De Re Metallica

Hier ist das Titelblatt zu "De Re Metallica" von Agricola:
De Re Metallica
Historisch gesehen, eines der wichtigeren Bücher. In der "Zeit" vom 18.3. 1994 wurde Agricola zu seinem 500. Geburtstag eine ganze Seite gewidmet:
Agricola in der Zeit
Am Rande ist folgendes noch ganz interessant:
The mining engineer Herbert Hoover (1874 – 1964), together with his wife, translated in his spare time the famous book "De Re Metallica" by Agricola, from Latin to English. in 1912. In some footnotes he offered his thoughts on the history of iron, in particular that the iron age began much earlier than is usually assumed. The iron plate of Gizeh was interpreted as a clear hint that very early Egyptians could produce iron. And yes, H. Hoover was also the 31st President of the United States from 1929 to 1933. Those were the good old times when American Presidents could not just read and write but even understood foreign languages. In 2019 things have changed.

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