4.6 General solution of LCAO

1) The quantum mechanical point of view

Hint: the above considerations hold for all perturbation approaches in quantum mechanics.
We multiply the Schrödinger equation of the solid

 \begin{equation*} H \psi(r) = \left( H_{at} + \Delta U(r)\right) \psi(r) = \epsilon(k) \psi(r) \end{equation*}(4.36)

with the atomic wave function \(\psi_m^*(r)\), integrate over the complete space by taking into account

 \begin{equation*} \int \psi_m^*(r) H_{at} \psi(r) dV = E_m \int \psi_m^*(r)\psi(r) dV \end{equation*}(4.37)

Thus we find

 \begin{equation*} (\epsilon(k) - E_m) \int \psi_m^*(r)\psi(r) dV = \int \psi_m^*(r)\Delta U(r) \psi(r) dV \qquad . \end{equation*}(4.38)

Including Eq. (4.35) and using the orthogonal relation

 \begin{equation*} \int \psi_m^*(r) \psi_n(r) dV = \delta_{mn} \end{equation*}(4.39)

we get the Eigenvalue equation for the calculation of the coefficients \(b_n(k)\) and the band energies \(\epsilon(k)\):

 \begin{equation*} \label{lcao1} \begin{split} (\epsilon(k) - E_m) b_m = & - (\epsilon(k) - E_m) \sum\limits_n \left(\sum\limits_{R\neq 0} \int \psi_m^*(r)\psi_n(r-R) e^{i k R} dV\right) b_n \\ & + \sum\limits_n \left(\int \psi_m^*(r) \Delta U(r)\psi_n(r) dV \right) b_n \\ & + \sum\limits_n \left( \sum\limits_{R\neq 0} \int \psi_m^*(r) \Delta U(r)\psi_n(r-R)e^{i k R} dV \right) b_n \end{split} \end{equation*}(4.40)
2) The quantum mechanical point of view

Let us estimate the right hand side of Eq. (4.40):
The first term:

 \begin{equation*} \left\|\int \psi_m^*(r)\psi_n(r-R)e^{i k R} dV \right\|\leq \int \left\|\psi_m^*(r)\psi_n(r-R)\right\| dV \label{lcao2} \end{equation*}(4.41)

Fig. 4.1 demonstrates that for well localized states the right hand side of Eq. (4.41) should be quite small, since atomic wave functions of different lattice points are multiplied.
The second term:

 \begin{equation*} \int \psi_m^*(r)\Delta U(r) \psi_n(r) dV \label{lcao3} \end{equation*}(4.42)

Since we assume a small perturbation for the atomic wave function, we find an anticorrelation between the regions where the wave function is large and the regions where \(\Delta U (r)\) is large. Thus the term of Eq. (4.42) is small as well.
This considerations hold again for the third term.
Consequently the right hand side of Eq. (4.40) is small, i.e.

 \begin{equation*} \mbox{for} \qquad b_m\gg 0 \qquad \mbox{we find} \qquad \left( \epsilon(k) - E_m \right)\approx 0 \label{lcao4} \end{equation*}(4.43)

We take benefit from the above considerations in Eq. (4.41) - (4.43) to get a good approximation for the band energies \(\epsilon (k) \) by

  1. taking into account only atomic levels \(n\) which have energies close to the Fermi energy,

  2. taking into account only neighboring lattice sites when summing up lattice vectors,

  3. using the integrals of the form (4.41) partly as fit parameters.

This approximations simplify the numerical and analytical effort in several ways:


This are the typical sizes of LCAO-approximations; if more states are necessary for a good description of the system, normally the overlap between the states is so large that an expansion into plane waves is more appropriate.

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© J. Carstensen (Quantum Mech.)