For many mathematical problems, it is far easier to use spherical coordinates
instead of Cartesian ones. |
In essence, a vector r (we drop the underlining
here) with the Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) is expressed in spherical coordinates by giving its
distance from the origin (assumed to be identical for both systems) |r|, and the two angles j
and Q between the direction of r and the x- and z-axis
of the Cartesian system. |
This sounds more complicated than it actually is: j and
Q are nothing but the geographic longitude and latitude. The picture below illustrates this. |
| |
This is simple enough, for the translation from one system to the other one we
have the equations |
| |
x = |
r · sinQ · cosj |
| r = |
(x2 + y2 + z2)½ |
y = |
r · sinQ · sinj |
| j = |
arctg (y/x) | z = |
r · cos Q | |
Q = |
arctg |
(x2 + y2 + z2 )½ z |
Not particularly difficult, but not so easy either. |
Note that there is now a certain ambiguity: You describe the same
vector for an ¥ set of values for Q and f, because you always can add n·2p (n=1,2,3...) to any of
the two angles and obtain the same result. |
This has a first consequence if you do an integration. Lets look at the ubiquitous
case of normalizing a wave function y (x,y,z) by demanding that |
| |
ó õ –¥ |
ó õ –¥ |
ó õ –¥ |
y (x,y,z) · dxdydz = 1 |
In spherical coordinates, we have |
| |
ó õ 0 |
ó õ 0 |
ó õ 0 |
y (r,j,Q) · dr
djdQ = 1 |
You no longer integrate from -¥ to ¥ with respect to the angles, but from 0 to 2p for
j and from 0 to p for Q
because this covers all of space. Notice the different upper bounds! |
Lets try this by computing the volume VR of a sphere with radius
R. This is always done by summing over all the differential volume elements dV inside the body defined by
some equation |
In Cartesian coordinates we have for the volume element dV=dxdydz, and
for the integral: |
| |
ó õ –¥ |
ó õ –¥ |
ó õ –¥ |
??? dxdydz |
Well, if you can just formulate the integral,
let alone solving it, you are already doing well! |
In spherical coordinates we first have to define the volume element. This is relatively
easily done by looking at a drawing of it: |
An incremental increase in the three coordinates by dr, dj,
and dQ produces the volume element dV which is close enough to a rectangular body
to render its volume as the product of the length of the three sides. |
Looking at the basic geometry, the length of the three sides are identified as
dr, r · dQ, and r · sinQ · dj, which gives the volume element |
| |
| |
dV | = |
r2 · sinQ· dr · dQ·
dj |
| |
| |
The volume of our sphere thus results from the integral |
| |
Vr = |
¥ ó õ
0 | 2p
ó õ 0 |
p ó õ
0 |
r2 · sinQ · dr djdQ= 2p · | ¥
ó õ 0 |
p ó õ
0 |
r2 · sinQ · dr dQ = 2p | · [–cos p + cos 0] ·
| ¥ ó õ
0 | r2 · dr |
Vr = |
2p · | [2] · |
1/3R3 |
= (4/3) · p · R3 |
q.e.d. |
| |
Not extremely easy, but no problem either. |
Next, consider differential
operators, like div, rot, or more general, and 2 (=D).
Lets just look at D to see what happens. We
have (for some function U) |
| |
| |
Cartesian coordinates |
D= |
¶2U |
+ |
¶2U |
+ |
¶2U |
¶x2 |
¶y2 |
¶z2 |
| |
Spherical Coordinates |
D= |
¶r2 | + |
2 r | · |
¶U ¶r |
+ |
1 r2 · sin2· Q |
· |
¶j2 |
+ | 1 r2 |
· |
¶Q2 |
+ |
cotg Q r2 |
· |
¶Q |
| |
Looks messy, OK, but it is still a lot easier to work with this D operator than with its Cartesian counterpart for problems with spherical symmetry; witness the
solution of Schrödingers equation for the Hydrogen
atom. |
Looking back now on our
treatment of the orientation polarization, we find yet another way of expressing spherical coordinates for problems with
particular symmetry: |
We use a solid angle
W and its increment dW. |
A solid
W is defined as the ratio of the area on a unit sphere that is cut out by a cone with
the solid angle W to the total surface of a unit sphere (=4pR2==4p for R=1). |
A solid angle of 4p therefore is the same as the total sphere,
and a solid angle of p is a cone with a (plane) opening angle of 120o
(figure that out our yourself). |
An incremental change of a solid angle creates a kind of ribbon around the opening
of the cone defined by W. This is shown below |
| |
Relations with spherical symmetry where the value of Q
does not matter - i.e. it does not appear in the relevant equations - are more elegantly expressed with the solid angle
W. |
That is the reason why practically all text books introduce Q
in the treatment of the polarization orientation. And in order to be compatible with most text books, that was what we did
in the main part of the Hyperscript. |
Of course, eventually, we have to replace Q and dQ by the basic variables that describe the problem, and that is only the angle d
in our problem (same thing as the angle j here). |
dQ in terms of d is easy (compare the picture in the main text) |
The radius ot the circle bounded by the dQ ribbon is r·sind=sind because we have the unit sphere, and its width is simply dd. |
Its incremental area is thus the relation that we used in the main
part. |
| |
| |
© H. Föll (Advanced Materials B, part 1 - script)