Motivation for Hyperscripts
Written around 2000 |
While doing a "quick" special lecture
for advanced students ("Defects in Crystals"), the need arouse to
produce some lecture notes and viewgraphs with pictures. |
While these notes were mainly for the lecturer,
the idea was to produce a conventional script some time later and therefore a
decision was made to write everything into the PC from the very beginning (as
opposed to the more usual way of having a large number of crumbled up notes
that only the producer - with luck - can decipher). |
While this took some discipline (not to mention
the fights with the idiosyncracies of word+windows), an unexpected side benefit
emerged: |
The result quickly lost all similarities to short
notes and started to resemble a script if not a book. |
This happy fact coincided with the urgent wish of
some politicians and university strategists "to do something" with
the Internet in teaching. |
In due time a project was created with the goal of converting
the lecture notes to HTML. Some brave (or reckless?) people told us that this
was easy - Wolfgang Lippik, having just finished his Ph.D.
thesis in Materials Science, and being imbued with some affinity to PCs and
some money from a grant, started to work on this assumption. |
Well, the result (the hyperscript "Defekte in Kristallen") can be inspected
on-line. However - it was not easy! |
Wolfgang Lippik, in desperation, even wrote some software to
convert "word" files to HTML files since HTML editors did not then
exist . |
More important, however, he convinced his
Professor (me), that all things considered, it would be far easier for
everybody concerned, if I would write my notes in HTML from the start. |
He not only convinced me, he taught me HTML with the help of
an early version of HoTMetaL that became then available. |
An interesting side effect was that some coworkers - Ph.D.
students, senior scientists etc. - who almost by definition know a lot more
about computers and programming then their Professor - felt that this was a
serious thread to their superiority and commenced to look into HTML, too. |
As a first side result, we started a lecture course, centered
around J. Carstensen, where the knowledge
about the Internet, HTML etc. was passed on to interested students (by now with
its own Hyperscript "HTML"). |
More important, however, the idea came up to
create a Hyperscript for all lectures
taught within my chair of Materials Science. |
In particular, the two beginner courses "Introduction to
Materials Science I + II" (in short: MatSci I + II) were believed to be
prime targets for hyperscripts for the following reasons: |
These lecture courses are taught in the 3rd and
4th term of all engineering students of the Technical Faculty - including ,
besides Materials Scientists, Electrical Engineers and Computer Engineers. |
The lectures thus naturally were supposed to
emphasize semiconductors as the unifying factor for all engineers. |
Understanding a p-n-junction quantitatively,
however, needs a lot of solid state physics and thermodynamics on a not so
trivial level. No lectures or text books meeting these requirements could be
found, so MatSci I + II were composed from scratch. |
A conventional script was duly written, but found
to be too conventional. Since absolutely necessary ingredients like, e.g.
crystallography, reciprocal lattice, Schrödinger equation, wave vectors,
Boltzmann- and Fermi distributions, Fermi energy, or band structures are always
taught on an advanced level (assuming as a matter of course that everybody is
familiar with quantum theory and thermodynamics), new ways of introducing the
subjects to students not knowing quantum theory and the like needed to be
found; which is easier said then done. |
Hyperscripts offered a solution to many problems
in teaching MatSci I + II. To give a few examples, it should be possible, in
principle, to: |
Make it less tedious to understand basic
crystallography by using many illustrations, animations and the like - helping
to grasp the (difficult) three-dimensional aspects of the subject matter. |
Make it easier to grasp the basic concepts of
quantum theory by providing many faces of the subject using the interlinked
"basic" "illustrations" and "advanced"
levels. |
Make the Math much easier by
solving equations with the computer. The Fermi
energy EF of a semiconductor, e.g., is determined by a
single equation with the one unknown EF. But since we have a
transcendental equation that we cannot solve on the blackboard, we resort to
split the issue into special cases and use mathematical approximations - very
confusing if your first priority is simply to understand, e.g., the carrier
concentration in semiconductors as a function of temperature and doping. Solve
the equation numerically, pluck the result into the Boltzmann distribution -
and here you are! Possible in a hyperscript
some JAVA. |
Make learning easier by providing all kinds of
on-line exercises and examples. |
Make learning more interesting by providing
connections - you start with dislocations and suddenly find yourself reading
Internet papers about the art of making a Japanese or "true"
damascene sword. |
Make learning more contextual by providing links
to historical developments or philosophical issues. |
Make learning more fun by providing the
occasional comic relief. |
The list could be easily enlarged in this vein
(try the guided tour for
examples), but one key issue would still be missing: |
It is actually more than just fun - as its
happens, the Hyperscripts sort of developed into my
personal data base. |
As soon as there is enough coverage of all the
scientific issues necessary for teaching materials science (and that level was
reached sometime in 2000), there is not much out there in current research, new
marvels technology, history of science, idiocies of media, and so on and so
forth, that can not be included somewhere on the appropriate level. |
This is not only fun - what emerges are connections. Everything relates to everything - the
world becomes a little bit more coherent. |
I do not claim, however, that this is particular
useful for students. But - after pouring a
lot of time work and sweat into teaching as best as one can - forget the
students! Have fun yourself. |