For each electron the spin can be \(+ 1/2\) or \(- 1/2\), leading to four possible states
According to the following table we can combine these states to get several states which differ in the values for the complete spin \(S\) and the component \(S_z\):
State | \(S\) | \(S_z\) | name | picture |
\(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left( \left|\uparrow \downarrow \right\rangle - \left|\downarrow \uparrow \right\rangle \right)\) | 0 | 0 | singlet | |
\(\left|\uparrow \uparrow \right\rangle \) | 1 | 1 | triplet | |
\(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left( \left|\uparrow \downarrow \right\rangle + \left|\downarrow \uparrow \right\rangle \right)\) | 1 | 0 | triplet | |
\(\left|\downarrow \downarrow \right\rangle \) | 1 | -1 | triplet | |
| \begin{equation*} h \psi(r) = \epsilon \psi(r) \label{h_one_e} \end{equation*} | (4.67) |
Let \(\psi_0(r)\) and \(\psi_1(r)\) be the solutions for the two lowest energy levels \(\epsilon_0\lt \epsilon_1\) of Eq. (4.67); the symmetric solution of the two electron state with the lowest energy is
| \begin{equation*} \psi_s(r_1,r_2) = \psi_0(r_1) \psi_0(r_2), \qquad E_s = 2 \epsilon_0 \label{psi_sym} \end{equation*} | (4.68) |
and the antisymmetric solution with the lowest energy is
| \begin{equation*} \psi_t(r_1,r_2) = \psi_0(r_1) \psi_1(r_2) - \psi_0(r_2) \psi_1(r_1), \qquad E_t = \epsilon_0 +\epsilon_1 \label{psi_antisym} \end{equation*} | (4.69) |
This leads to an energy gap between the singlet and triplet state of
| \begin{equation*} E_s - E_t = \epsilon_0 - \epsilon_1 \end{equation*} | (4.70) |
The singlet state will always be the ground state if the Coulomb coupling is negligible.
This singlet ground state corresponds perfectly to what we calculated in the last sections as the band
structure of a solid:
Neglect the electron-electron coupling
Calculate single electron states
Fill all states with electrons, starting with the lowest energy level,
with two electrons of opposite spin
We will never find a magnetic momentum
Now we apply the Ritz’ variational method to get approximations for \(\psi_0\) and \(\psi_1\). As a test function we chose a linear combination of the atomic wave functions with the lowest energies of both atoms
| \begin{equation*} \psi = \alpha_1 \Phi_1 + \alpha_2 \Phi_2 \end{equation*} | (4.71) |
For the expectation value for the energy we find
| \begin{equation*} S = \int \Phi_1^* \Phi_2 dV \qquad , \qquad H_{11} = \int \Phi_1^* h \Phi_1 dV = H_{22} \qquad \mbox{and} \qquad H_{12} = \int \Phi_1^* h \Phi_2 dV \qquad . \end{equation*} | (4.73) |
Minimizing Eq. (4.72) for \(\alpha_i\) we get a system of linear equations
| \begin{equation*} (H_{11} - \epsilon')^2-(H_{12} - \epsilon' S)^2 =0 \end{equation*} | (4.75) |
We find energy values
| \begin{equation*} \epsilon_{\pm}' = \frac{H_{11} \pm H_{12}}{1\pm S} \label{e_bonding_antibonding} \end{equation*} | (4.76) |
and Eigenvectors \(\alpha_1 = \alpha_2\) and \(\alpha_1 = -\alpha_2\), leading to
| \begin{equation*} \psi_0= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left( \Phi_1 + \Phi_2 \right) \label{psi__0} \end{equation*} | (4.77) |
| \begin{equation*} \psi_1= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left( \Phi_1 - \Phi_2 \right) \label{psi__1} \end{equation*} | (4.78) |
So according to Eq. (4.68) the complete symmetric wave function is calculated as
and the antisymmetric one:
| \begin{equation*} \psi_t(r_1, r_2) = \frac{1}{2} \left\{ \Phi_2(r_1)\Phi_1(r_2) - \Phi_1(r_1)\Phi_2(r_2) \label{psi_antisym_2} \right\} \end{equation*} | (4.80) |
Eq. (4.79)
is an excellent solution of the Schrödinger equation (4.64) for negligible Coulomb interaction.
Not taking into account the lattice periodicity and
the large number of atoms in a solid we repeated the LCAO-calculation:
we determined the same matrix-elements
using atomic orbitals as components, we solved an Eigenvalue problem
the result is a linear combination of atomic orbitals.
We will check now, if the singlet state is as well a good approximation in the case of strong Coulomb interaction as it is included in the Schrödinger equation (4.62):
The first two terms in Eq. (4.79) describe a state where the electrons are located at different atoms. Even if the Coulomb interaction is strong, the effect will be small, since the additional Coulomb energy of these states to the complete energy is small (especially if the distance between both atoms is relatively large).
The last two terms describe a state of two electrons, located at the same atom. Independent of the distance of both atoms, the Coulomb energy will be large, leading to a strong increase of the energy of the singlet-state.
The last two terms describe a charged H\(^{-}\)-Ion and a proton. This is not a very precise picture of the physical state if the electron-electron-repulsion is important.
This problem does not occur in the triplet-state of Eq. (4.80); consequently the triplet-state (with magnetic moments) can be preferred in systems with a strong Coulomb-interaction.
The same effect we find in a solid of highly correlated electrons. In such systems the approach of separating the state into single-electron-states completely fails.
© J. Carstensen (Quantum Mech.)