3.4 Why do atoms radiate light?

Eq. (3.6) already demonstrated that in a mixed state of Eigenvalues, not belonging to the same energy-Eigenvalue, the fraction of each state changes as a function of time. The consequences for this changing state shall be discussed in what follows. As an example we take a state of two Eigenfunctions with different energies:

 \begin{equation*} \psi(t, \vec{r}) = c_1 f_1(\vec{r}) e^{i \omega_1 t} + c_2 f_2(\vec{r}) e^{i \omega_2 t} \end{equation*}(3.14)

For the probability density we find

 \begin{equation*} \psi^*(t, \vec{r}) \psi(t, \vec{r}) = |c_1 f_1(\vec{r})|^2 + |c_2 f_2(\vec{r})|^2 + 2 c_1 c_2 f_1 f_2 \cos (\omega_1 - \omega_2) t \end{equation*}(3.15)

The probability density of the electron will thus change harmonically with the rotation frequency \( (\omega_1 - \omega_2)\). This will in generally lead to a periodic change in the charge distribution, respectively of the dipole moment of the atom. Since the charge density is defined by

 \begin{equation*} e \psi^*(t, \vec{r}) \psi(t, \vec{r}) d^3r \qquad , \end{equation*}(3.16)

we find for the complete dipole moment

 \begin{equation*} \langle \vec{P}\rangle = e \int \psi^*(t, \vec{r}) \vec{r} \psi(t, \vec{r}) d^3r\qquad . \label{dipolemom} \end{equation*}(3.17)

Defining the matrix elements

 \begin{equation*} \vec{M}_{i j} = e \int f_i^*(\vec{r}) \vec{r} f_j(\vec{r}) d^3r \qquad , \label{m_elements} \end{equation*}(3.18)

Eq. (3.17) can be rewritten as

 \begin{equation*} \langle \vec{P}\rangle = |c_1|^2 \vec{M}_{1 1} + |c_2|^2 \vec{M}_{2 2} + 2 c_1 c_ 2 \vec{M}_{1 2} \cos (\omega_2- \omega_1) t \qquad . \end{equation*}(3.19)

i.e. the dipole moment of the atom will change periodically. Consequently the atom serves as a sender for electromagnetic radiation with the frequency \( (\omega_2- \omega_1)\). It will loose power in the state with the higher energy. After a short time the atom will be in the ground state which is not a mixed state.

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© J. Carstensen (Quantum Mech.)