In order to just understand how the multi-branched band structures always found
in all semiconductor books are constructed, it is sufficient to combine the free electron gas model with the reduced band diagrams. |
In other words, we assume a periodic potential with infinitely small amplitude - we have the
full implications of Blochs theorem, but the dispersion curves from the free electron gas are unchanged. |
The old energy - wave
vector relation
E( k) = (2/2m) · k2
may be replaced by its periodic version in reciprocal space |
E(k + G) | = |
2 2m | · |
(k + G)2 |
Since the reduced band diagram simply prints the E(k + G) values in the
interval k = 0 to k = 2p /LG with L
G signifying the extension of the 1st Brillouin zone in the direction of G
, we may write |
| |
EG(k + G) |
= |
2 2m | · |
(k + G)2 |
with the subscript
G showing that we consider the dispersion curve along a certain direction in reciprocal
space. |
Reciprocal space can be tricky; if you understand German here is a link
with some details. |
The trick is that we can pick any reciprocal lattice vector
and add it to the k -vectors that are pointing in the chosen direction, and thus generate a whole system of
dispersion curves. |
Now a simple example: |
Lets take the [100] direction in reciprocal space for a bcc
crystal. i.e. the G H
direction as the direction for the k - vectors. This is
simply one of the the kx,y,z directions in the old free electron gas model, lets say the kx
direction. The values of kx range from 0 to 2p/ a
with a = lattice constant in real space. |
| |
The dispersion relation can now be written as |
E(k ) | = |
2 2m | · |
æ ç è |
2 p a |
· x · ix | + G |
ö ÷ ø |
2 |
With x = scalar space variable in reciprocal space, restricted
to the interval (0, 1), and ix = unit vector in x-direction in reciprocal
space. |
All we have to do now is to insert all possible values of G and see what we
get. |
For G = [000] we have the old dispersion relation: |
| |
E[000] (k) | = |
2 2m | · |
æ ç è |
2p a |
ö ÷ ø | 2 |
· | æ è
| x · ix |
ö ø | 2 |
:= | C · x2 |
For the sake of clarity we indexed E with the representation of the reciprocal lattice vector
describing this branch of the dispersion function. What we get is of course the blue branch in the band structur diagram
shown below |
Now we take a non-vanishing reciprocal lattice vector, e.g. G = [0,-1,0]. We
first express G in terms of the lattice obtaining
| |
Now we evaluate the dispersion relation. We obtain |
| E[0–10] |
= |
2 2m | · |
æ ç è |
2 p · x · ix a |
– |
2p · (ix + iz)
a | ö ÷ ø |
2 |
| E[0–10] |
= |
C · {ix · (x – 1) - iz }2 |
= |
C · (x2 – 2x + 2) |
In the allowed interval for x we thus obtain a parabolic branch with defined
end points at x = 0 and x = 1 |
E[0-10] (x = 0) = 2C |
E[0-10](x = 1) = C |
This is the red branch in the diagram below |
If we continue the procedure, we obtain the complete reduced band diagram
for the G
H branch and for all other branches we care to compute. This is shown below. |
| |
| | |
| |
Adding ± [100] simply means that we move in k - direction into the second Brillouin
zone. Indeed, we get the continuation of the G [000]-H branch - but folded back
into the first Brillouin zone as it should be. |
| |
© H. Föll (Semiconductors - Script)