell [1],
Pellicle [1],
Penetration depth; of light [1],
Phase boundary; hetero junction [1],
Phase coherence; Laser [1],
Phase diagram of quartz [1],
Phosphine [1], [2],
Phosphorous elemental semiconductor [1],
Photo current; in junction [1],
Photo potential; of junction [1],
Photo resist [1], [2], [3],
Photon; and quasi particles [1],
Photonic crystals; and Si [1],
Physical vapor transport; for SiC crystal growth [1],
Physisorption [1],
Piezoelectric materials; and MEMS [1],
Piezoelectric_effect [1],
Piezoresistive effect [1],
Planarization [1],
Planarization; and MEMS [1],
Planet [1],
Plasma [1],
Plasma enhanced CVD [1],
Plasma etching [1],
Plasma etching; MEMS [1],
Plasma oxide [1],
Plastic deformation; stress relief [1], [2],
pn-junction; for solar cells [1],
POCl process [1], [2],
Polariton; uses [1],
Poly [1],
Poly Si for crystal growth [1],
Poly silicon: Variants [1],
Polyimide [1],
Polysilicon layers [1],
Polytypes; of SiC [1],
Polytypie [1],
Porous silicon [1],
Positive resist [1],
Power plant [1],
Power; defintion [1],
Power; solar cell [1],
Power;_and_optoelectronics [1],
Pressure sensor; MEMS [1],
Price per function [1],
Primary energy [1],
Printing contacts; solar cell [1],
Process flow [1],
Process integration [1],
Process steps [1],
Process window [1],
Process-induced defects [1],
Processing time; solar cell [1],
Product; result of ST [1],
Products [1],
Products; and semiconductor technology [1],
Products; MEMS [1],
Properties; thin film [1],
Pumping a Laser [1],
Pumping, Laser [1],
Quantity; of energy [1],
Quantum efficiency; LED's [1],
Quantum wire [1],
Quantum wire; Si [1],
Quartz [1],
Quartz; phase diagram [1],
Quasi Fermi energy [1],
Quasi particles [1], [2], [3],
Quaternary compound semiconductors [1],
Radio frequency = high frequency [1],
Radio frequency identification device [1],
Radius of curvature; film stress [1],
Rapid thermal processing [1],
Raw silicon [1],
RC time constant [1],
Reacitvity; measurement [1],
Reactive ion beam etching [1],
Reactive ion etching [1],
Reactive sputtering [1],
Reactivity of Si [1],
Recombination center [1],
Recombination channel [1], [2],
Recombination coefficient [1],
Recombination volume [1],
Recombination zone [1], [2],
Reconstruction_surface [1],
Red-Green-Blue [1],
Reflectometry [1],
Reliability; and MEMS [1],
Resist [1], [2],
resist development [1],
Resists [1],
Resolution limit [1],
Resonance; in MEMS gyros [1],
Reticle [1], [2],
Reticles [1],
Reverse dark current; solar cell [1],
RF MEMS [1],
Rock crystal [1],
Roor mean square; for measuring roughness [1],
Rough substrates [1],
Roughness; average [1],
Roughness; root mean square [1],
Rows in module matrix [1], [2],
Rutherford back scattering [1],
Sacrificial layer [1],
Sacrificial layers [1],
Samsung [1],
Saving the world [1],
Scanning electron microscope [1],
Scanning Tunneling Microscope [1], [2], [3],
Scanning_electron_microscope [1],
Screen oxide [1],
Screen-printing [1],
Secondary energy [1],
Seed crystal [1],
Segregation coefficient [1],
Selectivity in etching [1],
Selectivity; of etching rates [1],
Selectivity;_sensor [1],
Selenium; elemental semiconductor [1], [2], [3],
Semiconductor Industry Association [1],
Semiconductor Laser [1],
Semiconductors; and components or products [1],
Sensor; MEMS [1],
Sensors; and semiconductor properties [1],
Sensors; MEMS [1],
Series resistance [1],
Series resistance; solar cells [1], [2], [3],
Shallow trench isolation [1], [2],
Short circuit current; solar cell [1], [2], [3],
Short circuit; solar cell [1],
Shrink strategy [1],
Shunt resistance [1],
Shunt resistance; solar cell [1],
Shunt resistor [1],
Shunt; in solar cells [1],
Si precipitates [1],
Siemens [1],
Siemens AG [1], [2],
Siemens process [1], [2],
Signal LED's [1], [2],
Silicide [1],
Silicon [1], [2],
Silicon nitride [1],
Silicon on insulator [1], [2],
Silicon; elemental semiconductor [1],
Silicondioxide [1], [2],
