Maximum Impact Energy
How do we derive the
maximum impact energy? To quote myself from the backbone:
"Take the equations for the effective mass and multiply it with the
equations for the velocity squared and you
have (twice) the kinetic energy at the point x considered".
So let's do that. |
The effective mass meff merited its
own science module. We can take the
result right from there: |
The variable is x. In the positive direction we
go along the blade, starting at the center of mass (COM). The mass of the sword
is m, and I describes the moment of inertia for
rotations around the center of mass perpendicular to the blade.
The coordinate system is important, it is shown below. |
Coordinates for calculating the maximum
impact and assumed movement |
We describe the motion of the sword
by a rotation with a circular rotational velocity w around the apparent center of rotation at
x0. A point with coordinate x on the
blade then has the velocity v(x) given by |
We need x minus x0 because
x0 is a negative number in our coordinate system.
The kinetic energy of the blade at point x thus becomes |
Ekin |
= ½
· |
meff ·
v(x)2 |
= ½
· |
m · I
I + m · x2 |
· (x
x0)2 · w2 |
. |
Almost done. Just takes the
derivative dEkin/dx, set it equal to zero, and
solve the resulting equation for x. That will yield
xP, the position of peak energy on the blade.
Try it. I tried and failed. You can easily get caught in lengthy equations if
you don't do it the simple way that Jan Martin Wagner, a former coworker,
showed me. Here goes: |
First move the constants to the left
of the equation, obtaining |
2 Ekin
w2 m · I |
= |
I + m · x2 |
= |
h(x) |
We can express the functions as the
quotient of two functions g(x) and h(x) which
allows us to use the quotient rule for derivatives: |
f(x) |
= |
h(x) |
df(x) / dx |
= |
f' |
= |
h · g' g · f'
h'2 |
I now used the usual shorthand for functions and
their derivatives. This will now give us |
2 h'2
w2 m · I |
dx |
= |
h · g' g · f' |
0 |
h · g' |
= |
g · f' |
Now you see why the 2 h'2 /w2m · I were moved to
the left. They drop out as soon as we put the derivative of the energy to zero.
(For purists I hasten to point out that we need to check that
h'2 does not happen to be zero for the coordinate of the
maximum, xP, that we will obtain in order to avoid the
forbidden division by zero) |
It's easy now. We have |
g(x) |
= |
x0)2 |
g'(x) |
= |
2(x x0) |
h(x) |
= |
I + m ·
x2 |
h'(x) |
= |
2x |
It follows |
(I + m ·
x2) · 2(x x0) |
= |
2x · (x
x0)2 |
x = xP |
= |
I / mx0 |
Surprise! The point of
maximum impact is identical to the percussion point relative to the apparent
center of rotation! It must have a negative sign because
x0 is negative in our coordinate system and the
percussion point = point of maximum impact here, must be on the other side of
the center of mass, i.e. on the positive part of the x-axis.
Is the result a surprise? Hitting something with that percussion point produces
no forces and torques at the center of apparent rotation, which means that you
do not squander some of the available energy around the pivot point, allowing
maximum force / torque / energy at the other end.
Now a big question comes up. If we look at the apparent center of rotation
given in the picture above, it corresponds to rotating the sword around your
elbow or shoulder. The percussion point = point of maximum impact than is not
far from the center of mass. Does that mean you should hit things close to the
No, it doesn't. For two reasons:
- In all these calculations we did not consider the weight of your arm. It
is, after all, part of the moving masses. That would change all the number to
some extent - but not too much.
- More important: If you hit
something at the percussion point relative to a rotation axis going through
your shoulder / elbow, you will deliver maximum impact and you won't feel
forces and torques at your shoulder / elbow, indeed. But you will feel forces /
torques at your wrist and since your wrist
is far weaker than your elbow / shoulder, you now have a problem.
t is far better to compromise and strike around the
percussions point relative to a pivot point around your wrist, i.e. on the
hilt. You deliver a bit less energy that way, but you will not damage yourself.
© H. Föll (Iron, Steel and Swords script)