Part 1 Basics about Scythians
Part 2: Akinakai
Part 3 Literature
Part 4 Large pictures

Large Pictures

The picture below is a composite of pictures found in the article of D. Topai "Scythian Akinakai Between
Carpathians and Dniester. The Structure of a Storm".
It is quite helpful for dating the "stray finds" akinakai.
Akenakia; chronology
Chronology of Akinakai types
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Frieze from Persepolis with guys wearing daggers that do not look like Scythian akinakai.
The inset from a different frieze shows a dagger that might be of the Scythian "bollocks" type.
Persepolis frieze; akinaka
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What follows are some famous "gold" akinakai (the blade is made from iron, of course)
Gold akinakai
The famous "Scythian "Boars Head Sword and Scabbard", from a burial mount (kurgan) near
the village of Velika Bilozerka, Ukaine. It dates to the last third of the 4th century BC, i.e. to about 330 BC.
Source: All oer the Net
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Akinaka; gold scabbard, hilt
A "gold akinaka" that the dutch have to returned to the Ukraine, from where it was stolen some time ago.
The age is a bit unclear, probably from roughly 400 BC. Note the very unusual forked blade.
Source: All over the Net
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Akinaka; gold scabbard, hilt
Here is the figure caption from the Hermitage:
"Scythian Culture; short sword – dagger (Akinaka) made of gold and iron. 7th century BC, Dnieper Area Hermitage Museum, St.Petersburg/ Russia
Source: Heremitage Internet pages
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Following a few more "gold" akinakoi dorm the Hewremitgae in St. Petersburg:
Akinaka; gold scabbard, hilt
Here is the figure caption from the Hermitage:
"Overlay fore a sword scabbard. Scythian culture, 350 - 325 BC. Place of finding: Dnieper region near Nikopol.
Source: Heremitage Internet pages
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Akinaka; gold scabbard, hilt
Here is the figure caption from the Hermitage:
Overlay for a sword scabbard, Created Scythian culture, 350 - 325 BC. Place of finding: Dnieper region near Nikopol.
Source: Heremitage Internet pages
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Akinaka; gold scabbard, hilt
Here is the figure caption from the Hermitage:
Hilt of Achaemenid sword
Overlay for a sword scabbard, Created Scythian culture, 5th - 4th century BC. Place of finding: Right bank of lower Dnieper region near Nikopol.
Source: Heremitage Internet pages
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Akinaka; gold scabbard, hilt
Also from the Hermitage but photographed by me in 2015. My Russian was not good enough to understand the text.
It is probably not much different from the one above.
Source: Photographed in the Hermitage in 2015
A "true" Akinaka found last year (2019) at "Mount Mamai" in the Ukraine. It dates from the 6th century BC
The detail shows the hilt after some cleaning.
Akinaka; gold scabbard, hilt
Akinaka; gold mount mamai
Source: All over the News / Net
Here we have a Scythian chieftain, one supposes, sitting on top of his kurgan. He is definitely a male of the species and made sure that you notice that. Besides the real things he also sports a bollocks type of akinaka. There is a likeness.
Scythian bollocks
Kurgan stelae of a Scythian (fondling his i-phone?) at Khortytsia, Ukraine
Insets show the bollocks parts with some contrast enhancement
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Source: Wikipedia
Here is a somewhat unusual Cimmerian dagger, with possible connections to weapons in the far east around 900 BC or so.
Cimmerian dagger
Cimmerian Iron dagger and gold faced scabbard.
Found in a mound burial near the village of Belogradec, Varna district (VII c. BC). National Archaeological Museum - Sofia
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Thracian sicas
Thracian sica
Thracian sica
Source: Found on Pininterest, original source not disclosed
Dacian dagger
Krummmesser, dakisch, 1. Jhdt. v. - 1. Jhdt. n. Chr.
Source: Hermann Historica auctions Fall 2022
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Here is a large picture of some other daggers / swords displayed in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg.
They come from the Hermitage homepage where you can find these pictures (after some searching).
The major data given are included.
If these weapons come from Urartu may be a bit uncertain; the museum doesn't mention it,
Urartu weapons; Hermitage
Swords / daggers from the Hermitage very much like the ones in the backbone part
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Here is a contrast-enhanced X-ray picture of the bollock part of Scythian akinaka No. 4.
It does show some internal structure (marked by the arrows) but I won't speculate what it might be besides
pointing out that the fained "lines" correspond to the continuation of the blade inside the guard bollocks.
X-ray akinaka
X-ray of bollock parts of a Scythian akinaka showing some peculiarities (marked by the arrows)
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Here are large pictures of the two akinakai discussed in the text:
Metallography akinaka
Akinaka No. 6 "as received" and after cleaning / grinding / polishing
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go to Part 1 Basics about Scythians and Their Akinakai

go to 11.1.4 Swords of Major Near East Powers in the 1st Millennium BC

go to Scythian Special Large Pictures

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go to First Iron Swords

go to Scythian Akinakai

go to Literature to "Scythian Special"

© H. Föll (Iron, Steel and Swords script)