Light as a wave, by definition, is polarized
since an arbitrary light wave can always be decomposed into plane waves described by the electrical field vector E(r,t)=E0exp{i(kr
–wt)} and the corresponding expression for the magnetic
field. |
The electrical field vector (or the electrical displacement
vector D in material) thus is contained in some plane (the polarization
plane) that contains the direction of propagation (direction of k-vector). Looking for example at
a picture we had before but now augmented with the relevant vector quantities, we see
that in this case: - Polarization plane=(y,x) plane.
- Propagation direction=k direction=Poynting vector
S direction=x direction here.
- E-field amplitude in y-direction given by E0.
- H-field amplitude in z-direction given by H0.
| |
Ey(t) |
= Ey0 · exp{i(kx – wt)} |
Hz(t) |
= Hz0 · exp{i(kx – wt)} |
This all looks well-known and clear. Usually we don't bother to go much deeper
at this point. In a Master study course, however, you now ponder the picture and the equations above for a while. Then a
few questions should come up, for example: |
| |
- Can polarization be described by a vector? Could I just use a unit vector in E0-direction?
- What happens if E0; H0 are not
parallel to D0; B0, something to
be expected in anisotropic materials?
- How do I describe polarization in the particle picture?
- Is the electrical and magnetic field really in phase as shown above?
- How large, in V/cm, is the electrical field E0 in
a typical light wave. How large (roughly) is it for one photon of a given energy?
- Let's assume you know the electrical field E0: how large is the magnetic
field H0 associated with it?
- The energy a photon brings along is EPh=hn. How is this light energy transported by an electromagnetic wave?
It's not very difficult to conceive and to understand these questions. How about the answers? |
| |
The bad news is: There are no easy answers for some of those
questions. |
The good news is: For most of what follows you don't have
to worry about the answers. I will go into details later whenever necessary. For now you can use this
link to get some ideas about the answers and, even better, you could do the simple but illuminating exercise below. |
Let's start with the last question. Light flow equals energy flow. All of us who once experienced
a sun burn (or shot down one of those evil alien space ships with a Laser gun) know that. How does light energy "flow"
exactly? |
Well, we (should) know how much energy density
=energy /cm3 is contained in an electric or magnetic field in vacuum (in materials use D
and B instead of E and H): We have: |
[Welect; magn] |
= |
[Ws m3] |
We do not yet know, how E and H are linked. All we need to know
is that this follows "straight" from the Maxwell equations and is given by |
| |
E0 |
= |
æ ç è
ere0 |
ö ÷ ø |
½ |
· H0 |
= |
Zw· H0 |
We defined a new quantity Zw=E0/H0=(m0mr/e0er)½ that is called the wave impedance
the medium. This is an apt name since Zw does have the dimension "Ohm"
(W) as required for an impedance. |
For the vacuum impedance
(er, mr=1) we get |
| |
This is a bit strange if you think about it. We just connected vacuum, the nothing,
with a defined property that can be expressed in a simple number! You can buy a resistor with 377 W
and wonder why it somehow reflects a property of vacuum. |
Be that as it may, we now define a new vector S
as follows: |
| |
The Poynting vector
has interesting properties: |
| |
- S points in the direction of the propagation of the light, i.e. in wavevector k
direction as shown in the figure above.
- |S|=S=E0 · H0 · cos2(kr
- wt), the magnitude of the Poynting vector, gives directly the power flux in W/cm2 of an electromagnetic wave
- The average power delivered to an area is thus .
