A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,
A, | |
abbr. | Abbreviation |
c | Affinity |
AC | Alternating current |
B, | |
Eg | Band gap |
k | Boltzmanns constant |
BZ | Brillouin zone |
BMD | Bulk microdefects |
C, | |
r | Charge density |
CP | Chemical polish or concentrated piss |
m | Chemical potential |
CP | Concentrated piss |
s | conductivity |
CIS | Copper Indium Di-selenide |
P | Crystal momentum |
COP | Crystal originated particles or pits |
Si-c | Crystalline Si; used in the solar industry |
hcu | Current efficiency of light generation |
D, | |
LDb | Debye length |
DOS | Density of states |
D(E) | Density of States |
td | Dielectric relaxation time |
D | Diffusion coefficient |
L | Diffusion length |
DC | Direct current |
vD | Drift velocity |
E, | |
EFG | Edge defined Film-fed (crystal) Growth |
me | Electron mass |
EC | Elementary cell |
E | Energy |
EPROM | Eraseable and Programable Random Acess Memories |
hext | External efficiency of light generation |
F, | |
EF | Fermi energy |
metafiles | Files about the script |
G | Free enthalpy |
G, | |
gn | Gain coefficient |
G | Generation rate |
H, | |
hcp | Hexagonal close packed |
I, | |
IMPATT | Impact avalanche transit time |
ITO | Indium tin oxide |
k | Injection ration |
ai | Intrinsic loss coefficient |
J,K,L, | |
LASER | Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission and Radiation |
LED | Light emitting diode |
LLS | Localized light scattering defects |
LLS | Localized light scattering defect |
M, | |
MOS | Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor |
MEMS | Micro electronic and mechanical systems |
t | Minority carrier life time |
µ | Mobility |
m | Mobility of carriers |
MQW | Multiple quantum wells |
N,O, | |
hopt | Optical efficiency of light generation |
P, | |
ppqt | Parts per quatrillion |
ppt | Parts per trillion |
PL | Photo luminescence |
PVT | Physical vapor transport |
h/2p | Plancks Constant / 2 pi |
PVC | Polyvinylchloride |
Q, | |
hqu | Quantum efficiency of light generation |
QW | Quantum well |
q.e.d. | Quod erat demonstrandum (what should be proven) |
R, | |
RTA | Rapid thermal annealing |
RTP | Rapid thermal processing |
gh,k,l | Reciprocal lattcie vector |
R | Recombination rate |
r | Resistivity |
S, | |
K | Scaling factor |
s | Scattering cross section |
SQW | Single quantum well |
SFQR | Site flatness quality requirements |
SCR | Space charge region |
Sg | Surface generation velocity |
Sr | Surface recombination velocity |
S-web | Suspended Web |
T, | |
neth | Threshold density |
g th | Threshold value for the gain coefficient |
T= | Translation vector of a crystal lattice |
neT | Transparency density |
U,V,W, | |
l | Wave length |
k | Wavevektor |
d | Width of space charge region |
Q | Workfunction |
© H. Föll (Semiconductors - Script)