
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,

Abbreviations; Index of [1],
Absolute temperature [1],
Absorbing polarizers [1],
Absorption length [1], [2],
Accumulators [1],
Activity instead of concentration [1],
Advanced [1],
Aeral density [1],
Alloys (as conductors) [1],
Amorphous metals [1],
Amorphous silicon [1],
Amperes law [1],
Angular momentum [1],
Angular momentum, atoms and [1],
Anisotropie; optical [1],
Anode; battery [1],
Anti-ferromagnetic materials [1],
Anti-reflection coatings [1],
Antiferromagnets [1],
Antireflection coatings [1],
Astigmatism [1],
Atom polarization [1],
Attenuation index; of light [1],
Attenuation of light [1], [2],
Avalanche breakdown [1],
Backbone 1 [1],
Backbone 2 [1],
Backbone I module [1],
Backbone II module [1],
Barium titanate [1],
Basics modules [1],
Batteries [1], [2], [3],
Battery; weight [1],
Beam-splitting polarizers [1], [2],
Beer; and decay of excited states [1],
Beweglichkeit; Definition [1],
Bioluminescence [1],
Birefringence [1],
Black body radiation [1],
Black body radiator [1],
Black box; dielectric as [1],
Bloch wall [1],
Bohr magneton [1],
Bohrs model [1],
Bold script for index words [1],
Boltzmann distribution [1], [2],
Books: Askeland; The Science and Engineering of Materials [1],
Books: Fasching, Werkstoffe für die Elektrotechnik [1],
Books: Hummel, Electronic Properties of Materials [1],
Books: Jones; Materials Science for Electrical and Electronic Engineers [1],
Books: Murarka, Peckerar: Electr. Mat. Sci.+Techn. [1],
Books: Münch, Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik [1],
Books: Warnes; Electronic Materials [1],
Botzmann distribution [1],
Boundary conditions for E and H [1],
Brewster angle [1], [2], [3],
calcite; birefringence [1],
Capacitors [1],
Cathode (for electron beams) [1],
Cathode ray tube [1],
Cathode ray tubes [1],
Cathode; battery [1],
Cathodes [1],
Cathodoluminescence [1], [2],
Cermet [1],
Chemiluminescence [1],
Chip [1],
Chromatic aberation [1],
Circular polarization [1],
Circular wave [1],
Cirular polariziation; making [1],
Clausius-Mosotti equation [1],
Coercivity [1],
Coherence length [1], [2],
Coherence of light [1],
Coherent light [1],
Colors; and frequency [1],
Columns in module matirx [1],
Complex index of refraction [1],
Complex magnetic permeability [1],
Complex notation; for harmonic oscillator [1],
Compton effect [1],
Concave lens [1],
Concave mirror [1],
Conducting polymers [1],
conducting rods polarizer [1],
Conductivity; tensor [1],
Conductors; non-metallic [1],
Constantan [1],
Constructive interference [1],
Contact materials [1],
Contact resistance [1],
Contact voltage [1], [2],
Contacts [1],
Contacts between conductors [1],
Continous wave Laser [1],
Convex lens [1], [2],
Costs of light sources [1],
Critical angle [1],
Crown glass [1],
Crystal anisotropy amd magnetism [1],
crystal; meaning glass [1],
Crystalloluminescence [1],
Curie law [1],
Curie temperature [1], [2],
Curie-Weiss law [1],
Current collector; in battery [1],
Current density [1],
Damping constant; for light [1],
Dazugehörig, korrekt, eigentlich [1],
Debye equations [1],
Debye length [1], [2], [3], [4],
Density of carriers [1],
Depolarization factor [1],
Destructive interference [1],
Diamagnetic materials [1], [2],
Diamagnets [1],
Dichroism [1],
Dictionary English - German [1],
Dielectric as Black Box [1],
Dielectric constant [1], [2],
Dielectric constant; relative [1],
Dielectric failure [1],