| |
| = |
E0H0 2 |
= |
Zw |
= E02 ·
| æ ç è
mrm0 |
ö ÷ ø |
½ |
<S> |
µ |
E02 · er½ |
µ |
E02 · n |
Don't mix up the power flux in W/cm2
with the specific energy measured in in Ws/cm3or J/cm3
that is contained in fields as shown above! It's time for an exercise to get some ideas
about the numbers associated with light power and field strength! |
| |
We still have a bunch of open questions from above but before
we tackle those we have to learn a bit about polarization. |
| |
of Light |
It is clear that an idealized plane wave,
given essentially by the exp[i(kr – wt)] term, describes a monochromatic and fully coherent light wave propagating in
exactly one direction that is also linearly
polarized by definition. |
Some Laser beams may come close to emitting a plane wave matching that description
but laser light is a far cry from "normal" light. |
Most real or normal light beams, e.g. the light "beams" emanating from
light bulbs, are not polarized as we know. "Real" light from light bulb looks
- very schematically - as shown below. We are forced to assume that the electromagnetic wave has a beginning in space and
time (at the light bulb, like now) and an end. The length of the whole thing we call "coherence
length". The color (=wavelength), and the polarization plane for one of those waves with a beginning and an
end, has some fixed value but that is different from the next wave coming along. The distribution of wavelengths we call
the spectrum of the light source, and the distribution of polarization planes will be
random. Each ones of theses "wavelets" is caused by an electron changing its state from higher to lower energy. |
| |
The picture might be interpreted as photons
coming out of the light bulb. If one of those wavelets would be seen as a completely abstract symbol
for a photon, this would be true. However. photons are not just short pieces of an electromagnetic
wave, so one must not interpret this figure as a picture of photons. |
We have a number of new questions to consider (never mind
that we did not answer all the old ones yet): |
- How do we detect if and in which direction a light beam is polarized?
- How can we polarize an unpolarized light beam if the need arises?
- Does is matter if and how a light beam is polarized for the applications we have
in mind?
- If it matters: how do we optimize the needed polarization?
- How does the polarization of a wave relate to photon properties?
- Are there other polarization modes besides linear
| |
We are now at the point where serious optics starts. It ain't exactly easy but we will only scratch
the surface here. |
Let's look at these questions one by one. We will encounter rather difficult topics
that we only treat in a perfunctory way here. Some topics will come up later again. |
| | |
1. How do we detect if and how a light beam is polarized?
By using a polarizer, i.e. some material that transmits
only that E-field component of an incoming light beam that is parallel
to some material specific polarization direction as shown below. |
| |
From Rogilbert; French Wikipedia |
Turn your polarizer and the light intensity coming out stays either constant if
the incoming beam is not polarized at all (but is always lower in intensity) or varies between zero and maximum (=incoming)
intensity in a cos2 fashion if the incoming beam is 100 % linearly polarized, as shown above. If
the beam is partially polarized you have a mix of the two extremes. |
The second question (2. How can we polarize an unpolarized
light beam if the need arises?) is answered too: Use a polarizer! Of course we have
a new question now, the really tough one. |
7. What, exactly, gives a material polarizing properties?
And how can I manipulate or engineer those properties? That's indeed a tough question as we shall see in one of the next sub chapters. Before we try to answer this one, we look at a few simple things
first. |
What we perceive now is that a standard non-polarized
light beam simply consists of many intrinsically polarized beams but with randomly distributed polarization directions.
The total polarization effect then is zero. |
| |
| |
| |
This is easy to perceive with the help of the figure on the left. |
| |
Randomly distributed polarization vectors sum up to zero=no polarization.
Note that we now indirectly answered one of the earlier questions
from above: Yes, you can use a polarization vector like we do in this case
and most others. But beware! Polarization in general is more tricky than you might think and a simple vector is not always
enough to describe it mathematically. (Remember the problems encountered in using a polar vector for describing rotations?).
You will need a matrix if you go about it systematically. |
| |
The picture also makes clear why the polarized beam emerging from a polarizer has a lower
intensity than the incoming beam, and also how much lower it will be. |
| |
If we want to make life easier we can replace a large number of beams with random polarization
directions (red vectors) by just two beams at right angles (brown vectors). |
| |
It is time for a quick exercise: |
| |
| |
3. Does is matter if and how a light beam is polarized for the applications
we have in mind? |
The answer is simple: No, it does not matter for many simple
or standard applications. Your glasses, binoculars, microscopes, and so on, work perfectly
well with "normal" light. With a polarization filter your camera will make somewhat better pictures in certain
circumstances but that is usually not decisive. |
However, for anything a bit more sophisticated, like all the optical things that a Material Scientist and Engineer needs for her or his work or develops for others, it will matter
very much as we will see. Here is a table that should give you some idea: |
| |
Application |
Polarization matters a lot |
Polarization doesn't matter much |
Simple optical instruments (Cameras, binoculars, ...) | |
Forget it |
Better optical instruments (Cameras, .. |
you use a "Pol filter" | |
Optical communications | not yet but soon |
most cases now | Optical measurements |
most depend on polarization | |
3-dim movies | including circular polarization |
| Laser |
in many cases | some cases |
LCD displays |
impossible without polarization | |
4. If it matters: how do we optimize the
needed polarization? |
The answer is simple again: by constantly coming up with new or improved materials.
