In the treatment given so far, we looked
at the direct recombination in direct semiconductors (producing light), and the recombination
via deep levels in indirect semiconductors. |
The theory behind it all was the Shockley-Read-Hall
(SRH) theory. What is left to do is: |
Expand the SRH model. |
Discuss recombination mechanisms not intrinsically contained in the SRH model - for example "Auger" recombination with a conduction band electron
as a third partner, or recombination via "excitons".
Whatever it is, it will become important later, as you can glimpse by activating the links. |
Lets start by looking a bit more closely at the results we already obtained from the SRH
theory. The final formula for net recombination via deep levels was |
| |
R = UDL = |
v · se · NDL · (ne
· nh – ni 2) |
ne + nh + 2ni · | cosh
| EDL – EMB kT |
With R = net recombination rate under non-equilibrium conditions, NDL
= concentration of deep levels, EMB = mid-band level, v = (group) velocity of the electrons
(and holes), and
se = scattering cross section of the electron (or hole). |
That we are considering non-equilibrium is evident from
the term ne · nh – ni
2 which would be zero for equilibrium, according to the mass action law. |
So far we considered non-equilibrium situations where ne · nh
> ni2, and then the recombination rate must be larger than in equilibrium; R
> 0, which is born out by the equation above. |
Now just for the hell of it, lets reverse the situation and assume that ne
· nh < ni2
, i.e. that we have not enough carriers of both kinds around. |
| |
As we will see later, this is a rather common situation
in reversely biased pn-junctions. Lets see what kind of information we can draw from our equation above. It will
lead us to the concept of the " generation lifetime " |
| | |
The condition ne · nh < ni2
implies that the quasi Fermi energy for electrons is lower than that
for holes, i.e. EF e < EF
h. Lets see what that implies in a little picture |
On the left we have equilbrium, with a somewhat higher density of electrons than holes - the material is
(barely) n-type. In the middle we have the typical situation for non-equilibrium with excess carriers of both types
(e.g. because we generate electron - hole pairs by illumination and draw a photo-current). The population density of both
carrier types is increased; EFe > EFh
. |
On the right we have the hypothetical situation that EF e < EFh,
the population density is now decreased for both carrier types. |
This means that ne · nh << ni2
, and in a first approximation we may simply replace (n e · nh – ni2)
by –n i2. This yields |
UDL | = |
v · s
e · NDL · (– ni )
2cosh [(EDL -– EMB)/kT] |
The first essential result is that UDL is now negative.
Since UDL was the difference
between recombination and generation, we now have a net generation
rate of carriers with a rate UDL as given above. |
| |
We may thus equate UDL with Gnet
, the (net) generation rate: UDL = Gnet |
Now we use a little trick and simply define a generation life time
tG by |
| |
Insertion and comparison gives us for tG |
| |
We could have used this trick before, too, for a relatively general definition of the recombination life time tR. Let's see how it goes. |
We start with the equation for small deviations of
the carrier concentrations from the equilibrium values for U DL which we can identify as the
net recombination rate Rnet in this case |
U = Rnet = |
v · se·NDL · |
[ne(equ) + D
n] · [nh(equ) + Dn] – ni2
ne (equ) + nh(equ) + 2 Dn
+ 2ni · cosh[(EDL - EMB)/kT] |
With Dn << ne, nh, and
ne(equ) · nh(equ) = ni2 , we can simplify this equation to
| |
Rnet | = |
v · se · NDL · Dn 1 + [2ni/(ne (equ) + nh(equ))] · cosh[(EDL
– EMB )/k T ] |
Again we define tR by Rnet
:= Dn/t R
, which gives us as a relatively general formula. |
| |
tR | = |
1 v · se · N
| · |
æ ç è |
1 + | æ ç è
| 2ni ne(equ) |
+ nh(equ) · cosh |
EDL – EMB kT |
ö ÷ ø |
ö ÷ ø |
We see immediately that for doped semiconductors, i.e.
ne(equ) or nh(equ) >> ni, we get the old result |
| |
It is interesting to note that the dependence of the two life times tR
and tG on the exact position on the deep level in the band gap is not
symmetric. |
tG is much more sensitive to the exact position, as is shown
in the picture containing both general functions (still containing the cosh term). |
| |
As we must expect, tG = 2tR
if the deep level is exactly in midband position. For deviation from the middle position, the generation life time can be
much larger then the corresponding recombination life time. |
In real life, deep levels are not always distributed homogeneously in the bulk, but may only
exist at internal or external surfaces (i.e. grain boundaries, interfaces, or simply the surface of the semiconductor. We
will only use the word "surface" from now on which stands for all kinds of interfaces. |
| |
In this case we have to introduce an area density or surface density of deep levels, NsDL, and our recombination
(or generation) rates are now confined to the interface in question, denoted by Rs
or Gs, respectively. |
If we add possible surface states to the general mechanism of the SRH theory, we obtain
for Us, the net recombination (or generation) rate at the surface
(be happy that we do not deduce this formula!): |
Us = Rsnet =
v · se · sh ·
NsDL · (ne,s · nh,s – ni2)
se · |
æ ç è |
ne,s + ni · exp |
EDL - EMB kT |
ö ÷ ø |
+ sh · |
æ ç è |
nh,s + n i · exp |
DL – EMB kT |
ö ÷ ø |
With the scattering cross sections separately given for electrons and holes, and with the n
e/h,s denoting the volume concentrations at the surface(?) |
What is the ne/h,s, the volume concentration of
the carriers at the surface |
First, it is a surface concentration, i.e. measured in
particles per cm2 or just cm–2 |
| |
Second, it is what you would have on a slice cutting through the volume of a crystal. In other words, we have for a lattice constant a, which is the smallest meaningful thickness
of a slice in a crystal |
| |
However, it would be too simple minded to just take the bulk values of ne/h!
