4.2 Optimizing Images

4.2.1 Background Options for Gif Formats

Some image formats, especially "gif", allow to manipulate the background color.
This is essentially a consequence of the data compression technique, where only a limited number of colors - the palette - is used.
The palette, however, is not fixed, but calculated for each image for optimum color fidelity. A picture of a landscape, e.g. may contain several shades of green in the palette, while portraits will expand the red and yellow hues.
The colors used for a palette are numbered internally and you can find the color number in the following way:
Load a .gif image in Paint Shop Pro and click on the "pipette" symbol ("Farbauswahl"). Move it on any color in your image and watch the color menu on the right hand side. Below the listing for Red, Green and Blue, an "I" with a number will appear - this is the internal number for the color you picked.
You now can manipulate one of the colors contained in the image - usually the background color - when you save the picture, e.g., by making this color transparent. This means that the chosen color will not appear in the context of the setting for the picture, but that the background color of the master document into which the picture may be embedded will be seen instead.
This applies directly to .gif pictures embedded in a HTML document. Paint Shop Pro offers four choices how this can be done:
When you click on "save" (Sichern als"), you have can open a menu "options" ("Options"). Click on it (and don't forget to save it as ".gif"). There are four choices:
"Beibehalten der Transparenz-Information der Datei" ("Keep the transparency information of the file"). This means that if the picture already has some setting for the transparency of one color, this setting will be kept.
Keine Transparenz-Information speichern (Do not safe any transparency information). This means that nothing will be transparent after you safe the picture.
Setzen des Transparenzwertes für die Hintergrundfarbe (Make the background color transparent). If you chose this option, the background color (as determined by Paint Shop Pro) will be the color that becomes transparent.
"Setzen des Transparenzwertes im Paletteneintrag" (Make the chosen color transparent) - with a choice of a number via a menu. To use this, you first have to find the number of the color you want to be transparent with the "pipette" (Farbauswahl). Then you indicate that number in the menu; it will be transparent after saving the picture.
Try it with some pictures. Use a photography and a drawing and see how Paint Shop pro will determine the background color

index.gif zurueck.gif