Double sums over indexed parameters are usually bad enough, but doing arithmetic with the indices
is often a bit mind boggling. Lets look at this in some detail: |
We have the double sum over k'and G with both indices running from
–¥ to +¥. If, for the sake of simplicity,
we consider a one-dimensional case (i.e. k' now denotes just one component)
we have for the double sum |
| |
| = |
Ck' · VG · exp(i · [k'+ G]) · r) |
We can write this double sum as a matrix with, e.g., constant values of the Ck'
in a row
and constant values of the VG in a column
. Shown is the part with k' = 4 and k' = 5, and likewise G = 7, 8, 9. |
| |
| + |
| + |
| + |
| + |
C4 · V7 · exp(i(4 + 7)) |
+ |
C4 · V8 · exp(i(4 + 8)) |
+ |
C4 · V9 · exp(i(4 + 9)) |
+ | |
+ | |
+ | |
+ | |
+ |
C5 · V7 · exp(i(5 + 7)) |
+ |
C5 · V8 · exp(i(5 + 8)) |
+ |
C5 · V9 · exp(i(5 + 9)) |
+ | |
+ | |
+ | |
+ | |
Doing the sum does not depend on which way we take through the matrix, as long as we do not
drop any element. |
"Intuitively" one would tend to go horizontally
and back and forth through all the terms, but we can just as well move diagonally,
following the lines indicated by identical color. |
In this case, the exponent is constant, we can name it k. The sum over a diagonal now means
summing over all contributions where k' + G = const = k |
We thus can rewrite the double sum by adding up all the diagonals with fixed exponents and
obtain the expression used before: |
Ck' · VG · exp (i · [k' + G] · r) |
= |
Sk – GSG
Ck – G · VG · exp (ikr) |
© H. Föll (Semiconductors - Script)