Semiconductor Technology

© Prof. Dr. Helmut Föll


University of Kiel; Faculty of Engineering

PDF-Version of Backbone

ZIP-Version of Hyperscript (102 MB!)

Final Version        Oct 2019

Semiconductor Technology ranking 2019
This picture shows the Oct. 2019 Google Ranking of this Hyperscript,
Still pretty good
"Semiconductor Technioligy" is a rather general and big topic to look for with Google and I was very satisfied to score such a high mark.
Of course, if you try the same thing you will get different results since Google tries to please you based on what it knows of you.
So don't trust Google - try it out. if you apply yourself, you will definitely learn a lot about Semicunductor Technology.


This is a collection of lecture notes for the Semiconductor Technology part in the lecture course "Semiconductor Technology and Nano Electronics". It contains all the material needed to pass the exam (and more).
When I retired in 2914 a few "extra" modules were still infinished. I have removed most but not allof these for two reasons:
  1. You can get an idea of what topics might be of interest for yout own research, and
  2. Taking some of the empty modulesout would ruin the internal link structurre of the Hyperscript, causing all kinds of unforeseen problems.

How to Start

Use the Menu. This leaves four alternatives:
Click on "Introduction" and start at the beginning.
Click on the chapter of interest and take it from there.
Click on "Project", click on "Matrix of Modules", and start with whatever looks interesting.
Click on "Indexlist", see what catches your eye, click on it and see what you get.
Go the direct way

Background Information

This hyperscript used to be the script to a lecture course given by me. This lecture course has not been given for years and the Hyperecript now is a kind of stand-alone "book". It may still be used in ats by my successors.
I have done some final editing but did not remove all allusions to lecture courses..
This hyperscript contains many peculiarities in its formatting and style of writing. This was done with some objectives in mind. Find out about this here.
There are more Hyperscripts available. If you are really curious about the Hyperscripts of "AMAT", you will find some information in the link.

Technical Information

Which Browser should you use?
This Hyperscript is optimized for the Windows Explorer but works also quite well with Mozilla.
Other browsers might scramble equations. The link opens a "Check your Browser" page, which will show if your browser is OK.
The "print friendly" and ".pdf" options only work for the "backbone" part of the Hyperscript (consult the "Matrix of Modules" for the meaning of "backbone").
If you click on "Project" in the menu (or here), you will find some more information about the structure of this Hyperscript and the philosophy behind it.
For example, if you like to read prefaces, you will find one there. It is the preface to "Electronic Materials", though
Many other metafiles are also accessible from there.
The remaining menu buttons (e.g. Indexlist etc.) provide automatically generated cross-linked lists which might be useful if you are looking for specific items.
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H. Föll
Herewith I declare that I have nothing whatsoever to do with the content of linked pages as far as they are not my own, or not within my direct sphere of influence.
H. Foell
  It's all mine! However, I usually do give permission to use all of it if you ask me
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