General Remarks to Literature and Sources

As outlined in 1.2.1 A Word to the Style of Writing", there won't be hundreds of footnotes in the Hyperscript. Instead I give you all kinds of secondary information in three ways.
1. General Literature
The Module accessible by the link above lists and comments mostly books plus a few Internet Sources that were particular important to me in a more general context. Some of these sources might be of interest to you. You do not need to be a scientist to read and understand most of these books.


A lot of good and important general books exist that are not included in the "book" module. Mostly because I haven't read them. A trivial thing like this would not keep me (or my colleagues) from including them in the reference list of a scientific paper (an author of an unread paper might be the referee of your paper, after all) but here I will stick to books that I really do know.
Then there are important books that I actually have consulted but still not included here because they either supplied common background data or some very specific stuff. You have to draw the line somewhere—I promised to keep this simple. If you don't agree with where I drew my line—tough luck.
The "General Literature" module also contains some Internet Sources (besides Wikipedia) that I found illuminating. It certainly does not contain the thousands of Internet pages that I visited or consulted for some particulars, since listing all of them would not be helpful for you be too much boring work for me, and not very interesting to you.
2: Scientific Papers of Some Interest
References to, well, scientific papers of some interest for a general readership are made right in the modules where they occur. These papers provide some figures, numbers, or statements for the Hyperscript that are specific but mostly still rather general.
You may need to have some background in science to be able to understand those sources.
Once more, I did not list anything I run across but only what I used and considered to be of importance and interest for the points made in the modules. Here is an example for footnotes, and here is another one concerning figures.
There are certainly many thousands of good papers out there that I simply do not know. Some of those might be more important for some point or other than the ones I consulted. Too bad. Such is life.
3: Articles Accessible from the Hyperscript
Some articles or papers of particular interest, that could be downloaded from the Net without too much problems concerning copyrights, are directly accessible from links in the modules, or from the Matrix of Modules. Here is an example.
A many-tiered Hyperscript like this one includes far more illustrations than a regular book. That makes the whole copyright issue a big f..... nightmare. That's why I use my own drawings and pictures as far as possible.
Otherwise, I did my best to give credit to the full source.
You will note that there are some figures and pictures that are obviously not from me but do not carry a source reference except, maybe "Internet at large". That simply means that I found these figures or pictures in some (obscure) source (mostly in the Internet) that is neither the originator of the illustration in question nor gives a reference to the original source. In any case, these illustrations generally do not infringe on the intellectual property of a living person.

With frame With frame as PDF

go to 1.1.2 The "Why " Questions

go to 1.2.1 A Word to the Style

go to 1.2.2 How to Use this Hyperscript

go to Books and Other Major Sources

go to Overview of Major Steels: Scientific Steels

go to Diffusion in Iron

go to The Ages

go to Antique Texts Concerning Iron

go to Alloying Elements in Detail

go to Radiocarbon (C14) Dating

go to Science of Alloying

go to Early Copper Sites

go to Jominy Test and Hardness Depth

go to Ductile to Brittle Transition or Cold Shortness

go to Creep

go to Diffusion in Iron

go to Adding Boron to a Heat of Steel

go to Swords and Symbols

go to The Second Law and Computer Science

go to Sword Places

go to Early Iron sites

© H. Föll (Iron, Steel and Swords script)