The mathematical description of a plane wave combines the properties of the scalar product,
the vector product, and the complex exponential function; so in can serve as a very good example to illustrate the geometrical
properties of this three concepts.
The most illustrative way to define the set of vectors pointing
to a plane wave is given by
\[\vec{r}=\vec{r}_0+\alpha \vec{a}+\beta \vec{b};\] |
here \(\vec{r}_0\) is a vector from the origin to a point of the plane,
\(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{b}\) are two non parallel vectors lying in the plane and \(\alpha\)
and \(\beta\) are two real numbers.
A normal vector of the plane can be calculated by
\[\vec{N}= \vec{a}\times \vec{b}.\] |
This normal vector can be used to define the set of vectors pointing to the plane by
\[\left\langle \vec{N}\right|\left. \vec{r}\right\rangle = \left\langle \vec{N}\right|\left. \vec{r}_0\right\rangle .\] |
i.e. all vectors pointing to the plane have the same projection onto the normal
vector of the plane.
A moving plane thus is represented by
\[\left\langle \vec{N}\right|\left. \vec{r}\right\rangle = \left\langle \vec{N}\right|\left. \vec{r}_0\right\rangle + v\; t\quad;\] |
here \(v\) is the speed of the plane in the direction of the normal vector.
A plane wave typically is written as
\[\exp i \;\left(\left\langle \vec{k}\right|\left. \vec{r}\right\rangle - \omega\; t \right)=\exp i \;\left(\vec{k} \; \vec{r} - \omega\; t \right)\quad;\] |
here \(\vec{k}\) is again the normal vector to the plane (the length is \(k = \left|\vec{k}\right|=\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\), \(\lambda\): wave lenght), \(\omega=\frac{2\pi}{T}\) (\(T\): period), and the velocity of the plane wave is \(c = \frac{\omega}{k}\).
Real part and imaginary part of the exponential function are solutions as well. Examples
are shown in the following animation.
© J. Carstensen (Math for MS)