A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,
A, | |
abbr. | Abbreviation |
a | Activity |
w | Angular frequency |
B, | |
bcc | Body centered cubic |
k | Boltzmanns constant |
C, | |
CRT) | Cathode ray tube |
CRT | Cathode ray tubes |
r | Charge density |
CD | Compact disc |
cw | Continous wave |
C | Coulomb |
j | Current density |
j | Current density |
j | Current density |
D, | |
i.e. | Das heißt - that's to say; in other words |
DK | Dielectric constant |
c | dielectric susceptibility |
m | Dipole moment |
DC | Direct current |
DRAM | Dynamic random access memory |
E, | |
E | Electrical field strength |
D | Electrical flux density |
n | Electron density |
ESR | Electron spin resonance |
q | Elementary charge |
S | Entropy |
F, | |
fcc | Face centered cubic |
EF | Fermienergy |
metafiles | Files about the script |
FPD | Flat panel display |
F | Force |
G | Free enthalpy |
G, | |
GMR | Giant magneto resistance |
H, | |
hcp | Hexagonally close packed |
I, | |
n | index of refraction |
n | Index of refraction |
ITO | Indium tin oxide |
IC | Integrated circuit |
U | Internal energy; also used for enthalpy |
J,K,L, | |
PZT | Lead zirconate titanate |
Laser | Light amplification by stimulated emission and resonance |
LED | Light emitting diode |
LCD | Liquid crystal display |
LCD | lLiquid Crystal Display |
FL | Lorentz force |
M, | |
µr | Magnetic (relative) permeability of material |
H | Magnetic field strength |
B | Magnetic field strength |
B | Magnetic flux density |
m | Magnetic moment |
µo | Magnetic permeability of vacuum |
J | Magnetic polarization |
J | Magnetic polarization |
J | Magnetic polarization |
MRAM | Magnetic random access memory |
MRI | Magnetic resonance imaging |
cmag | Magnetic susceptibiity |
M | Magnetization |
MOKE | Magneto optic Kerr effect |
Tm | Melting point |
ME | Microelectronic |
MEMS | Microelectronic and mechanical systems |
µ | Mobility |
µ | Mobility |
µ | Mobility of carriers |
MPB | Morphological phase boundary |
N, | |
NA | Numerical aperture |
O, | |
OLED | Organic light emitting diode |
ONO | Oxide-Nitride-Oxide |
P, | |
e0 | Permittivity constant |
PSM | Phase shifting mask |
P | Polarization |
PVA | Polyvinyl alcohol |
Q, | |
QEO | Quadrato electro-optic effect |
R, | |
ROM | Read only memory |
er | Relative dielectric constant; definition |
t | Relaxation time |
S, | |
STM | Scanning tunneling microscope |
S | Siemens |
s | Specific conductivity |
r | Specific resisitvity |
r | Specific resistivity |
s | Spin quantum number |
T, | |
ar | Temperature coefficient of resistivity |
TEM | Transmission electron microscope |
TCO | Transparent conducting oxides |
U, | |
UHV | Ultra high vacuum |
V, | |
V | Volume |
W, | |
y | Wave function |
EA | Work function |
X,Y,Z, | |
e.g. | Zum Beispiel |
© H. Föll (Advanced Materials B, part 1 - script)