Microstructure of Cast Steel |
Here is the picture from the backbone
once more: |
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At "1" is the surface, around "6" the center of the cross--section through
a round wire with 13 mm diameter. It is "1.5535 - 22MnB4" steel (or rather normal steel) with about (0,20
- 0,25) % C, 0,30 % Si, (0,90 - 1,20) % Mn and not much else, produced by continuous casting with magnetically stirred melt. |
You don't see much at this magnification. Looking a bit closer at the structure
around the numbers in the overview above reveals: |
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Structure of a cast steel - close to the edge |
We see the chill layer close to the surface and a transition to dendrites with a preferred
orientation. |
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Structure of a cast steel |
Well formed dendrites pointing in the same direction (to the center) in the outer region.
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Structure of a cast steel |
Transition region from oriented dendrites to more randomly arranged dendrites. That is a consequence
of reduced supercooling and reduced growth speed. |
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Structure of a cast steel |
Randomly oriented dendrites in the transition region. |
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Structure of a cast steel |
Central region with coarse equi-axed grains |
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Structure of a cast steel |
The very centre, with smaller grains due to final macro-segregation (largest impurity and alloy
element concentration here). |
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Don't complain, I did say that reality is far messier than what we like to show in nice schematic
figures! |
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© H. Föll (Iron, Steel and Swords script)