Exercise 8.2-1

Quick Questions to

8.2 Making Bulk Si Solar Cells

Here are some quick questions
Discuss the basic requirements for mass production of solar cells including technical constraints resulting from economical boundary conditions
Describe the essential production steps of a mc-Si solar cell. Start with suitable poly-Si and discuss essential problems encountered with the solutions. Use schematic drawings.
Describe "anti reflection" technologies.
Compare screen-printing for the deposition of the metallic grid on a Si solar cell to other layer deposition methods.
Hint: Consider that a good solar cell may deliver 5 A at 0.5 V and consider how that converts into thickness requirements of the metal grid layer. The specific resistivity rof a decent metal is about 2 µWcm, the resistance R for a cross sectional area of A cm2 and a length l is R = r · l / A.

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© H. Föll (Semiconductor Technology - Script)