Dielectric function [1], [2],
Dielectric function of water [1], [2],
Dielectric function; black box definition [1], [2],
Dielectric materials [1],
Dielectric susceptibility [1], [2], [3],
Dielectric tensor [1],
Differential operators; in spherical coordinates [1],
Diffraction; definition [1], [2], [3],
Diffusion barrier [1],
Diffusion coefficent [1],
Diffusion current; electrical [1],
Dioptre [1],
Dipole moment [1],
Dipole resonance [1], [2],
Direction of propagation [1],
Dispersion properties [1],
Dispersion; optical [1],
Displacement currents [1],
Dissipation; von Energie [1],
Distance between charges in dipoles [1],
Dog piss; and herapathite [1],
Dog piss; and polarization [1],
Domain structure; from minimizing free enthalpy [1],
Domain wall energy [1],
Domain walls [1],
Doping; conducting polymers [1],
Double refraction [1],
Double slit experiment [1],
Double slit interference experiment [1],
Drift current [1],
Drift velocity [1],
Drift velocity; of fly swarm [1],
Driftgeschwindigkeit [1],
Dynamic random access memory [1],
Easy directions (in ferromagnets) [1],
Ecercises [1],
Eddy currents; in magnetic materials [1],
Efficacy; luminous [1],
Efficiency of light sources [1],
Einstein [1],
Einstein-Smoluchowski relation [1], [2],
Einstein; photoelectric effect [1],
Einstein; stimulated emission [1],
Electrets [1],
Electric car [1],
Electrical breakdown [1],
Electrical diffusion current [1],
Electrical displacement [1],
Electrical flux density [1],
Electro-optic Kerr effect [1],
Electrochemical potential [1],
Electrochromic materials [1],
Electroluminescence [1], [2],
Electroluminescence from solar cell [1],
electrolyte; in battery [1],
Electrolytes [1],
Electrolytic breakdown [1],
Electromagnetic lenses [1],
Electromagnetic wave; and dielectrics [1], [2],
Electron gas [1],
Electron microscopes [1],
Electron spin resonance [1],
Electron tubes [1],
Electronic Polarization [1],
Electrostriction [1],
Elliptically polarized light [1],
Emission characteristic of light [1],
Energie dissipation [1],
Energy conservation in optics [1],
Energy crisis [1],
Ensemble average [1],
Entropy [1], [2],
Entropy; and orientation polarization [1],
Equivalent circuit diagram [1], [2],
Ergodic hypothesis [1],
Extinction coefficient; for electromagnetic radiation [1],
Extraordinary wave [1],
Far ield [1],
Faraday effect [1],
Feldstärke; statt Spannung [1],
Fermi energy [1], [2],
Ferrimagnetic materials; and conductivity [1], [2],
Ferrimagnetism [1],
Ferrimagnets [1],
Ferromagnetic materials [1], [2],
Ferromagnets [1],
Ficks law [1], [2],
Field current [1],
Field emission [1],
Field emission guns [1],
Field strength [1], [2],
Figure of merit [1],
Figures of merit [1],
First law of material science [1],
Flat panel displays [1],
Flat-panel display [1],
Fliegenschwarmanalogie [1],
Flint glass [1],
Fluorescent lamp [1],
Fluorescent tube [1],
Flux of electrical field [1],
Focal length of lens [1],
Focal point [1],
Foil polarizers [1],
Format Hyperscript [1],
Fourier integral [1],
Fourier integrals [1],
Fourier Series [1],
Fourier transform [1], [2],
Fourier Transforms [1],
Fractoluminescence [1],
Free electron gas model [1],
Free enthalpy [1],
Frequency of light [1],
Fresnel coefficients [1],
Fresnel equations [1],
Fresnel equations TE [1],
Fresnel equations TM [1],
Friction [1],
Friction; and energy dissipaton [1],
Frictional force; on electron [1],
Fuel cell [1],
Fuel cells [1],
Fuel injector; piezoelectric [1],
