Free Electron Gas in Crystals with Unequal Dimensions

If we consider a crystal with dimensions Lx, Ly, Lz, it has the volume V = Lx· Ly· Lz.
All we have to do is to replace the periodic boundary conditions y(x + L) = y(x) by:
y(x + Lx, y, z)  =  y(x , y + Ly, z)  =  y (x, y, z + Lz)  =  y(x, y, z)
This leads to simple expressions for the allowed wave vectors k:
kx  =  0,    ± 2p
,    ± 4p
,    ...
k   0,    ± 2p
,    ± 4p
,    ...
kz   0,    ± 2p
,    ± 4p
,    ..
The pre-exponential factor, which was (1/L)3/2, now changes to (1/V) 1/2.
Since all relevant quantities are usually expressed as densities, i.e. divided by V, and the quantization of k is usually given up in favor of a continuous range of k's, we may just as well stick to the more simple description of a crystal with equal sides - the results are the same.

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© H. Föll (Semiconductors - Script)