1. Introduction

1.1 Scope of the Course

1.1.1 General Remarks

Some Important Links

For a detailed table of contents use the link
The organization, timetable, etc. for the running term could be found in the link. Now you have to look elswhere.
If you like to read prefaces - tough luck; there is none
For book recommendations: Consult the list of books

What is Special About this Course

The lecture course "Semiconductor Technology" has a somewhat special status for two reasons:
1. Nothing comparable has been done before in Germany - because this is one of the very first lecture courses taught within a "Bachelor" study course, i.e. without "advanced" parts.
2. It has a special format for the exercise part - we will conduct it as seminar.
3. In the fall term of 2009 it has become part of the "teaching module" Semiconductor Technology and Nano Electronics
4. I stopped teaching it in 2014. In 2019 it's still taught, however, by my predecessor Prof. Adelung.

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© H. Föll (Semiconductor Technology - Script)