1.3 Required Reading and Exercises

1.3.1 General Remarks

This course is now (fall term 2004) a required course in four different study programs:
Study program "Diplom-Ingenieur Elektrotechnik".
Study program "Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieur Elektrotechnik".
Study program "Diplom-Ingenieur Materialwissenschaft".
Study program "Master of Materials Science and Engineering".
Students in this programs have different backgrounds and different expectations. In order to provide a common platform to start from, there wil be some required reading.
The required reading modules are from the Hyperscript "Introduction to Materials Science II" from the Study program "Diplom-Ingenieur Materialwissenschaft".
They are reproduced in this Hyperscript and, wherever necessary, translated into English.
Exercises in any format and possibly questions in the exam will assume that you are thoroughly familiar with the topics contained in the required reading modules.
Required reading Modules are shown in
in the Matrix of Modules

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