List of Abbraviations

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,

abbr. Abbreviation
c Affinity
AC Alternating current
Eg Band gap
k Boltzmanns constant
BZ Brillouin zone
BMD Bulk microdefects
r Charge density
CP Chemical polish or concentrated piss
m Chemical potential
CP Concentrated piss
s conductivity
CIS Copper Indium Di-selenide
P Crystal momentum
COP Crystal originated particles or pits
Si-c Crystalline Si; used in the solar industry
hcu Current efficiency of light generation
LDb Debye length
DOS Density of states
D(E) Density of States
td Dielectric relaxation time
D Diffusion coefficient
L Diffusion length
DC Direct current
vD Drift velocity
EFG Edge defined Film-fed (crystal) Growth
me Electron mass
EC Elementary cell
E Energy
EPROM Eraseable and Programable Random Acess Memories
hext External efficiency of light generation
EF Fermi energy
metafiles Files about the script
G Free enthalpy
gn Gain coefficient
G Generation rate
hcp Hexagonal close packed
IMPATT Impact avalanche transit time
ITO Indium tin oxide
k Injection ration
ai Intrinsic loss coefficient
LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission and Radiation
LED Light emitting diode
LLS Localized light scattering defects
LLS Localized light scattering defect
MOS Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor
MEMS Micro electronic and mechanical systems
t Minority carrier life time
µ Mobility
m Mobility of carriers
MQW Multiple quantum wells
hopt Optical efficiency of light generation
ppqt Parts per quatrillion
ppt Parts per trillion
PL Photo luminescence
PVT Physical vapor transport
h/2p Plancks Constant / 2 pi
PVC Polyvinylchloride
hqu Quantum efficiency of light generation
QW Quantum well
q.e.d. Quod erat demonstrandum (what should be proven)
RTA Rapid thermal annealing
RTP Rapid thermal processing
gh,k,l Reciprocal lattcie vector
R Recombination rate
r Resistivity
K Scaling factor
s Scattering cross section
SQW Single quantum well
SFQR Site flatness quality requirements
SCR Space charge region
Sg Surface generation velocity
Sr Surface recombination velocity
S-web Suspended Web
neth Threshold density
g th Threshold value for the gain coefficient
T= Translation vector of a crystal lattice
neT Transparency density
l Wave length
k Wavevektor
d Width of space charge region
Q Workfunction

© H. Föll (Semiconductors - Script)