Note the extremely simple and important truth: |
If a light beam does not interact with some material,
its properties will not change. |
5. How does the polarization of a wave relate to photon properties? |
Well - the photon has a spin
of 1/2! Naively put, there is a kind of (polar) vector associated with it. So there might be a relation between polarization
and spin? |
Yes - up to a point. But it's not that simple! Whatever the case may be, my advice is: forget it! Whenever polarization comes up, only think in
the wave picture. Otherwise you simply run into all kinds of unnecessary problems. However, it is perfectly possible to
describe all the effects of polarization in the particle picture, too. There is no contradiction. |
We have the last questions to consider and that will open a large can
of worms, as the saying goes. Let's start with No. 6: Are there other polarization
modes besides linear polarization? |
Yes there are. They are called circular and elliptical
polarization. Here we go: |
| |
Other Modes of Polarization |
Some idealized plane wave travelling in z direction
with the electrical field vector pointing in x-direction writes as Ex(z,t)=E0,
xexp{i(kz –wt) for the the electric field part. This
idealized light wave is a solution of the Maxwell
equations for some (idealized) conditions. |
Ey(z,t)=E0, yexp{i(kz
–wt + p/2); i.e. the same wave but with the
electrical field pointing in y-direction and a phase
difference of p/2 (or any other you care to insert) is also a solution, of
course. |
If those waves travel inside a material, all we have to do is to replace the electrical
field E by D, the dielectric displacement (and H by B,
of course), and to take care of the change in wavelength or the magnitude of k, respectively. |
If the material is isotropic and linear,
we have D=e0erE.
That means that not only the two waves from above are still a solution of the Maxwell equations for the case considered,
so is any superposition of those (and possibly other) solutions. So whatever we are
about to discuss works just as well in "simple" materials. Most optical materials are amorphous (called "glass"),
and meet the requirement isotropic and linear in
a fair approximation so we don't have to worry yet. |
However, many crystalline materials are neither isotropic
nor linear - and then we will be in trouble. Those materials are of course very interesting
to a Materials Scientist but the theory of what happens is difficult and we will deal with that later. |
Now let's add up the two E (or D) solutions
from above and see what we get. |
Ex(z,t) + Ey(z,t) |
= |
E0, xexp{i(kz –wt) |
+ |
E0, yexp{i(kz –wt+
p/2) |
The real part of this complex equation gives the electrical field vector, we have |
| |
E |
= |
E0, x · cos(kz –wt)
+ E0, y · sin(kz –wt) |
The full electrical field E thus is obtained by adding two vectors at
right angles with magnitudes that change sinusoidally between (±E0). The total effect
is a vector with length E0 that rotates with a circle
frequency w around the z-axis. |
What you get is called circular polarization for
obvious reasons; it looks like shown below. Note that all of this appears to be far more complicated than it actually is,
this is made clear by the animation below which shows the basic simplicity of what is going on. |
| |
(From wikipedia) |
You realize, if you think about it, that we just opened the promised rather large
can of worms. We started with simple, intuitively clear linear polarization and now progressed
to circular polarization by superimposing two special linearly polarized waves. Of course,
we can produce two basic kinds of circular polarization: left-handed
and right-handed circular polarized light this way. Equally of course,
we can now superimpose all kinds of waves with all kinds of phases. Where
will it end? |
Actually, it's not as bad as it might be. Superimposing whatever you like just gives you elliptically polarized light (plus, perhaps, a background of unpolarized
light). |
The extremes of an ellipse are straight lines (linearly
polarized light, just superimpose the two waves without a phase difference) and the circle (phase difference p/2;
equal amplitudes). |
We will stop at this point. Far more important than going into intricate details
of all this polarization stuff is to consider:
- Question 2 from above, not yet addressed: How do we make
all these kinds of polarization? (Answer: with special materials,
of course).
- What is it good for? Who needs circular or elliptically polarized light? (Answer:
you - if you watch, e.g., 3D-movies)
We will look very briefly at some answers in the next chapter, where we deal with light and materials. |
© H. Föll (Advanced Materials B, part 1 - script)