Exercise 5.2.1 Fresnel Cofficients

Consider an unpolarized light beam hitting the surface of an isotropic glass with n = 1,5 at right angles (a = 0o).
Hint: to avoid 0/0 situations consider small a and b with cosa, b = 1.
Derive the simplified Fresnel equations as given in the script for a = 0o
How much of the light will be reflected?
What is the phase relation between incoming, reflected and transmitted light?
How does the beam leave the crystal (Intensity and polarization)
Now consider these questions for some polarization of the incoming light.

Link to the solution


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go to 5.2.2 Fresnel Equations

go to Solution to Exercise 5.2-1: Fresnel Coefficients

go to Solution to Exercise 5.2-1: Fresnel Equations and LEDs

go to Solution to 5.2-3: Attenuation of Light

go to Solution to Exercise 5.2-3: Rayleight Scattering

go to Solution to 5.2-4: Fresnel Equations and Polarization

© H. Föll (Advanced Materials B, part 1 - script)