Fundamental unit for magnetism [1],
Gauss law [1],
Generating light [1],
Geometric optics [1],
Geometric optics; basics [1],
Giant magnetoresistance effect [1],
Giant magnetostriction [1], [2],
Grazing incidence [1],
Gyromagnetic relation [1],
Haitz's Law [1],
Hall effect [1],
Hall Koeffizient [1],
Hall voltage [1],
Hard directons (in ferromagnets) [1],
Hard disc [1],
Harmonic frequencies [1],
Harmonic Oscillator [1],
Harmonic systems [1],
Heating elements [1],
Herapathite crystal [1],
Herapathite; and polarization [1],
Hertz effect [1],
Holes; and thermoeffects [1],
Hologram [1],
Hooke's law [1],
Huygens Fresnel principle [1],
Huygens principle [1], [2],
Hyperbolic cotangent [1],
Hyperscript; format of [1],
Hystereses losses [1],
Hystereses losses; for ferromagnets [1],
Hysteresis [1],
Hysteresis curve [1],
Ig Nobel prize [1],
Illustration modules [1],
Incandescence [1], [2],
Incandescend light [1],
Incandescent light [1],
Incoherent beam [1],
Incoherent light [1],
Index of abbreviations [1],
Index of key words [1],
Index of names [1],
index of refraction [1], [2],
Indium tin oxide [1], [2],
Induced dipole moment [1], [2], [3],
Induced magnetic moment [1],
Inductors [1],
Integrated circuit [1], [2],
Integrated circuits [1],
Intensity of light beam [1],
Intensity of light emission [1],
Intercalation [1],
Interface polarization [1],
Interference optics [1],
Interference paradox [1],
Interference, wave picture [1],
Interference; particle picture [1],
Internal energy [1],
Inversion center; and piezoelectricity [1],
Inversion; for Laser [1],
Ion conducting solids [1],
Ionic conductors [1], [2], [3],
Ionic polarization [1],
Ionics [1], [2], [3], [4], [5],
Ions [1],
Irreversible processes [1],
Kerr effect [1],
Key word index [1],
Kramers Kronig relation [1],
Lambda quarter plate [1],
Lambda Sonde [1],
Langevin function [1], [2],
Laptop [1],
Laser [1], [2], [3], [4],
Laser mode [1],
Laser; and absorption [1],
Laser; and resonator [1],
Lasers [1],
Lead frame [1],
LEDs and total reflection [1],
Left-handed circular polarization [1],
Leitfähigkeit; spezifische [1],
Lens aberations [1],
Lens errors [1],
Lenz's law [1], [2],
Li ion battery [1],
Lifetime of light source [1],
Light amplification [1], [2],
Light emitting diodes; as light sources [1], [2],
light path; geometric optics [1],
Light. Wave or particle? [1],
Light; was is it? [1],
Linear polarization [1], [2],
Linear polarizers; principles [1],
Liquid crystal display [1],
Liquid crystals [1],
Local (electrical) field [1],
Local discharge [1],
Lorentz force [1],
Lorentz model [1],
Luminescence [1],
Luminous efficacy [1],
Magentic (relative) permeability of material [1],
Magnetic dipoles [1],
Magnetic domains [1],
Magnetic energy losses [1],
Magnetic field strength [1],
Magnetic flux density [1],
Magnetic imaging [1],
Magnetic induction [1],
Magnetic memories [1],
Magnetic memory [1],
Magnetic moment [1],
Magnetic moments of some materials [1],
Magnetic monopoles [1],
Magnetic permeability of the vacuum [1],
Magnetic polarization [1],
Magnetic resonance imaging [1],
Magnetic storage material [1],
Magnetic susceptibility [1], [2], [3],
Magnetization [1],
Magneto-optic Kerr effect [1],
Magnetostriction [1], [2],
Maintenance of light sources [1],
Matrix of modules [1],
Matthiesen [1],
Matthiesen rule [1],
Maxwell equations (and dielectrics) [1],
Maxwell equations and optics [1],
Mean field theory of ferromagnetism [1],
