5.4.1 Summary to: 5.1 Optics

Know your numbers and relations for visible light!
For the propagation of light:
use the wave model
For the generation and disappearance (= absorption) of light:

use the photon model

Snellius law:
n = sinα/sinβ with α, β the angle of incidence
or propagation, resp.
Wavelengths: λ 400 nm - 800 nm.
λmat = λ0/n.  
Frequency: ν 10 15 Hz.  
Index of refraction: n = εr½ 1,5 - 2,5  
Energy E 1,8 eV - 3,2 eV.  
Dispersion relation: c0 = ν λ0 = 3 · 108 m/s
cMat = ν λ0/n(λ)
Know yout basic equations and terminology  
Light as electromagnetic wave
Coherent monochromatic plane wave
E and H perpendicular and in phase
 =   E0
    · exp{i(krωt)}
Reflection always with "angle in" = "angle out".
Refraction is the sudden "bending" or "flexing" of light beams at the interface  
Diffraction is the continous "bending" of light beams around corners; interference effects.  
Geometric optics
Key paramters
Imaging with a lens
Focal length f and
numerical aperture NA of lenses, mirrors.
Image formation by simple geometric constration  
Various aberrations (spherical. chromatic, astigmatism, coma, ...) limit performance.  
Wave optics
Huygens principle: and interference
Double slit experiment
Ultimate limit to resolution  
dmin    λ
Know your basic types of waves:  
(Running, coherent, monochromatic) plane wave.  
Standing waves = superposition of plane waves.  
Incoherent, multichromatic real waves  
Relation s between electrical field E, magnetic field H and Poynting vector (energy flow vector) S = E × H
Welect   =  ε0 · E2
Wmag   =  μ0 · H2
[Welect; magn]   =  [Ws m–3]
E0   = 


½  · H0   =  Zw · H0 
<S>  =  E0H0
 =  E02
This equation links energy flow (easy in photon picture) to field strength in wave picture.  
Zw = wave impedance of the medium.
Zw(vacuum) = 376,7
Polarization = key to "advanced" optics.
Simple case: linear polarization.
Plane of polarization contains E-vector and S (k) vector.  
Any (coherent) wave is polarized but net polarization of many waves with random polarization is zero!  
Light intensity ( E2) between polarizers at angle α scales with (cosα)2.  
General case: elliptical polarization; important are the two extremes: linear and circular polarization.  
For circular polarizaiton the E-vector rotates on a circle while moving "forward". This results from a superposition of two plane waves with E-vectors ar right angles and a phase difference of π/2.  
Technically important (3-dim Cinema; Lab optics)  
The task:
Calculate and understand intensities, angles, phases, polarization and attenuation (damping) of the various light beams shown from the materials properties
light and material
Still assuming a perfectly flat surface
First step: Decompose impinging light into two waves with polarization in he interface plane (TE case) or at right angles (TM case)  
Energy conservation yields for the intensities:  
Itr(z = 0)  =   IinIre
Boundary conditions as shown in the figure involve the "dielectric constant ε and thus the so far only relevant material property.  
Deriving Fresnel laws
Considering energy (proportional to E2) and momentum (proportional to k2") conservation for the TE and TM case separately yields the Fresnel equations that provide the answers to the questions above  
  A wealth of insights and relations follow, e.g. or field strength E or intensities I:  
   =  –  n – 1
n + 1

n – 1
n + 1

  one consequence as example for the power of these equations: n = 2 means that almost 10 % of the intensity will be reflected, implying that for optical instruments you must provide some "anti-reflection" coating.  
Using the complex (and frequency dependent "dielectric constant ε(ο) = ε' + iε'' yields the complex index of refraction  
n2  =  1

ε' 2  + ε'' 2 
½   +  ε'

κ2  =  1

ε' 2  + ε'' 2
½   –  ε'

n*(ο)  =  n + i κ
The imaginary part κ describes the attenuation (damping) of the transmitted wave in the material.  
Polarization and Material2. How to polarize a light beam
Polarizing foil
1. Geometry. Use Fresnel equations to produce a polarzed beam under specific angles ("Brewsater angle")
1. Polarization foils = alined conducting rods (of possibly molecular size) "short-circuiting" the electrical field in on direction.  
3. "Tensor" materials with optical anisotropy  
Theory can an get rather involved; products can be extremely simple and cheap (e.g. circular polarizer in 3-D movie glasses)  
Not so perfect materials and properties like specular and diffuse Reflection, transparency, Translucency, Opacity.
Light is scattered at small things in all directions and the scattering of light is the major topic encountered if we look at not-so-perfect materials
The picture illustrates:
Specular and diffuse reflection at the surface.
Scattering of the transmitted light (running in different directions) at defects or imperfections contained in the material (fat droplets in milk, air bubbles in glass, ...).
Specular and diffuse reflection at the internal surface the light is coming out off. This is described by a (different) polar diagram characterizing this surface.
Scatter mechanism depend on the size lsca of the scatterer" relative to the wavelength:
lsca << λ: The extreme case would be scattering at single atoms or molecules. Proper nanoparticles also belong into this group. This kind of scattering is called Rayleigh scattering
lsca >>λ: No problem, we covered that already. Just look at any part of the sample by itself.
lmat λ: Now we have a problem. What will happen in this case is difficult to deal with and no general rules apply. This kind of scattering is called Mie scattering
Generating Light
Two basic cases:
Luminescence: General name for
"cold" light production
Fluorescence:   Light production shortly
after energy input. Short
life time of excited
level (< µs)
Phosphorescence:    Light production long
after energy input. Long
life time of excited
level (> ms)
Light from hot bodies. Planck radiation law applies.
Efficiency tends to be low
Light from "cold" bodies or luminescence  
There are many types of cold light production. Of utmost importance is electroluminescence or, to use another word for essentially the same thing, radiant electron - hole recombination in semiconductors.
In yet other words: It's the LED, the light emitting diode..
  • Fresnel Lens
  • Optical Activity
  • Faraday effect
  • Kerr Effect
  • Pockels Effect
Forget it. The list names some, there are many more.
That's where serious "optics and material" starts. This would need another full lecture course  
Light Sources
Hot bodies (tungsten filaments) in light bulbs and plasma discharge in fluorescent tubes
Efficiency of light sources
Inefficient light bulbs still dominates when this lecture course started (2010)
LEDs have taken over when this hyperscript was finalized (2019)  
Mot included above is the Laser.  
You must learn about the Laser somewhere else  
Processing light
with, for example, conventional lenses, mirrors and prism, anti-reflection coatings
Deep UV lens
Even simple light processors like lenses (and the rest from above) might be extremely complex materials engineering products today. Just look at the picture of a (by now (2019) outdated lens for microelectronic lithography-
Polarizers, diffraction gratings and filters add another layer of complexity.  
The list goes on, with, e.g. phase shifters and whatever is needed for doing holgraphy or...  
Laser "beam forming", modulation, fultr-high speed detection, ...  

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© H. Föll (Advanced Materials B, part 1 - script)