Silicone nitride [1],
Silicone nitride deposition [1],
Sintering contacts; solar cells [1],
Sintering; for solar cell contacts [1],
SiO2; phase diagram [1],
Slave; and power [1],
Slave; as energy source [1],
Snell's law [1],
So crystasl [1],
Solar cell; amorphous Si [1],
Solar cell; and semiconductor property [1],
Solar cells [1],
Solar cells; alterative substrates [1],
Solar cells; as market drivers [1],
Solar cells; thin film [1],
Solar energy [1],
Solar grade Si [1],
Source [1],
Source of a MOS transistor [1],
Space chareg region; of solal cell [1],
Specific heat; measurement [1],
Sphalerite [1], [2], [3],
Spike [1],
Spiking [1],
Spin-on coating [1],
Spin-on glass [1], [2], [3],
Spin-on technique [1],
Spontaneous emission of a photon [1],
Sputtering [1],
Sputtering techniques [1],
Staebler-Wronski effect [1],
Standard international unit [1],
Standing wave, Laser [1],
Stepper [1], [2],
Steps; atomic [1],
Sticking coefficient [1], [2],
Stiction [1],
Stiction; and gas etching [1],
Stimulated emission of a photon [1],
Stoney formula [1],
Stop planes; anisotropic etchung [1],
Storage; of energy [1],
Stranski-Krastanov growth mode [1],
Stress and strain; measurement [1],
Stress avoidance; MEMS [1],
Stress relaxation [1],
Stress, strain detection; MEMS [1],
Sun [1],
Surface cleaning; solar cell [1],
Surface reconstruction [1],
Surface roughening; solar cell [1],
Surface tension [1],
Table of Contents [1], [2],
Tandem cells [1],
Target [1],
Teflon: bad adhesion [1],
Temperature budget [1],
Terawatt; the global power unit [1],
Ternary compound semiconductors [1],
Terra [1],
Tetraethylorthosilicate [1],
Thermal actuators [1],
Thermal conductivity [1], [2], [3],
Thermal couples; MEMS [1],
Thermal expansion coefficient; measurement [1], [2],
Thermal properties; measurement [1],
Thermal ransfer [1],
Thermal_oxidation [1],
Thermal_oxidation_ [1],
Thermoelectric coefficients [1],
Thermoelectric devices; and semiconductor property [1],
Thick film technology; definition [1],
Thickness, roughness; measurements [1],
Thin film Si solar cell [1],
Thin film solar cells [1],
Thin film technology; definition [1],
Thin film; meaning [1],
Thin films; special structures [1],
Thin flims [1],
Three level system [1],
Threshold voltage [1],
Time constant [1],
Time constant: from RC [1],
Titanium Nitride [1],
Toaster; and power [1],
Topology; thin film [1],
Transistor radio [1],
Transistors; in IC [1],
Transmisison electron microscope [1],
Transmission electron microscope [1],
Transparent conductive oxide; solar cell [1],
Trench_capacitor [1],
Trench_capacitor_ [1],
Trichlorosilane [1],
Trichlorosilane_ [1],
Triple junction solar cell [1],
Tungsten [1],
Tungsten CVD [1],
Two diode model; of solar cell [1],
Ultra-high vacuum; MBE [1],
Ultraviolet light [1],
Uncertainty relaltion; for Lasers [1],
Uniformity: measurement [1],
Unipolar transistors [1],
Universal solvent; Si as [1],
Uranium [1],
van der Waaks bonding [1],
Very large scale integration [1],
Via; connectio between two metal layers in ICs [1],
Viscous flow; and stress relaxation [1],
Visible light [1],
Vollmer-Weber growth mode [1],
Wacker Siltronic [1], [2],
Wafer [1], [2],
Wafer flat [1],
Wafer, definition [1],
Wafer; Si [1],
Wafers [1],
Wafer_bonding;_MEMS [1],
Warpage; of substrates [1],
Watch, mechanical; and Si [1],
Water glass [1],
Watt; definition [1],
Wavelength; LED's [1],
Well; for CMOS [1],
Wet oxidation [1],
Wetting [1],
Wetting angle [1], [2],
White light; and LED [1],
Width of base region; parameter or speed [1],
Workfunction; measurement [1],
Working point; of solar cell [1],
World; saving the [1],
Wrong terms in micro electronics [1],
Wurtzite [1],
Wurtzite; definition [1],
Würth, Reinhold [1],
X-ray lithography [1],
X-ray mirrors; and Si [1],
Yield [1], [2],
Yield; in chip factory [1],
Zinc blende [1], [2],
Zinc blende; definition [1],
Zone melting [1],

© H. Föll (Semiconductor Technology - Script)