Some Semiconductor Products and Components

Here are tables listing products, components and services that need some amount of semiconductor technology (ST) in this module
First let's look at obvious and not so obvious products and their components:
Product Abbreviation (Major) Components Remarks
Personal computer PC Integrated circuits (IC) or "Chips" There is much more ST inside a PC then just chips!
Almost anything with a battery inside or a power connection.
(Cars, communication entertainment, satellites, MRT machines, ...)
World Economy Integrated circuits (IC) or "Chips", optoelectronics The major enabling business for nearly everything
Solar cells Save the world Cheap large-area semiconductors See table below
Microsystems MEMS Si-based special chips Axiomatic product: Air bag sensor, "DLP" in beamers
Diode Lasers   III-V compound Heterojunction There is one in every DVD player.
Lights Save the world, part 2 III-V LED's Will soon replace the old-fashioned light bulb.
Radio frequency identification device RFID Very cheap chip (organic semiconductor?), printed antenna You may have one implanted soon.
LCD Flat panel displays LCD
transistor matrix plus "liquid crystals" or organic light emitting diodes) First OLED's are on teh market
... .... .... ....
Here is a table detailing the product "Solar Cell" some more:
Product=Solar Cell Remarks
"Bulk" Solar Cells
General definition The light absorbing part is relatively thick (> 100 µm); no substrate for mechanical stability is needed. Nearly all solar cells on roof tops now (=2007) fall into this category; and they are practically always made from Si.
Single crystalline Si Best Mass product in terms of solar cell efficiency (about 21 % by now)
"Multi"crystalline Si Slightly worse and somewhat cheaper than single crystalline Si, but market leader
GaAs solar cell Very good . And very expensive. Some space applications
Thin film Solar Cells
General definition Typically (0.5 - 30) µm film on substrate.
Amorphous Si The classic thin film cell; found in most small-scale applications (watches, pocket calculators, ...). Major performance problems even after > 20 a R&D
Nanocrsytalline Si The solar cell of the future? Not yet in production
CuInxGa1-xSeyS1-y So-called "CIGS" solar cells. Mass production has started.
CdTe Some production; future unclear
Organic semiconductors Max. efficiency at present (2007) around 5 %. We shall see.
TiO2 plus .... The so-called "Grätzel Cell". Sintered TiO2 nanoparticles coated with organic molecules absorb the light; carrier transport occurs via the TiO2 and a Redox electrolyte
Tandem cells Several thin layers of semiconductor with different band gaps on top of each other. Very high efficiency and price.
Concentrator cells "Small" high-efficiency cell mounted in the focus of a parabolic mirror. Saves on (expensive) semiconductor on the expense of mirror and positioning device, Only usable in countries with lots of direct sun light (not in S.-H.). Gets hot!

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© H. Föll (Semiconductor Technology - Script)