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Celtic sculpture dates to about 400 BC. It is from Glauberg, not far
from Frankfurt / Main, where it was found in connection with a large tumulus, the grave of a Celtic noble. It is made from sandstone and represents the certainly best preserved and possible oldest full-sized free-standing sculpture of a human in Northern Europe. Uta von Naumburg is one of the famous figures in the Naumburger Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, Germany. It was created by an anonymous medieval sculptor known as the "Naumburg Master". His works date to the middle of the 13th century and are counted among the most important artworks of the Middle Ages. The Naumburg Master very likely learned his craft in northern France in the heyday of the High Gothic style. He was active in Noyon, Amiens, and Reims around 1225, and possibly also later in Metz. The twelve monumental donor portraits in the west choir of the Naumburg Cathedral are considered his masterpieces, and it is from thence that his name derives. |
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The lady on the left is one of many one encounters in Dresden,
Germany, about everywhere. It is probably a plaster cast from some original and dates to about 1710. Since I know that you have a keen interest in art, I give you a few more below. The Lady on the right can be found in the Copenhagen museum and dates back to Roman times. | ||||||
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Ladies in Dresden. | ||||||
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Here are six pictures showing the use of "power". All
those things were still complex (and very dangerous) machines in 1550. What we have is: Upper tier
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Bessemer converter stands outside the Kelham Island Museum in Sheffield / England.
Sheffield is a big name with respect to iron and steel as I don't need to tell you. |
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Those things were huge! You can see why the Bessemer process allowed some "economy of
scale" and thus went a long way in solving the biggest problem of the early iron / steel industry. | ||||||
This schematic drawing of a Siemens-Martin regenerative furnace I made myself following some old original. I kept some of the original lettering like "dead burnt magnesite" and added some of my own. There have been more kinds of brick and other construction materials than indicated. | ||||||
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The working principle is clear. The fuel gas (coal gas) and air are fed to the left stack
of hot bricks and heat up during the passage upwards. The hot gases ignite and provide a "super" hot flame. The exhaust, including the stuff coning out of the pig iron, flows out to the left and heats up the brick stack there. After some time, the valves are turned and sides changes - flame from the left, exhaust going out to the right. I don't know what kinds of pumps were used for pressurizing the gases. | ||||||
This was a "poster" coming with "Meyers Konversationslexikon"
from 1885-1892. It shows all kind of steel making equipment in great detail. |
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This is the very last Siemens-Martin
furnace. It was part of a steel mill in Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany; now it is a museum. It produced steel from 1914 - 1993. When it was shut down the era of Siemens-Martin furnaces was finally over. This thing is big! Look at the ladder (lower left-hand corner; arrow) to get an idea of the scale. |
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This is the group of knights in full armor in the Metropolitan Museum, NYC. | ||||||
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This picture is from 1920. It supposedly shows "how a puddler
and his helper remove a 150-pound, near molten ball of wrought (?) iron from a puddling furnace at Youngstown Sheet & Tubes Campbell Works in the 1920s". That is a rather late time for puddling but simple shows that old techniques often survive for quite a while after they had become obsolete in principle. | ||||||
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Critical Museum Guide: Metropolitan Museum, NYC
Critical Museum Guide: Landesmuseum Württemberg; Württemberg State Museum, Stuttgart, Germany
Critical Museum Guide: Museums in Copenhagen
Steel Revolution. 1. The Kelly - Bessemer Process
10.5.3 Making Steel after 1870
10.5.2 Making Steel up to 1870
Steel Revolution. 3. The Siemens - Martin Process
Odds and Ends about Researching the History of Iron Technology
© H. Föll (Iron, Steel and Swords script)