© Dr. J. Carstensen and Prof. Dr. H. Föll

University of Kiel; Faculty of Engineering

General Remarks

Presently, this is an incomplete collection of lecture notes covering large parts of the courses HTML. In time this may evolve into a full hyperscript.
There are still many omissions and mistakes. Use at your own risk
If you want to participate or comment, please contact
H. Föll
J. Carstensen

Before you Start

Use the Microsoft Explorer as Browser (sorry), but most others (especially Mozilla) have problems with symbols (e.g. greek letters) and will turn most equations into a mess.
Use "Times New Roman" as Font to be on the safe side.

How to Start

Use the the Menu.
Click on "Introduction" and start at the beginning
Go the direct way

Menu Information

The menu has four different kinds of buttons:
The  button opens the files with all the information about the currently running (or upcoming) term.
The  buttons open the chapter 1 to 8 of the Hyperscript
The  buttons open some global informations for exercises and assignments and about the groups doing them.
The  buttons open metafiles, i.e. information about the Hyperscript and the course.
The contents of the various metafiles is pretty obvious except for "Matrix":
The Matrix file gives a complete listing of all modules contained in the hyperscript in an array defined by the chapters and the levels of the hyperscript.
If you are really curious about the Hyperscripts of AMAT, you will find some information including a guided tour in the link