Mean free path [1],
Mean scattering time [1], [2],
Mechanical contacts [1],
Mechanoluminescence [1],
Metallic glasses [1],
Metamagnet [1],
Micromechanics [1],
Microsystems [1],
Micrrwave oven [1],
Mie scattering [1], [2], [3],
Mobility [1], [2],
Mobility of carriers [1],
Mobility; and Hall effect [1],
Mobility; expressed in fundamental terms [1],
Module matrix [1],
molecules; scattering at [1],
Mono-chromatic light [1],
Monochromatic light [1],
Morphological phase boundary; in PZT [1],
Mu-metal [1],
Multi-chromatic light [1],
Names: Indiex of [1],
Nanoparticles; light scattering [1], [2], [3],
Nanorods [1],
Nanowires; Si [1],
Near field [1],
Negative dielectric constant [1],
Negative electrode; battery [1],
Negative index of refraction [1],
Nernst equation [1], [2],
Nernst's equation [1],
Newton rings [1],
Neél temperature [1],
Neél walls [1],
Nicole prism [1],
Non equilibrium thermodynamics [1],
Non metals (as conductors) [1],
Nordheims rule [1],
Notation, Math [1],
Notebook [1],
Numbers concerning light [1],
Numerical aperture [1],
Numerical aperture; and resolution [1],
Ohm's law [1],
Ohmic materials [1],
Ohmic resistor [1],
Ohms law [1],
Ohmsche Materialien [1],
Ohmsches Gesetz [1],
Opacity [1], [2],
Opacity. [1],
optic axis [1],
Optical anisotropie [1],
Optical compound materials [1],
Optical tensor materials [1],
Optically smooth surface [1],
Ordinary wave [1],
Organic LED [1],
Orientation polarization [1], [2],
Oxygen sensor [1],
P-n-junctions [1],
Packaging materials [1],
Parabolic mirror [1],
Paramagentism [1],
Paramagnetic materials [1],
Paramagnetism of the free electron gas [1],
Paramagnets [1],
Particle picture for interference [1],
Particle picture of light [1],
Peltier cooling elements [1],
Peltier effect [1],
Peltier effects [1],
Penetration depth [1],
Permanent magnet [1], [2],
Permanent magnet; ideal case [1],
Permittivity [1],
Permittivity constant [1],
Perovskite structure [1],
phase change and sign [1],
Phase difference [1],
Phase of light [1],
Phase shift masks [1],
Phononen [1],
Phonons [1],
Phosphorescence [1],
Phosphors; luminescent material [1],
Photoelectric Effect [1],
Photoluminescence [1], [2],
Photoluminescence from solar cell [1],
Photon [1], [2],
photons; and light [1],
Piezo electricity; tensor [1],
Piezoelectric fuel injectores [1],
Piezoluminescence [1],
Pinning; of domain walls [1],
Planck equation [1],
Plane wave; light [1],
Pleochroism [1],
Pockels cells [1],
Pockles effect [1],
Poissons equation [1], [2],
Polarimeter [1],
Polarizability [1],
Polarization [1], [2], [3], [4],
Polarization direction [1],
Polarization filters [1],
Polarization is perpendicular to conducting rods [1],
Polarization mechansims [1],
Polarization of light [1], [2],
Polarization plane [1],
Polarization vector [1],
Polarization; and photons [1],
Polarization; definition [1],
Polarizer [1],
Polarizing crystals [1],
Polarizing methods [1],
Polaroid Corporation [1],
Polychromatic light [1],
Positive electrode; battery [1],
Power efficiency of light sources [1],
Power flux vs. specific energy [1],
Power flux: and Poynting vector [1],
Poynting vector [1],
Precession of electrons orbits [1],
Principal axes [1],
Principal refractive indices [1],
Properties of light sorces [1],
Pumping a Laser [1],
Pyro electricity [1],
PZT [1],
Quantum optics [1],
Quantum theory [1],
Quantum theory; and light [1],
Quarter lambda plate [1],
Quarter wave plate [1],
Quartz oscillators [1], [2],
