For the description of a quantum mechanical system of several particles we need an additional
5. Quantum mechanical particles are principally indistinguishable.
axiom is necessary, because for the description of the complete system we normally use a representation in which the state
of each electron is determined.
Let \(n_i\) be a set of quantum numbers; the complete
state is then described by
| \begin{equation*} | \psi \rangle = |n_1, n_2, n_3, ...\rangle \end{equation*} | (3.22) |
As long as the system is not disturbed, e.g. by measuring single electrons, no single
electrons exist. Single electrons which may be detected are generated by the measurement. Before a measurement has been
performed no single ”particles” exist.
To emphasize this fact, a system of non-interacting
electrons in a solid is often called ”Jellium”. This describes the non-local character of the electrons. Another
example is the use of the phrase ”Fermi-sea”.
This has to be considered when calculating
many-particle systems.
© J. Carstensen (Quantum Mech.)