Mistake in Picture

What is wrong with this picture as shown in the backbone?
Pair generatiOn
Well, let's look at the correct version:
Pair generatiOn in k-space
In k-space the only possible states for electrons and holes are right on the dispersion curve. An electron just somewhere as in the wrong picture, would have a combination of energy E and k-vector (or, same thing, momentum) that simply does not exist.
Of course, by drawing it 100 % correctly, there would be so many things at the same point (e.g. tip/end of arrows, symbol for hole, dispersion curve) that the drawing becomes hard to "read".

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go to 2.2.3 Life Time and Diffusion Length

go to Band-Bending and Surface Charge

go to Solution to 3.1.1

© H. Föll (Semiconductors - Script)