Radioluminescence [1],
Random phases [1],
Rayleigh scattering [1], [2], [3],
Real image [1],
Reflected beam [1],
Reflection [1],
Reflection; definition [1], [2], [3],
Refracted beam [1],
Refraction; definition [1], [2], [3],
Relative dielectric constant [1], [2],
Relative magnetic permeability of materials [1], [2], [3],
Relaxation time [1], [2], [3],
Remanence [1],
Resistors [1],
Resonance [1],
Resonance frequency; harmonic oscillator [1],
Resonator [1],
Reversability of light path. [1],
Richardsons equation [1],
Right-handed circular polarization [1],
Rows in module matrix [1],
Ruby [1],
Saturation magnetization [1], [2],
Scanning tunneling microscopes [1],
Scattering cross section [1],
Scattering mechanisms [1],
Scattering of light [1],
Scattering time, mean [1],
Schottky effect [1],
Schrödinger equation [1],
Screening charges [1],
Seebeck effect [1], [2],
Seebeck voltage [1],
Selenium [1],
Semiconducting polymers [1],
Sensor (solid states [1],
Sensors [1],
Si microchips; and optics [1],
Siemens; as measuring unit [1],
Sign and phase change [1],
Sign of Hall voltage [1],
Silicides [1], [2],
Silicone vs. Silicon [1],
Snellius [1],
Snellius law [1], [2], [3],
Soft magnet [1],
Solar cells [1],
Solid angle [1],
Solid electrolytes [1],
Sonoluminescence [1],
Special conductors [1],
Specidic resistivity [1],
Specific conductivity [1], [2],
Specific energy vs. power flux [1],
Specific resistivity [1],
Spectral density [1],
Spectrum and light source [1],
Spectrum; from Fourier series [1],
Specular reflection [1], [2],
Spherical aberation [1],
Spherical coordinates [1],
Spin [1],
Standing wave [1],
Stimulated emission [1],
Streuung an Defekten [1],
Streuung an Elektronen [1],
Streuung an Phononen [1],
Streuung; von Elektronen [1],
Stromdichte; statt Strom [1],
Superconductors [1], [2], [3],
Surface charge (in dielectrics) [1],
Surface density [1],
Symmetry breaking; piezoelectricity [1],
Table of Contents [1],
Tangens delta [1],
TE polarization [1],
Temperature coefficient of resistivity [1],
Tensor in optics [1],
tensor index of refraction [1],
Tensor materials; in optics [1],
Tensor optics [1],
Tensor; and conductivity [1],
Tensor; and piezo electricity [1],
Tensor; instead of dielectric constant [1],
Tensor; magnetic [1],
Texture; for magnetic properties [1],
Themoelectric effect [1],
Thermal breakdown [1],
Thermal equilibrium [1],
Thermocouple [1],
Thermocouples [1],
Thermoelectric effects [1],
Thermoelectric generators [1],
Thermoelement [1],
Thermoluminescence [1],
Thermovoltage [1], [2],
Thomson effect [1],
TM polarization [1],
Tormalin; and pyroelectricity [1],
Total reflection [1],
Transformer core material [1],
Transistor [1],
Translucence [1],
Transmitted beam [1], [2],
Transparency [1], [2], [3],
Transparent conductors [1],
Triboluminescence [1],
Ttechnical issue un generating light [1],
Tunnel diode [1],
Tunneling effect [1],
vacuum impedance [1],
Vacuum tube [1], [2],
Velocity (average) of carriers in a crystal [1],
Verdet constant [1],
Virtual image [1],
Volta potential [1], [2],
Wave function [1],
Wave impedance [1],
Wave picture for interference [1],
Wave picture of light [1],
Wave vector [1],
Weiss field [1],
Weiss theory of freromagnetism [1],
Weiss's factor [1],
Widerstand; spezifischer [1],
Wiedemann-Franz law [1],
Wollaston prism [1],
Work function [1],
X-ray microscope [1],
X-rays [1],
Young's modulus [1],

© H. Föll (Advanced Materials B, part 1 - script)