12.3.4 Rotational Movement |
Rotation With Torques | ||||||
Here we look at a pure rotation of some object.
That means, by definition:
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That leaves only one way of introducing a pure rotation: Apply (at least) two forces, equal in magnitude but different in sign (= direction) at some distance from the center of gravity as shown schematically below. And have them act always at right angles to the objects geometric axis, i.e. the forces rotate with the object. Only then you have a constant torque in time. | ||||||
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As long as the torque is acting on the sword it will rotate
around its center of mass with increasing angular velocity. Torques cause accelerations
of the angular velocity just as forces cause accelerations of the "normal"
velocity. The angular velocity comes in whenever things move in a circle, it is simply how large an angle is covered in a time unit. You might cover 35o in a second or just 6o per second. That would make 6o · 60 = 360o per minute or one full circle. Then you would call it 1 round per minute or 1 rpm. Now you know. | ||||||
We now must ask ourselves: how does everything depend on the forces used? Well
- wrong question. Not totally wrong, of course, just a bit awkward. The better question is: How do rotational movements
of arbitrary bodies depend on the torque it experiences? Before I go into that, I will give some more consideration to the meaning of "torque ". Of course, all the nuts out there know what a torque is, and so do the bolts. You can even buy wrenches that allow to apply a pre-defined torque, like the one shown below | ||||||
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A torque comes up when something needs to be turned around a pivot
and is simply defined as force (measured in Newton,
N) times distance (measured in meter, m) between the point the force acts on and the pivot point. A torque
is thus is measured in Nm - Newtonmeter; see the picture above. This is very clear to everybody who has ever tightened
a nut. Unfortunately it is also very misleading. We need to be very careful here. The familiar process of tightening a nut with a wrench like the one shown does involve a torque but it does not speed up your nut and makes it rotate faster and faster. And the sum of all forces isn't zero either - only one big force is applied, after all. It nevertheless works because there is always a lot of friction involved and because you do not just move the nut around but also your tool (not to mention parts of you), and the wrench is typically much heavier than the nut. Not to mention that the object the nut belongs to (like your car) is rather heavy and "tied down" by brakes (= lots of friction) so it doesn't move despite the force acting on it not being zero. |
So sorry, but the "nuts and bolts" kind of experience with torques doesn't get us very far here. We need to look at the "ideal" situation of applying torques to objects. Ideally some object (e.g. a sword or just a long rod) in outer space (no gravity / friction) that is manipulated by massless ghosts applying forces / torques, for example as shown below: | ||||||
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Two forces act on our rod. They have equal strength (= equal length of the arrows)
but opposite signs so their sum is zero. No net forces, no movement of the center of mass (COM). Now we will make a distinction that's a bit outside of standard physics but will help to keep the issues clear. We call the torque produced by a set of forces that add up to zero a "pure torque" Pure torques thus can only cause pure rotations around the center of mass. Pure torques by necessity consists of two parts. We have :force F1 times its distance l 1 to the COM (that must act as the pivot point), and F2 times its distance l2. The total torque is the sum of the two single ones. |
Now I need to mention something rather strange, certainly not obvious: Every point on the object above feels the same torque. I show why in the picture below; skip it if you feel out of your depth, It is not important for what follows. | ||||||
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Amazingly enough, the toque for any point is the same. Since the sword here must rotate around
its center of mass (there is no net force since the forces F 1 and F2
add up to zero) it doesn't matter in the case above where you attach the forces as long as the distance between them is
the same. All we need to know is that the presence of a torque does not automatically define the axis of rotation. In the case of pure rotations it can only be the axis through the center of mass, but for pivot rotations, the far more interesting case I will get into shortly, the rotation axis through the pivot point must be found by other means. |
The pictures above give hints of how to simplify things tremendously. Since torques
are for rotary movements what forces are for straight movements, it is advantageous to describe them with little arrows
too. That is simple. Take the torque arrow to run along the axis of rotation and make
its length proportional to the magnitude of the torque. The direction can be tied to a clockwise or a counterclockwise rotations.
Doing that makes the math a lot easier (provided you have some idea about vector, or even better, tensor
calculus). We use representations like this: | ||||||
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One more thing. The second picture above could be interpreted as showing the torque
your hands impose on the hilt of your sword. Well, almost - but not quite for two reasons:
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Consider what it means to just holding your sword horizontally. The pivot point
would be around your forefinger / thumb and there you must add a force countering the force of gravity acting on the center
of mass. But just putting your forefinger under the hilt there would keep the pivot point at rest but the sword would rotate
"down". To counter that you must "push down", i.e. apply a downward force F1
at the "other end" of your fist; above your pinky finger. How large it needs to be is easily calculated, the result
is shown. But your sword doesn't move and no movement means that there are no net forces and no net torques. Nothing helps but to add a force of magnitude - F1 on the pivot point. So if you want to move your sword just up and down without rotating it, you simply increase the force at the pivot point. If you want to rotate it only, you increase the force a the pivot point and with exactly the same (negative) amount at your pinky. If you want to move and rotate, .... |
Don't get scared. I'm only doing the simple things here. All we need to know for
pure rotational movements (no translations) is:
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Yes! All of the stuff above was only to ease you into the concept of the | ||||||
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In short, the moment of inertia is for rotations what the mass is for translations.
Since you rotate your sword far more than you translate it. As far as handling is concerned, its moment of inertia is the
most important property of your sword since you usually rotate or "swing" it quite a lot. We will need to spend some time on this. There are difficulties, however. The moment of inertia, unlike the mass, is not just a simple number that one can attribute or assign to some given object. The best one can do for a given sword is to come up with one number relative to some rotational axis running through the center of mass. Change the rotational axis and the number changes. |
Seems there are an infinity of moments of inertia for my sword - after all there
are infinitely many possible rotational axes? Well - no! At most 6 numbers take care of the moments of inertia for any object. Fewer numbers are required for an object with some symmetry; for a sphere (maximum
symmetry) one number would suffice. Why is that? Well, the moment of inertia, in contrast to properties like mass or temperature, is not a "scalar", given by one number. It isn't a vector either, like the velocity, where you need three numbers (the components of the velocity for the three axes of space), worse, it is a tensor needing 9 numbers if things are really bad! | ||||||
Oh f...! You certainly do not want to go this deeply into math. Well, don't worry, be happy. I'll get you there without too much pain. | ||||||
Rotation Without Torques | ||||
You have applied some torque to your sword, making it rotate, but now you let
it go. No more torques are acting on it. What will it do? Same question as before for forces and translational movement. Well, the answer is much the same too. |
It will keep rotating with the rotational speed it had before you let go. And
no matter what kind of rotational axis was active while you "worked" your sword, it will now rotate around an
axis running through the center of mass. Here is an illustration of that. Otherwise
the center of mass would move, which can't be because no net forces are around in our ideal
situation. In real life your sword will fly off, rotating to be sure, and eventually fall down. That's because you cannot possibly apply a torque only with no net forces. Moreover, there is always gravity, making it fall down, and we have friction. The friction comes from the air. It's not large for a sword but it's there. Use a feather instead of a sword and you will see. If we resort to outer space once more what will happen then is easy: You sword will keep rotating with exactly the angular momentum it had at the moment you let go. It's called: | ||||
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Angular momentum is angular speed times moment of inertia and it simply gets preserved, i.e. will not change, as long as no torques are acting on the object. | ||||
No more needs to be said. You may have a beer now. Then we proceed to a thorough discussion of the moment of inertia. | ||||
© H. Föll (Iron, Steel and Swords script)