In general, there will be some band-bending near the surface, induced by the same deep levels (called "surface states" in this case, that give rise to the surface recombination. Look at the consideration of a simple junction to see how it works. |
| |
So you first must determine the volume concentration at the surface under the
prevailing conditions and then convert it to surface concentrations.. |
OK, now we know what the symbols in the formula mean, but what can we do with it? |
Well, lets make some approximations to see what happens. First, as always, we consider the simple case
of small deviations from the equilibrium values of n e/h,s, ie. ne/h,s = ne/h,s(equ)
+ Dns and Dns <<
ne/h,s; moreover, we assume that se = s
h = s. |
We now are familiar with this approach, and obtain
| |
U = Rnet = |
v · s · NsDL · Dns |
:= Sr · D
ns | 1 + 2ni/[ n
e,s(equ) + nh,s(equ)] · cosh[(EDL – EMB)/kT] |
This looks rather familiar |
Again the recombination rate at the surface is proportional to the excess carrier density (at
the surface), and we define |
U = Rnet :=
Sr ·Dns
, and the quantity Sr is for surfaces
what the recombination time tr (or to be more precise: 1/t
r) is for the bulk. |
Since now ns is a surface concentration (yes! it is confusing), Sr
must have the dimension cm/s, it is therefore called the surface recombination
velocity. |
As before, noting that ni/(ne,s(equ) + nh,s) <<
1 under normal conditions, we may simplify to |
| |
If we again play the game from above, switching recombination
into generation, we obtain the surface generation velocity
Sg |
| |
Sg = |
v · s · NsDL
| | cosh
| EDL – EMB |
| |
kT |
Ok - you get the drift. But what does it signify? |
Well, we have seen that it is fairly easy to "kill"
the (bulk) life time by minute contaminations of some contaminants in the bulk of the crystal. It
is even easier to kill the surface recombination velocity, i.e. make it very large. |
| |
And while a short volume life time is usually (but not always) pretty
bad for devices, a large surface (or really interface) recombination or generation velocity is very
bad for sure . |
This is one reason why the Si/SiO2
interface has been such a tremendous success story: Its interface recombination velocity can be exceedingly small,
say 0,1 cm/s. But just getting some process parameters wrong a little bit while
making the oxide, may change that dramatically - you may have surface recombination velocities several orders of magnitude
larger. |
Unfortunately, many interfaces have recombination velocities far larger, even in the best cases! "Passivation" of the interface or surface states, usually including some heating in hydrogen
atmosphere and
some black magic, is an overwhelmingly important part of semiconductor technology. There is a special
module devoted to some of these topics. |
| |
So far we have covered direct recombination and recombination via deep levels. Each mechanism
is called a recombination channel for obvious reasons, but there are more than
just the two channels considered so far. |
Some more mechanisms will be covered in other
parts of the Hyperscript, here we just give an overview. |
Important at high doping levels is the Auger recombination. |
In this case, the energy (and momentum) of the recombining electron - hole pair is transferred to a second
electron in the conduction band. |
This is a recombination channel that always allows recombination in indirect semiconductors and thus puts
an absolute limit to the life time. It is clear that the probability of such an event requires that three
mobile particles - two electrons and one hole - are about at the same place in space;
its probability thus can be expected to increase with increasing carrier density. |
Another mechanism is recombination
via shallow states, especially via the energy level of the dopant atoms. This includes transitions from a donor level
to an acceptor level or to the valence band, and transitions form the conduction band to an acceptor level. |
This mechanism is especially active at low temperatures (when there are free state at that levels). It
is not very different from band-band recombination for direct semiconductors and can be treated as a subset of his case. |
Finally, there is recombination via excitons
. This is a very important mechanism for some semiconductors, in particular GaP, because it allows an indirect
semiconductor to behave like a direct one, i.e. to emit light as a result of excitonic recombination. |
| |
What is an exciton? And how does it achieve the remarkable feat mentioned above. Well, activate the link
above (getting ahead of yourself in the lecture course) and find out. |
| |
Changing from volume to surface concentration might be a bit confusing, especially for mathematicians. |
If you imagine a distribution of (mathematical) points in space with an average density of
nv , and then ask how large is the density of points ns on an arbitrary (mathematical)
plane stretching through the volume, the answer is ns = 0, because mathematical points are infinitely
small and mathematical planes infinitely thin - you never will cut a point with a plane this way. |
| |
Our "points", however, are atoms - they are not infinitely
small. Our planes are not infinitely thin either, their minimal useful thickness corresponds to the size of an atom, or
to a lattice constant. |
So in computing a surface density of atoms, you can do
two things: |
1. You actually count the atoms lying on the chosen plane of the crystal (making sure you know if
you want your density for a lattice plane or for crystallographically
equivalent sheets of atoms in a crystal (This is not the same: the density
of atoms on a {110} atomic layer of a fcc crystal is only ½
of that of a {110} lattice plane
; if you don't see it, make a drawing!). |
2. You just take the atoms contained in a sheet with thickness a. Its
volume thus is A · a for an area of A cm2. Since a volume of 1 cm3
contains nv particles, a volume of A · a contains nv
· A · a particles; the surface density nS thus is |
| |
nS | = |
nv · A · a A |
= | = nv · a |
© H. Föll (Semiconductors - Script)