Project Organization "Semiconductor Technology"

Matrix of Modules lists all files (with direct links) in a matrix composed of the levels (from "Basic" to "Advanced") and the (sub)chapters.

Detailed Table of Main Contents (Backbone I) gives the contents of the backbone 1 by the headings of chapters, sub-chapters and paragraphs.

Preface introduces into the subject (and dwells somewhat on the general philosophy of lecture and hyperscript).
Books provides a list of books for detailed or auxiliary reading.
Index: Automatically generated list of all words marked in the hyperskript for this purpose and with direct links to this word (which is often, but not always, highlighted in bold) from the reference numbers.
If there is a link on the index word itself, it leads to a specific module for that word.
Names An automatically generated list of all names marked by a bookmark starting with a "!". Marked names are usually highlighted in bold and red. Underlined blue names in the list provide a link to a extra file, usually a biography. Marked names are higlighted in bold and red
In some cases clicking on the name leads to a short biography

Abbreviations An automatically generated list of all abbreviations marked by a bookmark starting with a "?" with their full text.

Dictionary: An automatically generated (English - German) dictionary for some of the less common English words or expressions used in the hyperscript.
File administration
Cross-Check of File Tree: Gives each file automatically a consecutive number and lists all links from this document or others as well as the links from other documents to this document.
Minus signs (-) in front of a number means links could not be activated. All links leaving the file tree (external links) are marked with a minus sign.

Errors in the File Tree: Lists links that could not be activated (including correct external links).

Orphan Files: Lists all files which exist but can not be reached by a link from somewhere else.