Exercise 3.1-1

Class Exercises and Quick Questions to

3.1 Thin Films - General

Here are some class exercises and quick questions:
Interference causes the color of a thin film and betrays its thickness? Explain!
Give examples of what "thin" could mean in relation to intrinsic length scales. Provide (and discuss briefly) some intrinsic lengths, in particular with respect to semiconductors
Give a few numbers for the meaning of "thin":
  • Thickness of a human hair »» ????
  • Thickness of a gate oxide in an integrated transistor »» ????
  • Thickness of antireflection layers of optical lenses »» ????
  • Thickness of a thin film solar cell »» ????
  • Other examples you can come up with ???
Give some examples of thin film applications outside of semiconductor technology.
Give the equation for the capacity C of a parallel plate capacitor with plate area A for a maximum voltage of 10 V. How can you achieve maximum capacity and what are the limits? Hint: Consider field strength and relvant intrinsic length scales.

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© H. Föll (Semiconductor Technology - Script)