Values for dielectric constants

Here are some values for dielectric constants:
First, some of themore interesting materials with electronic polarization at work, at least to some noticeable extent.
Static er for some semiconductors.
Covalent bonding Covalent and ionic bonding
Electronic polarization is the main mechanism Mix of electronic and ionic polarization
C 5.7 ZnO 4.6
Si 12.0 ZnS 5.1
Ge 16.0 ZnSe 5.8
SiC 6.7 CdS 5.2
GaP 8.4 CdSe 7.0
GaAs 10.9 BeO 3.0
InP 9.6 MgO 3.0
The numbers are from "Solid State Physics" of Ashcroft / Mermin
(an advanced text book).
Next, some numbers for ionic crystals. Besides the static er(w = 0), the value er(w = ¥) for very high frequencies is also given. This means that after ionic polarizaton "dies out", there is still some electronic polarization left.
Static and high-frequency er for some ionic crystals
Crystal er(w = 0) er(w = ¥)
LiF 9.01 1.96
NaF 5.05 1.74
KF 5.46 1.85
LiCl 11.95 2.78
NaCl 5.90 2.34
KCl 4.84 2.19
LiBr 13.25 3.17
NaBr 6.28 2.59
LiI 16.85 3.80
NaI 7.28 2.93
The numbers are from "Solid State Physics" of Ashcroft / Mermin
(an advanced text book).

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© H. Föll (Advanced Materials B, part 1 - script)