As a budding Materials Scientist and Engineer, you must have heard or read about
at least two other major Si products. If not, do the following: i) Start reading a real newspaper and ii) Read the
Science and Technology part. What you definitely should be able to come up with are. |
Solar Cell |
Cells. | |
What do you know about solar cells? Quite a bit, actually - provided you remembered
what you have learned already. |
Let's recapitulate a few essentials you should know: |
- Maximum efficiency h and how it relates to the band gap.
- The energy density given by the sun and how much power we can generate at high noon per m2.
- The fact that we need a (pn-) junction to collect minority
- The fact that the diffusion length L plays a major role, and that this has to do with Si being
an indirect semiconductor
- The I-U characteristics and how it is calculated.
- That the only decisive parameter in the solar cell business is money.
i.e. microelectronic and micro-mechanic (and micro-optics and micro-fluidic and...) systems. |
MEMS device
Courtesy of Sandia National Laboratories, SUMMiTTM Technologies, "www.mems.sandia.gov"
What do you know about MEMS? Probably not all that much from what you have learned
so far. | |
Class Exercise:
What do you know about MEMS? | |
To get some idea of what is going on in your immediate neighborhood in Itzehoe, check this link! |
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We will come to these devices or components in due course. Meanwhile you can activate
the link and look ahead a bit. |
ask yourself: Class Exercise:
Are there any other uses of Si you know off (or can find quickly)? |
Only after you pondered the questions above for some time, you should activate this link | |
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© H. Föll (Semiconductor Technology - Script)