Microscopes for Science |
What Will be Covered? | ||
"So what is a microscope?" Some or probably a lot of you would answer that it is some kind of gadget that enlarges something by producing "enlarged" images or pictures of something small. Of course, no microscope makes things actually bigger, it just makes tiny objects appear magnified so they are visible to the eyes of humans. A telescope, on the other hand, "magnifies" big things that happen to be far away. Both implements produce pictures of something the eye can otherwise not see. So what would you call a gadget that also produces pictures of something that the eye cannot see - even so the object "looked at" is neither too small nor too far away? Or gadgets that do not give you a picture but other kinds of information about small things? Maybe there is more behind the word "microscope" than meets the eye? There is, but in this set of modules I will restrict myself to those kinds of microscopes that in the end do produce a picture that allows you to "see" the things of interest directly. This excludes "microscopes" like particle accelerators or X-ray machines that we use a lot for looking into the structure of extremely small things. These "microscopes" do not produce direct pictures of those things but "numbers", or at best rather abstract pictures that only the cocgnoscenti can interpret. The special modules in this mini-series are entitled: | ||
1. Light microscope | ||
2. Scanning electron microscope or SEM. | ||
3. Transmission electron microscope or TEM. | ||
4. Needle scanning microscopes
including the Scanning tunneling microscope or STM, and Atomic force microscopes or AFM. |
A Few General Remarks to Microscopes | |||||||||||||
In a simple definition, a microscope is a gadget or machine that produces pictures of some specimen that allow you to see details that you cannot see just by looking at
the specimen with your unaided eyes. We assume here that the things you are going to see would be visible to your eye if
they just would be large enough. That's not automatically the case. A large piece of air is just as invisible to your eye
as a small one, so I need to point this out. A microscope renders details visible that the optical instrument we call "eye" cannot resolve. It is resolution that matters, not magnification. | |||||||||||||
All microscopes come in:
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Let's look at the three basic
ingredients first. In order to build a microscope, you need:
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This sounds rather overblown if you think of microscopes only in terms of those everyday optical microscopes that movie "scientists" always stare into, frowning slightly at what they see. Real scientists, however, use many more types of microscopes than just the optical ones. | |||||||||||||
Now let's look at the two basic types of microscopes or the two fundamentally different ways to "probe" your
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Finally, let's look at the two basic modes of imaging or "looking" at your specimen:
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Let's arrange the various types of microscopes in a matrix | |||||||||||||
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Resolution | |||||||||||||
So how small are the smallest things you can "see" with some microscope?
The proper questions are: what is the resolution of your microscope, always given in micrometers (µm) or nanometers (nm). And what are the limiting factors? Why can't your microscope do better? Those are not-so-easy question to answer for analog techniques but rather easy to field for the digital ones. But let's first define what I mean with resolution. | |||||||||||||
The resolution of a microscope simply tells you what the minimal distance between
two objects needs to be in order to see them separately. Take two atoms. A picture of one atoms is at best a fuzzy circular
blob (what did you expect?). Two atoms close together should at least look like a dumbbell if you claim that you can see
them. The resolution than needs to be at least the size of an atom or 0.3 nm. Magnification, often used to describe the power of a microscope, means exactly nothing. If your microscope has a resolution of "only " 1 nm, it will image one, two three and more atoms still as just one fuzzy blob with a diameter of about 1 nm. Increasing the magnification will just make the fuzzy blob larger. | |||||||||||||
The limits of resolution for an analog microscope
is a tricky topic that I won't tackle here but in the upcoming modules. In contrast, the smallest things you can see in
with scanning microscopes (digital technique) is simply given by the size of the probe.
That is easy to understand. Imagine your are completely blind (if you need a microscope to see things, you are pretty much blind!). So you probe your surroundings with a stick. You will simply not be able to resolve details that are smaller than the tip of your stick. And that applies to all kinds of "sticks" or beams. | |||||||||||||
Of course the tough question now is: "how do I make the tip of my "stick" as small as possible?". Once more, I'm not going into this here but in the upcoming modules. | |||||||||||||
Probes | |||||||||||||
Now let's look at what kind of probing things we have for running a microscope. To enumerate just the important ones: | |||||||||||||
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We will forget points 3 and 5 right away, even so a lot of money is spent for X-ray and neutron imaging. For the latter you need, for example, a dedicated nuclear reactor, making neutron microscopy a bit unwieldy and not really suitable for researchers with a limited budget. This leaves us with three basic kinds of microscopes: | |||||||||||||
Light optical microscopes (including IR and UV versions).
Light optical microscopes are mostly analog microscopes, but scanning types are getting more prominent in recent years. You can look at the specimen surface (working in reflection mode) or through the specimen (transmission mode) if your specimen is halfway transparent. Metal specimen, of course, are not transparent and we can only look at their surface. The resolution is still given by the "size" of the "stick", we just use a lot of sticks simultaneously. It is the "size" of the individual photons we are talking here. There are lot of quotation marks here for obvious reasons but for our purposes the size of a photon is a useful thing and simply given by its wavelength (see below). The wavelength of visible light is somewhat less than 1 µm, so the resolution of normal optical microscopes is roughly 1 µm, too. Objects smaller than 1 µm you just won't see. Note that you would need about 10.000 times better resolution to be able to "see" atoms. | |||||||||||||
Electron microscopes
Electron microscopes come in two basic kinds and one combination:
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Needle scanning microscopes. This term, though correct, is never used. The terms used for the two basic types of "needle scanners" are: | |||||||||||||
The "sticks" we use for these types are true "needles", just extremely sharp, made for example from silicon or some metal. Atomic resolution around 0.1 nm is routinely achieved. | |||||||||||||
With scanning microscopes it is also fairly easy to obtain signals that the probe
induced in the specimen. For example, X-rays might be emitted as soon as a pixel is
hit with the probe, currents might be induced that one can measure, and so on and so forth. Using and developing new kinds of "microscopes" is an integral part of Materials Science, and new kinds of microscopes, with more or less new and often amazing features, are coming up every year. | |||||||||||||
Here are the follow-up modules once more: | |||||||||||||
7.1.1 Finding Your Way in the Iron Carbon Phase Diagram
3.2.3 Fracture and Microcracks
Dislocation Science - 1. The Basics
Diamond, and other Carbon Specialities
Segregation at Room Temperature
Units of Length, Area, and Volume
Experimental Techniques for Measuring Diffusion Parameters
8.1.2 A Closer Look at the Second Law
Transmission Electron Microscopes
Size and Density of Precipitates
© H. Föll (Iron, Steel and Swords script)