III-V semiconducrors combine the group III elements Al, Ga, In) with the group
V elements N, P , As, Sb; giving 12 possible combinations. | |
Properties |
Si | GaAs |
InP | GaP |
GaN |
In0,53Ga0,47As |
Band gap [eV] |
1,12 | 1,42 |
1,35 | 2,26 | 3.39
| 0,75 | Type |
Indirect | Direct |
Direct |
Indirect |
Direct | Direct |
Lattice | fcc |
fcc | fcc | fcc |
hex | fcc |
The most important ones are probably GaAs, InP
GaP and GaN | |
Band gap energies and types vary; lattices are zincblende / sphalerite (= fcc) or wurtzite
( = hex). | |
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Ternary and quaternary (IIIxIII1-xVyV1-y)
compounds are relatively easy to make. | |
Properties like band gap, lattice constant, refractive index then adjustable to some extent. |
Main materials for optoelectronic products. Some high-speed and sensor applications. |
"Master diagram" = bandgap vs. lattice constant is of elementary importance for
semiconductor technology. | |
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© H. Föll (Semiconductor Technology - Script)