Essentials of the bipolar transistor: |
High emitter doping (NDon for npn transistor
here) in comparison to base doping NAc for large current amplification factor g
= IC/IB. | |
NDon/NAc »
k = injection ratio. | |
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g | » |
NDon NAc | · |
æ ç è | 1 – |
dbase L | ö ÷ ø
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Small base width dbase (relative to diffusion length L)
for large current amplification. | |
Not as easy to make as the band-diagram suggests! |
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Essentials of the MOS transistor: |
| Band diagram for inversion |
Gate voltage enables Source-Drain current |
Essential process. Inversion of majority carrier type in channel below gate by:
- Drive intrinsic majority carriers into bulk by gate voltage with same sign as majority carriers.
- Reduced majority concentration nmaj below gate increases minority carrier concentration nmin
via mass action law
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- An inversion channel with nmin > nmaj develops below the gate as soon
as threshold voltage UTh is reached.
- Current now can flow because the reversely biased pn-junction between either source or drain and the region below
the gate has disappeared.
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The decisive material is the gate dielectric (usually SiO2).
Basic requirement is: | | |
High capacity CG of the gate electrode - gate dielectric -
Si capacitor = high charge QG on electrodes = strong band bending = low threshold voltages
UG | |
It follows: - Gate dielectric thickness dDi
Þ High breakdown field strength UBd
- Large dielectric constant er
- No interface states.
- Good adhesion, easy to make / deposit, easy to structure, small leakage currents, ...
U = 5 V, dDi = 5 nm Þ E = U/dDi
= 107 V/cm !!
er(SiO2) = 3.9 |
Integration means: | |
1. Produce a large number (up to of transistors
(bipolar or MOS) and other electronic elements on a cm2 of Si |
2. Keep thoses elements electrically insulated from each other. |
3. Connect those elements in a meaningful way to produce a system / product. |
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An integrated bipolar transistor does not resemble the textbook picture at all,
but looks far more complicated Þ. |
This is due to the insulation requirements, the process requirements, and the need to interconnect
as efficiently as possible. | |
The epitaxial layer cuts down on the number of critical diffusions, makes insulation easier,
and allows a "buried contact" structure. | |
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Connecting transistor / elements is complicated; it has to be done on several
levels | |
Materials used are Al ("old"), Cu ("new"), W, (highly
doped) poly-Si as well as various silicides. | |
Essential properties are the conductivity s of the conductor,
the dielectric constant er of the intermetal dielectric, and the resulting
time constant t = s · er
that defines the maximum signal transmision frequency through the conducting line. |
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Integrating MOS transistors requires special measures for insulation (e.g.
a field oxide) and for gate oxide production | |
Since a MOS transistor contains intrinsically a capacitor (the gate "stack"),
the technology can be used to produce capacitors, too. | |
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CMOS allows to reduce power consumption dramatically. |
The process, however, is more complex: Wells with different doping type need to be made. |
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Using the third dimension (depth / height) might become necessary for integrating
"large" structures into a small projected are (example: trench capacitor in DRAMs Þ). |
Unwanted "topology", however, makes integration more difficult. |
Planarized technologies are a must since about 1995! Þ |
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It ain't neither easy nor cheap! |
Property | Number |
Feature size | 0,2 µm |
No. metallization levels | 4 - 7 |
No. components | > 6 · 108 (Memory) |
Complexity | > 500 Process steps |
Cost (development and 1 factory) |
ca. $ 6 · 109 |
Typical wafer size for new factories (2007) : 300 mm diameter, 775
µm thickness, flatness in lower µm region | |
Chip size a few cm2, much smaller if possible |
Yield Y = most important parameter in chip production = % of chips on a wafer
that function (= can be sold). | |
Y = 29 % is a good value for starting production |
Chip making = running about 20 times (roughly!!) through "materials"
- "structuring" loop. | |
About 400 - 600 individual processing steps (= in / out of special "machine")
before chip is finished on wafer | |
More than 30 processing steps for packaging (after separation of chips by cutting) |
Simple estimate: 99.9% perfection for each processing step meansY < 70
%. | |
Dirt in any form - as "particles" on the surface of wafer, or as "contamination"
inside the wafer is almost always deadly | |
Particles with sized not much smaller than minimum feature sizes (i.e. < 10
nm in 2007) will invariably cover structures and lead to local dysfunction of a transistor or whatever. |
Point defects like metal atoms in the Si lattice may precipitate and cause local short
circuits etc. from the "inside", killing transistors |
One dysfunctional transistor out of or so is enough to kill a chip! |
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Being extremely clean is absolutely mandatory for high Yields Y! |
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Use cleanrooms and hyper-clean materials! |
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It won't be cheap! | |
© H. Föll (Electronic Materials - Script)