No Frame


"Electronic Materials"

© H. Föll


Hyperscripts of AMAT:
General Information


L. A. A. Warnes: Electronic Materials
  Rather theoretical in some points (includes much of what has been taught in the undergraduate course "Einführung in die Materialwissenschaft I + I"), not too many illustrations and examples.

Good, rather short survey of Si microelectronics technology, perfectly suited to the course.
Recommended; will be in the library
S. P. Murarka, M. P. Peckerar: Electronic Materials Science and Technology
Exclusively semiconductor technology.
OK for this part of the course, otherwise not usable.
R. E. Hummel: Electronic Properties of Materials
Rather involved, using quantum theory.
Strong emphasize on optics, but not much about dielectric properties at low frequencies
Generally very good and to be recommended for Materials Scientists who want to dig deeper.
Several copies in the library
G. F. Fasching: Werkstoffe für die Elektrotechnik
Only available in german!
"Classic" for Electrical Engineers. 3rd edition finally contains modern materials. Fully sufficient for the course.
Several copies in the library
W. v.Münch: Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik
Only available in German!
Short, cheap and application oriented book; not always sufficient in theory, but good enough for most topics.
Several copies in the library
Ian P. Jones: Materials Science for Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Rather new and rather elementary. But very good for catching up on background knowledge and very good reading.
Many modern applications and examples are included
Several copies in the library
Donald R. Askeland: The Science and Engineering of Materials
Covers far more than Electronic Materials (but with less depth)
Undergraduate Level
Clear and to the point